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Forum Post: Standard Bank vs Michael Tellinger - 8 Dec 2011

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 12:20 a.m. EST by carbonogram (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

EXPOSING THE BANKS - Occupy Wall Street Support A small vistory for now. I was up against STD Bank on Thursday 8th December 2011 arguing that banks enrich thenmselves from the signatures of their customers, without ever disclosing this - and much more. Judgement will be handed down in Feb 2012. Somebody posted a download link of the recording of my case - since it is out there, I urge you to listen to it to start getting an understanding how we have been lied to and abused by the system which is upheld by our governments for a long time. If the judgement goes our way, we will be able to put the bankers on the stand, to cross-examine them and allow them to hang themselves. Click the link to download and listen 2hrs 8 min. http://micro2.majesticinteractive.co.za/bf.php?fid=1115 Love & light



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