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Forum Post: Stand-up against 'Rupert Murdoch style' blind corporate greed and power!

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 3:42 p.m. EST by Cazo (0) from Escondido, CA
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The real demand, in my opinion, is: we the people have to help curb the growing gap between the mega rich and the working people of the U.S. and the world at large.

At first I too thought, this movement needs a focus point, you know a good sound bite. But the more i 'listened and thought' about it, I realized that no one, or one dozen, intelligent hook (sound bite) would suffice. That would only minimize the enormity of the problem. No one point is enough to fight back.

For those people who don't get it, go to Brazil (a country and people that I love) to see what the new world economy looks like. Look at China. These are stark examples of what will happen to the U.S. if 'we' do not stand-up against 'Rupert Murdoch style' blind corporate greed and power.

There is nothing vague about it movement!

The intention of this movement is clear: it is calling for reduction of corporate greed and control of Washington and local politicians. Nothing vague about it. Where the Tea Party pretends to be for "the people", their mission and tactics supports corporate greed/big business. Where the Tea Party movement is actively trying to keep government from creating jobs to rebuild U.S. infrastructure, which would put us (U.S.) back to work, their policies protect the 1% to 3% whose current tax shelters would pay the bill for putting U.S. back to work.

OWS: we are a populous movement that is the real voice of "we the people".



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