Forum Post: Stand up America
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 7:12 a.m. EST by Philjer1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We the people have the power to stop the gouging by big business. We showed this with the $5 BoA debit card fee. We have more power than we think as long as we band together as one. We can change the debt fees, we can lower gasoline prices (just one day with a large majority of folks refusing to buy gasoline will drop the price dramatically). We can also make a change in Congress. Nearly 90% of Americans do not feel Congress is doing a good job...or even their job. So let's stand up together and send a strong message to Washington..,.we, the people are in control and we will no longer stand for your childish games that have negatively impacted this country. Stand up and vote!