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Forum Post: Start An Election For Presidency

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 28, 2011, 8:14 p.m. EST by IAMALLIAM (4)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Set up a list of objectives and present a united front for one individual that you have chosen as candidate for the presidency (someone from the 99%).

Create your own 'party' and officials from the 99%. Have your own campaign slogan ... Change You Can Believe In, The People's Party, etc (for example).

Once in power, dismantle the infrastructure of the dishonest representation that is in place and replace it with an honest one. Remove the Federal Reserve Bank and start printing your own money again.

By using more than one avenue in seeking a resolution, there is a greater probability that success will be achieved. The group's power resides in its ability to communicate and work together for a common cause. This doesn't mean that the group is restricted to only one avenue of seeking a resolution.

By presenting ideas that can be actualised, deciding as a group which ideas are to be implemented, and volunteering to be a part of a specific avenue of seeking a resolution, the group can diversify its approach to seeking a resolution. In this way, it also will allow others to become involved in one specific avenue that may well be more suited to what they can offer to the common cause. This could bring more people into a participatory role as they feel that they have something specific to offer it the common cause.

There are many avenues that can be looked into. For example;

  • Start a class action law suit against the US government for crimes against humanity (Abu Graihb, Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan, etc).
  • Start a world wide support network to coordinate between all groups in all countries.
  • Start a website to educate people as to how the current system is set up and how it is utilised to enslave them and future generations. Utilise pdf's, documentaries and whatever other means to give people the knowledge to make an informed choice.

etc, etc.

The only limitations are the ones that we place upon ourselves.

Here's the introduction of a book I once read and which has always stuck with me after having read it, maybe it has something to offer in formulating some ideas ...


The earth is a living, conscious being. In company with cultures of many different times and places, we name these things as sacred: air, fire, water and earth.

Whether we see them as the breath, energy, blood and body of the Mother, or as the blessed gifts of a Creator, or as symbols of the interconnected systems that sustain life, we know that nothing can live without them.

To call these things sacred is to say that they have a value beyond their usefulness for human ends, that they themselves become the standards by which our acts, our economics, our laws and our purposes must be judged. No one has the right to appropriate them or profit from them at the expense of others. Any government that fails to protect them forfeits its legitimacy.

All people, all living things, are part of the earth life, and so are sacred. No one of us stands higher or lower than any other. Only justice can assure balance: only ecological balance can sustain freedom. Only in freedom can that fifth sacred thing we call spirit flourish in its full diversity.

To honour the sacred is to create conditions in which nourishment, sustenance, habitat, knowledge, freedom and beauty can thrive. To honour the sacred is to make love possible.

To this we dedicate our curiosity, our will, our courage, our silences and our voices. To this we dedicate our lives.

The Fifth Sacred Thing Starhawk



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by truthteller (4) 12 years ago

Rudy Giuliani / Bobby Jindal 2012

[-] 1 points by anna6890 (3) from Colorado Springs, CO 12 years ago

You should check out http://www.AmericansElect.org We've already got almost 2 mil of the 3mil signatures we need to have our own canidate.

[-] 1 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 12 years ago

We should just vote for the green party

[-] 1 points by formul8 (16) from Ixelles, Brussels 12 years ago

why not, it would surely be a move in the right direction?

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago


i just got done trying to get one going i created a whole forum org of hundreds of sub forums only to have the candidate prove he doesn't get it.


[-] 1 points by IAMALLIAM (4) 12 years ago

G'day Patriot4change.

Using multiple avenues of seeking a resolution is the main thrust of what I was getting at. A representative political party of the 99% IS simply one idea that could be taken on board and acted upon. It would give some people a focus in their endeavours in seeking a resolution to the current system in place.

While it is commendable that a resolution is being sought using non-violent means, it doesn't mean that we can't utilise the principles of engagement. Having only one avenue of 'attack', it allows an easily devisable defense against it. Multiple avenues of 'attack' require multiple defenses, which raise the probability of one of the 'attacks' getting through the defenses in place.

If people that are cognisant of specific roles that are required for specific avenues of seeking a resolution, then organising them into those specific groups, or having them volunteer to be in a specific group, engages their strengths for the common good of all. People with good organisational skills could formulate a list of required 'skills' for each of the avenues of seeking a resolution and people would then know where they could volunteer to engage their strengths.

'Skill' sharing could be conducted between groups, even at an international level. If we are going to stand united, then it is something that requires being united as a whole, without restrictions of colour, race, creed, country of origin, etc, etc. Once we redirect our support to each other, the 99%, then there is nothing that we cannot achieve together.

[-] 1 points by Novanglus (58) 12 years ago

Personally, I would call it the Purple Party. Red +Blue=Purple.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 12 years ago

Now you're talkin'!!! Organize. Organize. Organize. Replace the Democrat and Republican Parties with a NEW Party that represents the 99%. Very good idea... just like what happened in 1776. You, GandhiKingMindset and npowell85 should literally draft a whole new Constitution. Yeah!

[-] 1 points by Incentivizecompassion (2) 12 years ago

Constitution and a separate Corporate Constitution!