Forum Post: Success! early reports "Black Friday" sales are flat.
Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 4:36 p.m. EST by dca2012
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Early reports are saying sales from today are flat. While it would have been great to see these big businesses LOSE sales, falling flat is still a win for us.
Keep fighting Occupiers!
I'm sorry to inform you that I am seeing everything but that. You should make sure your words are substantiated before posting them.
Grandfather Bloodied, Cuffed, Charged in Black Friday Confusion
Woman pepper sprays other Black Friday shoppers
Black Friday shopper shot in failed robbery
Merry Christmas!
I can't see that last link without logging into google
how does on post links with text ?
Yep. These are the 99%! Good thing you're out there defending them huh?
lol, where do you live?
Well, low sales are not really becuase of the OWS movement. You see these retailers make their sales predictions off of the numbers relative to people who actually have jobs and make at least a small amount of money. They don't generally take into consideration the non-working stoners and burnt out hippies attempting to find a purpose.
To early, not until late january will you'll have accurate numbers.
Assuming this is from OWS's efforts is ridiculous. We are in a growing economic depression. People typically buy less when the future is uncertain.
Assuming this is mainly because of OWS's efforts is ridiculous.
As an anecdote to this post, I can add something my girlfriend, who chose to ignore my suggestion of boycotting the big stores today and supporting local stores or small business for "Small Business Saturday" tomorrow said about shopping at Target today. She was talking on the phone to her mother about the crowds out today and said that she's been to Target on normal days and had longer waits in the checkout lines. She said the same about Sports Authority, so it seems that whether due to the call for boycotts from OWS or the fact that people don't have the money or don't want to spend the money on material crap, the retail store will not be in the Black, this BLack Friday. P.S. - I'm still trying to get her to buy local.
Online shopping and early deals on retailer's webpages will continue to erode the fascination with Black Friday. People getting robbed, shot, sprayed and beaten doesn't help much either.
Black Friday on course to be biggest ever
Black Friday 2011 could set new record analysts predict-
And don't forget Cyber Monday-,0,5867835.story
I'm not hearing/reading low or flat numbers at all.
P.S. 4....FOUR protestors showed up at Macy's in NY today?
Boom. Winning?
Conservative site has a link on the upper left side that says "black Friday spending flat". I am just reporting what that site stated.
That link leads to an article on that doesn't even say that sales are "flat".
You also said "success!" and that it "is still a win for us"....neither of which were reported by the article or the link. Premature E-jubilation my friend.
The article DID say that sales are not great but not bad, Sounds flat to me.
Wow what a way to spin it, you can probably get a job with Fox News. What if they were expecting sales to be up 10% but it was only up 4%. That is not great but not bad and definitely not flat.
Might want to take a look at those numbers again NOW....days later...and see that sales "records" were hit all around.
Record numbers of shoppers do not always equal high spending. You can have a million people at the mall but if only 100 people buy stuff it doesnt matter how many bodies are there.
The early reports as reported on say sales are flat. Again its early but I think it bodes well for us. Drudge isnt exactly a liberal site, we will see.
I heard that literally half the country was out shopping. 150 million people. Seriously? Half the country is off work right now, and has money to go shopping?! But everything is open for Black Friday! How is half the country still free to go shopping?
Good point. I guess uneployment has had no impact on people's shopping habits. Or, maybe that's why they are shooting and pepper spraying to get the good deals or maybe it's the influence of the NYPD: If it's okay to pepper spray people for invoking their right of free speech then why wouldn't it be okay to pepper spray people to get bargains.
Because only a fraction of the workforce is employed in retail. It's not like you need 1 cashier for every shopper. Each cashier is ringing up hundreds and hundreds of customers.
Missing the point. Maybe that's why you think the 1% have the right to take your money.
What point? Someone asked: "But everything is open for Black Friday! How is half the country still free to go shopping?" I answered. Retail workers are just a fraction of the workforce. It's possible I misunderstood the question, but still.
What's with the sniping? Seems a bit rude and uncalled-for. Why would I think the 1% is allowed to take my money just because I know how they keep the shops open when half the population is shopping?
Wow! is reporting it
That's not what I read in the report you sited. says "black Friday spending flat". How is that ANY different than what I said? Again..its early..who knows what the final numbers will look like. But Dont Try to equate "alot of people" with spending being up. Like I said before, there could be a million people at the mall but if they Arent really spending alot it means nothing.
You need to reread the entire report and keep your quotes within context.
It doesn't really matter; the real test is in the weeks that follow.
I heard that there were a record number of shoppers!
I'm not finding any such news
Let's see, here's what you are cheering: lower sales equals lower demand equals lower retail employment. Lower demand means less revenue equals lower volumes of shipping transportation equals less transportation jobs. Lower demand means less revenue equals less corporate jobs. Lower sales means lower demand equals less manufacturing jobs. Without providing a coloring book it seems you are really demanding fewer jobs, which of course means higher unemployment. Which of course means less demand. Understand the basic economic spiral? Woohoo great win! Dipstick....
It sure is great that you guys want to hurt retail workers who work extremely long hours for very little pay. Way to represent the 99%!
A lot of them are temps, too.
The man who was killed on Black Friday at the Walmart in Valley Stream 2 years ago was a temp.
You think we're hurting retail workers. We're the ones taking them away from their families on Thanksgiving. We're the ones that have forced so many of them to take retail jobs, as opposed to the professions they went to scholl for and owe student loans on still. We're the ones who pay them minimum wage so they can choose between their mortgages, their electricity, their heat or food. Stop with you deceptive arguments that can only fool FOX News watchers these days. People are awake to propaganda like this: "You must support the troop": We did, just not the liars, thieves and immoral leaders who used them as cannon fodder for profit. "You must support the "Job Creators", especially the ones we have been giving tax breaks to for the past 30 years, only to see the jobs they create go to foreign countries. "We must support president Bush in everything he does and says": Two wars . . . fail, Economy . . .fail, Education. . .fail, Stem Cell research. . .fail. Everything he ever did before and as president. . .fail. Don't blame anyone in this forum for the B.S. that corporations are perpetrating.
Trust me. If sales are flat it has nothing to do with you Marxist dorks.