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Forum Post: Start a new political party

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 28, 2011, 8:35 p.m. EST by paedomorph (2) from Spokane, WA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Does anyone think we can accomplish what needs to be done without another party? Can't be with the hypocrites and turncoats that hold the Administration and Senate, can't do it within the party of Fascists and Wifebeaters that hold the House. There are too many things that need to be addressed to limit it to one or even a few demands.

If there was one overriding demand that would gain power - "Creating 15 million" jobs would be it, if it can be accomplishe, and if the jobs pay enough to thrive.

Tens of millions of people are now unemployed or in working poverty for decades, and there is NOTHING on the horizon that will change this for at least the next two decades. People in their late 40's have worked the last job they will ever have.

If we don't address this, none of the rest will matter. A third of our working population, those who feed our families and support our infrastructure, is out of decent work. Our security is contained within those decent-paying jobs.

I support the process you have started! Thank you.



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[-] 2 points by anna6890 (3) from Colorado Springs, CO 12 years ago

You should check out http://www.AmericansElect.org We've already got almost 2 mil of the 3mil signatures we need to have our own canidate.

[-] 1 points by ciciem (2) 12 years ago

Look in to supporting Ron Paul...he is not like any other candidates..he has integrity

[-] 1 points by LilyT (17) from Miami, FL 12 years ago

Terrible, toxic, destructive idea.
Trying to from a third party would fracture the left wing and give the presidency to the Tea Party. People need to work WITHIN the system.

A few years ago, there were progressives who wanted to send a message to the "do nothing" democrat candidate that they didn't think was liberal enough for them. They joined behind a far left candidate with no chance of winning against the do-nothing Democrat they were certain was a lock to win the presidency. This grass-roots progressive organization attracted the attention of celebrities like Michael Moore and Susan Sarandon, and these progressives successfully got that man almost a 100,000 votes in Florida.

The man they voted for was Ralph Nader. The "do nothing" Democrat was Al Gore.

If you can't learn from something that happened only a few years ago, and if this movement hurts Obama's reelection prospects, then "Occupy Wall Street" would redefine "Epic Fail" by giving everything the people you wanted to protest against.

This is such a terrible, toxic, self-destructive idea that I wouldn't be surprised if this was written by one of the Koch brothers.

No third party candidates. Work WITHIN the system.

[-] 1 points by paedomorph (2) from Spokane, WA 12 years ago

Your president is running on fear. His opponents, whoever that is, appear to also be intending to run on fear.

OWS may be small, but they are trying to find out what is possible, and they are the only ones at this point.

Think - you would never tell an abused spouse to stay at home and work it out despite the beatings. You would tell them to go to a shelter, give up whatever they think they have, do not continue as a slave.

Abuse and violence is the rule of the day for our 25 million unemployed or underemployed with no job prospects for at least 20 more years, 50 million with no health insurance, 45 million or so that don't get regular food, that live in poverty. They are abused as surely as any spouse.

OWS offers the hope of a shelter form that, and maybe life will be better on the other side.

Keep your fear, maybe it keeps you warm at night. But you don't scare me.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

your just wrong and operating via a false dillemma. without a third party our only choices are which devil to put into office. you assume in essence that we must lose instead of the more likely truth that a good third party is likely to win in this climate. whats terrible and toxic is clinging to a system and fighting for it even as it enslaves everyone and kills the world. I'm not interested in choosing the lesser of two evils or from the kinder of the two oligarch parties- and no sane person should be. it is time to tear down the old political parties and destroy them utterly.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

Absolutely agreed, already there doing it, on FB...


[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 12 years ago

Read "Start an Election for Presidency" post by IAMALLIAM. He posted it just before you did. I think this addresses what you are referring to.

[-] 1 points by paedomorph (2) from Spokane, WA 12 years ago

I will, and thank you