Forum Post: Step 1 should be to bring down the Federal Reserve
Posted 12 years ago on March 2, 2012, 8:33 p.m. EST by badlimey
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Before you vote (or decide not to, as I do at this time), educate yourself on the real issues. Change does not occur in a state of ignorance, it takes place when people put aside preconceived notions of what is right and wrong and open up their hearts and minds.
If you want to facilitate real change you must first understand the root of everything that is wrong today. I invite you to invest ten minutes and read the following speech presented to Congress in 1934 by a REPUBLICAN congressman from Pennsylvania.
Like all politicians that have tried to take on the Fed he met with a sudden an unexpected date with death. He died from "natural" causes after surviving an assassination attempt.
I do not deny the corruption of the federal reserve. But to think that it is the root of our problem is overly simplistic. It is the forces that corrupted the federal reserve that we must tackle. That is the root of the problem. Please expand your thinking beyond the overly simplistic cures proposed by demogogues.
The Federal reserve was established by the corrupt and is maintained by the corrupt. It does not need to be elevated to a more complex problem just for the sake of academic debate or intellectual pomposity.
I present in a simplistic manner so that it has legs as a message. Do me a favor and walk around your downtown area where you live and ask passers by if they know what a demagogue is.
The Fed is actually is not the root of our problem, it is the problem, everything else is symptomatic of their actions, and arrogance. I would like to close by saying that I include the entire central banking system, not just ours here in America.
Thanks for your comment and let's turn this debate into action. Are you listening OWM?
I hear you, but if the corrupt are left in power, they will simply come up with another equally corrupt replacement for the federal reserve system. The answer comes down to restoring democracy to the people, and limiting the powerr of the corrupt. The difficulty lies in the larger problem of the corrupt individuals themselves, and in our ability to dismantle their power through the creation of laws to do so; not in the elimination of a single institutaion. That "answer" is the recognition of corrpted demogogues. Demogogues always have simple solutions to complex problems. That is how they draw in those who can't see through the multilayerd and interwoven complexities of corruption and the abuse of power.
So lets get together in reigning in the larger question of corruption itself. If we can get togeth,er on this than we have no dispute and can worrk together, united.
I am here to inform, offer an hypothesis, and let people make their own decisions. My contribution here has no value if I did not have with it a solution to propose. Einsteins definition of insanity is to continue to do what you have always done and expect a different result (para phrased).
I have a plan, most of it you can glean through reading through this entire post. This is my very first day, and these are my very first actions, as a protestor. I thought long and hard about the implications, the risk, and consequences of "coming out". I most likely will never work again but I am not going to hide behind anonymity, no matter what the cost.
Someone within this movement has access to sympathetic celebrities, I need their endorsement and financial support. I don't want to be a leader, I am not seeking notoriety, and I risk being ostracized by my own family and friends. I merely want to do what I can to be an instrument of change, regardless of personal cost or sacrifice.
At the risk of sounding corny or self righteous, if not me, who? If not now when? Feel free to contact me privately, and thanks for your input. Hopefully if we get enough comments it will attract the attention of those that monitor this forum on behalf of the movement. I'm sure it is being monitored by those that feel threatened.
Thank you for your corrage and sacrifice. I must warn you that there is a lot of misinformation and psych-ops on this forum, so it takes awhile and a keen, incisive mind, to cut through to those who genuinely want to advance this movent, and are not here to destroy it. My advice would be to read here, listen and learn for awhile, before putting all your cards on the table. There is a lot to be learned here, but it is also easy to be misguided.
Thanks for coming onboard. Together we will change the world.
you know when you look at greece about to lose their 6 billion dollars of gold reserve (legally) due to their debt, and italy and spain, coincidently are sitting on alot of FDR's gold also (a.k.a. our gold) when the gold in foreign countries begin to end up back in the federal reserve, one country at a time, will we still be mad at the federal reserve? Just a thought.
The central banks already control 80% of the known Gold deposits. However, they miscalculate it's value, you can't eat it, and it's not much of a building tool. A return to a Gold Standard would be nothing more than a smoke and mirrors exercise.
But, before that happens the price of Gold has to, and will tank, just like Real Estate did, it's the same method of manipulation. And even if the Fed owned all the Gold on the Planet I would still work to bring them down. Because the fact remains that it would be the property of private individuals via the charter member banks.
Gold is not what keeps our position in the world. Our military is the security for the dollar. Do you think for one second the Chinese wouldn't dump the dollar if they didn't think there would be military consequences.
nah. no thank you. i like how bernanke is willing to stomach elevated unemployment in order to keep a lock down on inflation in the mid-term.
Sorry dude, but I have to call it as I see it and if you believe what you wrote you are blind to the truth or just plain ignorant. Wake up and smell the roses.
i am. such a strategy by ben means monetary stimulus (i.e. QE1-3) can no longer be the sole reason why equity markets are rallying higher. that economic data such as housing and employment and GDP numbers and corporate earnings are on their own in steering the market higher or lower. so far, they're steering us much much higher into '12. so it makes me richer. thanks ben :)
making me more money AND being super careful about inflation AND doing so in a framework that is largely free of meddling political interests? what's not to like about the fed.
Institutional manipulation of the markets is the reason why the markets have risen above 13000 recently. It in no way reflects the reality of life on the streets of America or anywhere else for that matter.
Enjoy your illegally accumulated wealth because shortly it won't be worth the E-Statement it is printed on. The true currency of the world is commodities, and I don't mean Gold. When the shit hits the fan shortly, and you need a loaf of bread I hope you have something more worthwhile to barter with than a stock portfolio.
And before you spout off about your tangible assets I would worry about peeps from the hood taking it away from your sweaty little palms.
PS. Why hide behind anonymity? Who are you really?
incorrect. the dow reclaimed 13k largely on the backs of stabilizing labor and housing in the u.s. as well as solid corporate earnings, which is all the more impressive in the face of no signs of the fed coming to the rescue with QE3. bernanke has gone out of his way to tell wall street to go fuck itself regarding more quantitative easing to juice the markets. and the rally is all the more impressive with continued greece austerity waffling and EU contagion fears that fueled the selloff last year.
institutional manipulation in and of itself isnt the problem, we are in a mixed economy, not a purely laissez faire system. its excessive institutional manipulation or inadequate institutional manipulation that creates problems, as we have seen with the repeal of glass-steagall, etc.
nah, i'm not worried. i give away a lot of it to the folks in "the hood" anyway, through my charitable donations and hiring of employees
C'mon now, just because you read that the unemployment situation has stabilized you believe it? Walk the streets, talk to the people. I'll sit down with you anywhere, anytime.
The unemployment and more importantly the underemployment situation is at critical mass.
I doubt your charitable givings (that I will speculate don't exceed the taxable benefit you receive) is going to save your ass when social meltdown occurs.
I personally, have been a driving factor in creating financial products that have and continue to produce Billions in revenue for the institutions that out maneuvered me and flat ripped me off (including Major Banks) due to my lack of business acumen at the time.
I have been called a marketing genius and an ideas machine. I haven't worked in 18 months and I didn't claim nor do I receive any assistance from anyone other than my wife. Today I was offered $8.00 an hour to fill a six figure position.
Tell me there isn't something wrong with this picture. Of course you could always offer me a job, but that won't stop me from raising awareness of the evil empire that is the Federal Reserve.
Did you know that one of the original deposits to the Bank of England was in the form of a piece of 'effing wood. Yes, a Tally Stick!
nah, disagree. sustained labor growth has been established for the first time since the financial crisis began, several months of data regarding private hiring and the unemployment rolls prove it. unless you dont trust government or private-compiled economic data at all, then its all meaningless to you.
i wish you the best in getting better paying offers. no one's trying to stop you from talking against the fed, i'm just having civil discourse with you.
not claiming that my charitable givings will mean anything, just saying that i don't really care about keeping my money to myself. i'll give it all away before i die probably, it's all pledged to my university for need-based scholarships pretty much.
i do own several trail horses. and i'm a pretty good shot with my pistol and shotgun. and i've got about 400 one ounce silver rounds in my safe here at home. and i'm a seasoned gardener. i'll last longer than most :)
Nobody can stop me from bringing down the Fed, it is the reason why I exist but I don't blame the vast majority of the one percent. Most millionaires are hard working individuals who have earned an elevated position in society.
My disdain is strictly for the owners of the Fed. It's not the net worth of the Rothchild's or the Morgans that is of concern, it's the amount of influence they exert over the planet.
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws".
A redistribution of wealth will take place or we will all perish. Under my plan the rich will stay rich but we will eradicate global poverty by implementing a minimum standard of living as opposed to a minimum wage. This is not Zeitgeist fairy tale BS, but an actionable and fair solution.
Between Technology and Outsourcing we have sent away jobs that will never come back. So what do you do with the people that are surplus to requirements? Well you can either take care of them or you can eradicate them. It's clear to me that the latter is already taking place.
FYI, 400 rounds won't hack it.
I don't advocate violence but I am prepared to die for what I believe in. I believe in the Constitution, it's time we got back to it. Every human being has the right to a decent place to live, transportation, food in their belly, a decent education and a purpose for living.
No one would be lying around doing nothing, we would put them to work and have the cleanest streets. We could open community gardens, recreation centers, and more.
All it takes is one Super Pac, a set of balls, and a willingness to die for the greater good. I have two of the three. I'm sure there is a celebrity out there can help with the Super Pac.
Thanks for the debate, I would ask you that you contact me privately to continue it. I think you are a plant.
and i enjoy your schtick. it is entertaining, please continue contributing.
I'm glad your entertained, I'm entertained by you too. What are the silver bullets for, do you plan on fighting off hoards of Vampires?
those would be one oz silver coins, not bullets. I heard a prediction that when the dollar is blowing thru the streets it will be so worthless no one will bend over to pick it up, but an oz of silver will be enough to buy an acre of land.
Thanks for the link, I have been studying this issue for a couple of years now. I hope others here will explore the link and I strongly encourage them to do so. If you are interested in making the abolition of the Federal Reserve an actionable plan instead of a never ending debate I ask that you join me and help rally the troops.
This (OWM) can be the vehicle but only if we make it so.
And here. Read this book cover-to-cover if you have not already done so.
This book should be taught as a mandated course for every high school and/or college in the country. It is a history lesson as to how central banking arose in the world, and what the world can do to eliminate this scourge.
To which Republican are you referring to? McFadden, American hero. What about Kennedy was he a whacko too?
That Republican was the original conspiracy whacko. He was laughed out of office, and for good reason.
Nobody gets rid of the Fed. Kennedy tried and you saw what happened to him. (Okay, maybe you didn't, but there are still news reels.)
I have a plan to bring them down and I am not afraid of death.
This is a real man right here, OWS. Take note.
I'm still waiting for you to explain how Dr Paul works for The Federal Reserve.
Ron Paul is not the first politician to mention that there perhaps might be a problem with the Federal Reserve. He has introduced multiple bills with regard the the Fed and the IMF etc, amazingly they have virtually all been referred to one sub-committee or another where they sit around until the legislative session expires. Effectively, they have to be reintroduced or they die. Coincidentally every politician without exception that has challenged the Federal Reserve was rendered dead too.
However, I want to tell you a little story. Many years ago I was a Police Officer in Manchester, England. Can you believe that we used to do things like, blend in with a certain crowd and well, gather intelligence. Have you ever watched an episode of cops? Can you believe that some of them have long hair and beards (even the men) and appear to be drug users or dealers? Could Ron Paul be the authorized voice of dissent? I doubt it but you never know.
Now I don't want to jump on the conspiracy theory bandwagon, plenty of people are doing a fine job of that; I'm more of what you might call, a realist or as I like to call myself, and "iswhatitisist".
What does this have to do with Ron Paul, well nothing and everything. But what is an "is what it is" statement, he's not very serious about it is he? It should have been the focal point of his campaign, everybody in America should at least (by now) know that the Federal Reserve is a private, for profit institution, but they do not.
If Ron Paul were a true patriot he would be a dead patriot by now, but not before using the platform he has to educate the general public in a manner and using verbiage that the average High School educated individual can understand.
What we need is one politician, just one to out the Fed by using all this wonderful technology we have available today. Once we have the masses educated we can turn to "outing" those elected officials who refuse to act in the best interests of their constituents.
They can't kill us all (well actually they could) but we the people ultimately hold the power, and we the people can bring down the Federal Reserve. They 2% of the 1% that cause all the problems want the OWM to become more reminiscent of the 60's, up the violence, then they can act with impunity.
Here's one scenario. There has been a lot of buzz in the press about requiring Welfare recipients to be drug tested in order to continue to receive benefits. A stupid idea for many reason and on many levels but it will happen. Once you piss off a demographic of people that are for the most part not educated (for many reasons) they will take to the streets, Rodney King style.
Note: Yes I know that most welfare recipients are white, I was using Rodney King because of the violence that followed.
Now throw in a war with Iran and you have total chaos, massive inflation, martial law (courtesy of the Homeland Security Act) and general abject misery.
Just because Ron Paul appears to be the best of a bad bunch is not reason enough to elect him president.
Well, Ross Perot came out very strong, with all guns blazing, and had similar weaknesses to Dr. Paul, he's human and has loved ones.
The powers that be work very hard, and efficiently to keep enough Americans comfortable enough to not pop their heads up and ask any questions.
You are aware that a large number of "this group" think the Fed is not a part of the problem and the best thing since sliced bread, right?
Are you aware that either supporting Ron Paul and being Anti-Fed gets your number put on the lists of potential "domestic terrorist"?
I am sure the Homeland Security peeps, the C.I.A. and all the other organizations out there that monitor our activity have me in a little black book, I don't care.
I will continue to exercise my constitutional right to Free Speech and peaceful protest until they put a bullet in me or whisk me away to water board me.
If you are not prepared to die for what you believe in, and I believe in the constitution of the United States, then you are not passionate enough to be involved.
Through the media we have created the most apathetic society in modern history. It's time to shake them off their couches and take action. Legal action using the same system they abuse.
I'm no one special, just a man on a mission.
im surprized we dont call ross perot a prophet. I mean everything he said and ran for office for, came true, or am I the only one to notice? If so, there aint much hope for people. The fundamental law of the universe must take its toll, Whatever bed you make, you shall lie in.
Very few of this majority have any clue who he is and most my age dismissed him as a raving lunatic.