Forum Post: someone help!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 1:53 p.m. EST by larocks
from Lexington, KY
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i read this and im at whits end. article 2 section 4 of the constitution. wouldnt lobby groups for corporations fit into this category. im not a political science major or a lawyer so could someone explain how these people are getting away with this?
They are getting away with it because they are the ruling elite and they can do whatever they like.
I'm not even being a smartass. I'm serious. This is why. They violate the law every single day. The law prohibited most of the wars that have happened over the last 30 years. The law prohibits our support of the rogue state Israel. The law prohibits acceptance of bribes. They do it because they get away with it. They are not held to the same standard as the rest of us. They just aren't. This is stratification. This is the disease that should be destroyed.
simply put, limiting laws are for the masses and rights are for the elites. you have never had rights, because you are not a legal person, instead you are owned via your social security number and birth certificate. you are a chattel; a cow.
limiting laws exist to keep the cows in check. rights exist only for the elites.
They've been violating the constitution for at least 100 years.
Section. 4. The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
The greatest idea ever forged. How soon do we start? I can prove them all guilty of treason right now and have been singing that song all over the web for years. They are almost all guilty. Time to catch a ride to the Constitutional Convention with the TeaBaggers and take it over by force. I'm personally arguing for a virtual Congress as a replacement for the one we have where all of us will be the Congress either through computer or by mail. Spain is close to institutionalizing this and parts of Scandinavia already have it because they are issue conscience. There is no other way to take the power back into our hands and make sure that it doesn't get corrupted again.
According to Wikipedia, impeachment is a legal action involving the senate as a jury- obviously this will not work. The senate Is corrupt.
Another option is a recall election. Historically, this has been unsuccessful for state-level officials; however, this is a new day in America. Slowly, we are opening our eyes to the realization that our government's is no longer effective. It is too big and corrupt. Education is declining, the Mexican drug cartels have already infiltrated Texas, gang violence is spreading... We HAVE to do something.
If every state that allows recall elections organized a recall election, ousting every senator and House representative guilty of accepting bribes from lobbyists, we could let new, fresh-faced representatives who are not yet corrupted.
Then we need every political office to post their checking account funded with tax payer dollars. We need to be able to see where the politicians are spending our money. That transparency provides an incentive for the new politicians to make the right choice and NOT charter a 5 million dollar plane to South America for a conference, and instead fly business class.
Government employees (DMV, health inspectors, etc) need to be mandated to the same reviews that private employees endure. If they are not efficiently performing their work duties after corrections and training, they need to be terminated. The U.S. gov't can not afford to waste money on inefficient operations any more.
National Conference of State Legislatures ( has detailed information on how to start a recall campaign. But to be effective, this needs to be a huge movement. Many times people have failed because of the widely believed notion that our gov't is capable.
Anyone can be recalled at anytime. The drug cartels have infiltrated way more than Texas. I'm sorry to tell you that the drug cartels are your government. We are growing heroine in Afghanistan and exporting it to the US, Asia and Europe as we speak. It comes here in military planes. This is why Tillman was murdered. Because he reported it. There is a great article I wish I had time to post here about the UN tracking the drug cartel money all the way to our Pentagon. As far as Tillman goes, you can look up the Heraldo Rivera interviews concerning the Afghan heroine trade and our soldiers being ordered to work the fields and assist the trade. The lucrative heroine trade is why we invaded Afghanistan and stayed there for 11 years. And I hope that you realize that there's a lot more waste in government than employee salaries. That's kind of the small picture magnified by a lot of right wing/smaller government arguments perpetuated by the FOX news on behalf of the Tea Party and the Republican agenda. When this country is busy sending planes loaded with millions in cash to Iraq that get lost and also pissing away trillions of dollars a year buying our friends and paying our enemies through the money laundering system of the IMF, NATO and direct contributions to foreign dictatorships worldwide to support your business interests, the last thing you have to worry about is someone who is too slow on the job at $40,000/year. Contrary to Republican rhetoric, government workers make on average, less than their private industry counterparts. The only good aspects about that kind of job, is the benefits, which by the way, we all ought to have access to in the subjects of healthcare.