Forum Post: Stop Shopping at Chain Stores and Large Corporations!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 8:36 p.m. EST by Innervision
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
70% of the United States economy is driven by consumer spending. Stop shopping at chain stores and large corporations! Until they help us, we will not support them. The corporations need to get their lobbyists working for us in Washington, to break the stalemate. We need to come up with a list of reforms that most of the 99% will agree to, and tell the corporations what we want. Until they help us, we wont buy from them. We hold all the power with where we spend our money. Please spread the message. Stop shopping at chain stores and large corporations!
no matter where you in cash....cut up debit and credit cards.
good point! Why pay the banks so much more..
I have compiled the shopping guidelines from my post at and posted them outside the forum where they can get wider exposure and be shared on social media. See . Based on the hit count, the're getting pretty widely distributed. Please visit , and if you like what you see, distribute the link as widely as you can !
I will try. I am a baby boomer and am not that great at navigating. Thanks for your response.
Nothing to navigate... just cut and paste into an e-mail and send it to everyone you know.
P.S. I'm a boomer too. If you got to the OWS forums, you're already ahead of most!
Thanks for your help, I'll do it!
i wish we had an economy that encouraged us to save instead of buying useless garbage. But of course saving money for too long doesn't work because they inflate the money supply and fuck us over.
You' re so right! I guess we can create an economy of savers, if we change the way we look at things. Thanks for responding.
This is the silliest suggestion I've seen yet; present demands to 'the corporations' to represent 'the 99%' in Washington? Seriously, no offense, but how old are you? This sounds straight out of the middle school cafeteria.
I think that corporations would be very interested in communicating with the American people if they weren't buying. Any company who has invested or borrowed money and bought inventory and then can't sell it, would want to do whatever they could to sell that merchandise and make a profit. They also have an interest in staying in business for the long haul. Who are you? Possibly, an infiltrator from the right?
Absolutely - especially this Friday! Shop local!
I have compiled the shopping guidelines from my post at and posted them outside the forum where they can get wider exposure and be shared on social media. See . Based on the hit count, the're getting pretty widely distributed. Please visit , and if you like what you see, distribute the link as widely as you can !