Forum Post: Somebody wants to bail out big oil, while we are experiencing local health emergencies.
Posted 4 years ago on March 10, 2020, 8:20 p.m. EST by gsw
from Woodbridge Township, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Let the Scientists and smart people do science and help the people and planet.
Dumb-ass-heads get voted out soon, please America, or help us regular peeps. How you gonna bail out oil industry wtf
Other sellouts Kyrsten Sinema epitomizes 21st-century political corruption — but she didn't cause it……
Sinema is parroting the Chamber's and the billionaire network's line that President Biden's Build Back Better plan is too generous in helping and protecting average Americans and too punitive in taxing the morbidly rich. After all, once you're in, you leave at your own considerable peril, even when 70 percent of your state's voters want the bill to pass.
And this is a genuine crisis for America because if Biden is frustrated in his attempt to pass his Build Back Better legislation (which is overwhelmingly supported by Americans across the political spectrum) — all because business groups, giant corporations and right-wing billionaires are asserting ownership over their two "made" senators — there's a very good chance that today's cynicism and political violence is just a preview of the rest of the decade.
Despite Manchin’s cost-conscious approach — he has demanded a reduced $1.5 trillion price tag for the bill — he has fought to preserve domestic fossil fuel industry subsidies. On the potential repeal of international oil and gas subsidies put into place during the Trump administration, Manchin has been silent.
Manchin, who did not respond to a request for comment, has significant personal investments in the coal industry and is also one of the biggest congressional recipients of fossil fuel industry donations, taking in $400,000 between July and October alone, mostly from the oil and gas sectors, according to E&E News.
Additionally …… : Expanding Medicare for dental and vision benefits, a priority for Sen. Bernie Sanders, is a "reach," Biden said, because "Manchin is opposed" ... Twelve weeks of paid family leave — whittled to four weeks ... Two years of free community college is now more Pell Grants: " …..
World leaders used to say that we had 20 years to reverse global carbon emissions to avoid global catastrophe, but scientists fear that our time has run out.
Top environmental experts say we are in the final throes of life support for our planet.
We have had climate conference after climate conference, but the action taken by governments has been almost negligible. For 27 years world climate conferences have produced few results, largely owing to the corrupt relationship between major corporations and the political elite, which ensures carbon emissions keep churning out in the race for profits – from Indonesia to the US to Brazil.
Just look at the Amazon, the green lungs of Earth. Last year, there were 103 000 wildfires in the Brazilian rainforest, the most important ecosystem on Earth. Most were intentionally started to make way for mining, forestry, cattle farms or other industry.
With so much money to be made and votes to be bought, it is no wonder that Brazil's foreign minister Ernesto Araújo tried to say last year that climate change was a plot by “cultural Marxists,” and President Jair Bolsonaro has continually downplayed the threat of global warming. One of the alarming developments after Bolsonaro’s rise to power was that his government changed the monitoring of wildfires from being done by a civilian organisation to being done by the army, ensuring far less transparency.
The greatest angel created by God was the bearer of light, Lucifer, probably a dark-complexioned angel. Dark matter, Dark Energy, and Dark Money govern.
"It's a small world after all" because:
Due to the above boomerang thrown with bearish characteristics, the Greatest Red State outside of America couldn't escape "enemy of the people" Trumpery's curse, either, not just our West African penile-implant Covid-Duh.
For whom the bell tolls ?
can’t read your script.
Also, Way late, CNN Calls for Press to Ditch Objectivity, Portray GOP as Threat to the Country
following multiple segments decrying Facebook for driving us apart and making us hate each other. Perhaps CNN and Stelter were afraid of the competition.
“I want to dive right into your argument about what both-siderism is and why it’s failing the public. Who’s – who’s – Is it that we're treating Democrats and Republicans equally and ignoring GOP radicalism, is that the heart of the problem?” Stelter prefaced, noting Calmes recent column titled: “Why journalists are failing the public with ‘both-siderism’ in political coverage”
She seemed immediately optimistic that “there's no question that journalists are recognizing the radicalization of the Republican Party.” Speaking more on that purported radicalization, Calmes suggested “this is not a new problem or a new, you know, dynamic
Coup of fuckers continues 'Mark My Words': MSNBC's Mehdi Hasan Reveals GOP's 'Chilling' Plot For 2024 “We are in the midst of a rolling coup,” he warned before explaining the GOP's end game to subvert the 2024 election.
It seems they like the NAZIs are too stupid to like democracy, they sell soul, and the rest of us to the supreme leader.
''Like Previous Pandemics, Covid-19 Will Shape the Fates of Nations''
Is the full title of your interesting second link above. Deserves a read imo .. as does this:
respice; adspice; prospice ...
"Attorney Steven Donziger sentenced to six months for contempt of court . . . in vindictive case brought by Chevron"! by Kevin Reed & by Lee Camp this:
Assange & Donziger Reveal The Fascists -
Also see - (28m) Chris Hedges discusses the ongoing persecution of & with the human right lawyer, Steven Donziger.
"Exxon-Influenced Senators Carved Climate Out of Infrastructure Almost Entirely"! .. by S. Zhang:
All for one
Bad luck gop
Let’s all stay at home or get a vaccine developed ASAP. These COVID19 mapping models are not looking optimistic.
Check out at 38:00 response to coranavirus, developing tests, ordering supplies, is on the governors.
Really? That is a lot to give to the states and governors, in a national crisis.
Literally, take no responsibility, war time presi
If the possibility that 70% of the population contract Covid19 is realized, we're in deep shit! Hospitals and clinics will be overloaded and undermanned. Electrical power plants could go offline for lack of manpower to operate, Food and critical goods distribution could be insufficient due to too many sick transportation workers ... etc. the whole real economy could fail to provide enough of the goods and services necessary for survival.
What bothers Trump and the rest of the cons? The clowns running this circus are worried about the parasitic abstract economy of Wall St and Exxon!
U.S. must build hospitals right now. China built a load of emergency hospitals when COVID 19 broke out and it helped immensely.
We cannot be turning people away because there aren't enough beds. This country has the money to test everyone who needs a test and to create a hospital scenario with a bed and respirator for everyone who needs it.
People over profit now more than ever!
''Corporations are human creations. We can't let them threaten our survival''! ... by David Korten:
''The concentration of corporate power is driving us toward catastrophe. We need new organizational models that serve the common good.''
From your 1st link: ''According to Washington Post ... the Trump administration is “strongly considering” federal assistance for oil and natural gas producers wracked by plummeting oil prices as a result of the growing coronavirus outbreak.'' & so also note:
From the 2nd link .. ''In addition to greater mismanagement, however, we can point very specifically to real malevolence and deliberate inaction on the part of Donald Trump to do everything in his power to avoid confronting the scale of the virus in the United States.Not only did his government dismantle the pandemic response unit in 2018 set up by his predecessor but he’s now scrambling to keep any crisis from affecting his reelection chances by simply pretending it doesn’t exist.We’ve only seen him slightly spring into action to attempt to protect the economy from entering a recession, otherwise it’s just been more tweets about how things are perfect. Except they’re definitely not ...'' & so consider ...
Finally from link 3: ''In the United States, a primary stumbling block to widespread testing has been the stubborn decision by the CDC to stick to its own, flawed testing methods. CDC rolled out a coronavirus test in February ... out only to discover a problem with one of the reagents critical to the test’s reliability. Yet as the CDC has scrambled to fix its own test, another functioning test has been available.WHO has successfully provided a competing German-developed test to countries across the world,allowing them to better trace the spread of the virus, not only confirming cases in obviously sick patients, but tracking down contacts who may have a mild form of the illness but can still spread it to others.'' + Also note ...
respice; adspice; prospice ...
Shitstorm fast approaching........Katrina 2 on a much larger scale
Government should fund sick leave to stop the virus, not prevent sick leave Here Are the 51 Republican Senators Who Just Voted Against Expanding Paid Sick Leave to All Workers
Thanks Lindsey for tacking back the $1000 your president was bragging he’d be sending out to help us commoners survive
Here are the conspirators aiming to harm humanity
In the days before the mob descended on the Capitol, a corollary attack — this one bloodless and legalistic — was playing out down the street in the White House, where Mr. Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and a lawyer named John Eastman huddled in the Oval Office, scheming to subvert the will of the American people by using legal sleight-of-hand.
Mr. Eastman’s unusual visit was reported at the time, but a new book by the Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa provides the details of his proposed six-point plan. It involved Mr. Pence rejecting dozens of already certified electoral votes representing tens of millions of legally cast ballots, thus …(perverts of our democracy , aka trumpets ,,, )… 1887, the Electoral Count Act became law, setting out procedures for the counting and certifying of electoral votes in the states and in Congress.
But the law contains numerous ambiguities and poorly drafted provisions. For instance, it permits a state legislature to appoint electors on its own, regardless of how the state’s own citizens voted, if the state “failed to make a choice” on Election Day. What does that mean? The law doesn’t say. It also allows any objection to a state’s electoral votes to be filed as long as one senator and one member of the House put their names to it, triggering hours of debate — which is how senators like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley were able to gum up the works on Jan. 6.
New report details dangerous weaponry brought by Capitol rioters — despite claims they were unarmed
Nitwits of the right It is a gnawing cancer, this cult leader, and his zombies.
Seventy-eight percent of the Republicans surveyed by CNN-SSRS said they do not believe Biden legitimately won the presidency, a figure in line with the findings of other opinion polls
Trump lost. Biden-Harris breakthrough vaccine won. Trumpettes die like flies sprayed with D.D.T. ( Dollar, Dollars, Trumpery -- a corollary of "Money talks and shit walks" ). Trump should've known better to stay away from Rudolf Giuliani but a Big-headed Green-bulging-eyed Head-twitching fly is irresistably attracted to shit rolling down the airhead's cranium.
Why do flies wipe their eyes with their legs and feet ? There's muck stuck there from their sojourns to the Red public toilet of Fung Tak Park.
Sun Tin wrote, "Fung Tak Park is a park for the legendary Monkey King. It is free to entry with opening hours from 6:00am to 11:00pm daily. This park contains Monkey King's Paradise, Five Finger Mountain, Crystal Place, Flame Mountain,.. It is up to your imagination. It also has toilets { my bolding here, because that's where municipal water was fetched in two buckets and carried by my Big Brother with a bamboo 《a very strong and light material used even in the extremely quick construction of scaffolding -- neither crane nor steel was used -- I was amazed to watch a tens-of-feet-tall performance stage and billboard erected in only a few days with the workers carrying up the bamboo themselves》 yoke to our above-Crystal-Palace home and also to Grandma's cistern set to the western side outside the door of her south-facing hut on the western bank of Phoenix Creek/Brook which had a patch of the most beautiful yellow chrysanthemums basking in the autumn sunbeams filtering through the brookside bamboo grove's crisp-green canopy from the blue sky, } children playground, walking tiles and elderly fitness corner."
People should know how to distinguish near-but-not-quite truth from real truth, as well as obvious untruth.
Some items discussed are true: such as certain vaccines still change receivers' DNA but that has been going on for a long long time. Only the recent newer mRNA-based "Biden-Harris breakthrough vaccine" doesn't. I consider mRNA vaccines to be safer ( possibly excluding their closer-to-the-proteome actions in healthy persons with the strongest immune systems due to the remote though real possibility of their eliciting an overly strong immune response; i.e. a vaccine's simulated SARS_CoV-2 attack might be taken far too seriously by a healthy person with a very strong immune system ) than the traditional vector-assisted DNA vaccines as long as the extremely low temperatures required for stabilizing the mRNA vaccines can be maintained. I have faith in our "deep state" which actually also includes the civilian partners in the specific endeavors so I got two spaced-apart doses of an mRNA vaccine. mRNA vaccines had been developed before for a coronavirus-derived diseases such as SARS and MERS ( which fizzled out because it was so deadly, so mRNA vaccine for it wasn't deployed ) so they had a certain amount of pedigree already before SARS_CoV-2.
Wearing masks and social distancing are no-brainers to me ( washing hands immediately upon entering and exiting my home already became my habit which washing on more occasions had been inculcated into me ever since my third grade in school; U.S. uses a lot of disposable paper goods for drying cleaned hands, wiping mouths clean, soaking up spills, wiping countertops clean, etc. Having been disinfected during their manufacture, they reduce infections; the environmental movement's mottos make excellent sense: "think globally, act locally; reduce, reuse, recycle;" the paper towel used for drying washed-clean hands can be set out to be dried in the near-44%-or-lower relative humidity ambient air and reused for soaking up countertop spills or wiping countertop clean; 'reduce' is the most efficient environmental action by its achieving near-100% efficiency as good thinking and reorganization save unnecessary work -- laziness-minded thinking people make many innovations possible; 'reuse' achieves 50% input reduction on the first reuse, 33-1/3% on the second reuse, 25% on the third reuse, etc.; 'recycle' is often the least efficient because people generally don't prefer buying recycled goods so there is only a very limited market for them if at all ). Of course, I'm considered a bit kooky anyway ( regardless of which culture I happen to be living in ) so wearing a mask doesn't bother me much. My getting diseases or spreading them to others scares me much more than my not being able to show the lower part of my face. When the CDC changed its guidance to recommend not generally requiring vaccinated people to wear masks, I stayed with wearing masks because a highly transmissible variant was still running rampant overseas ( its r_0 seemed exceptionally high ) and it was only a matter of time for it to get to the U.S.
If one is to observe how the U.S. twitches and squiggles in its societal responses to CoViD-19, one has to question severely the existence of a "cabal" with any high degree of coordination. As for tagging nearly everyone via vaccination, it's rather absurd because that would have required extra money to be put into the production of the tags and insert them into the hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines. Even if a tag costs only one penny or a cent, 100 million doses of vaccines without the tags will save one million dollars. There isn't much tangible benefit. Yes, the technology exists but the overarching profit motive without any clearly identified purposes rules it out from having been used in the vaccines. It takes fewer than 16 bytes ( 32 hexadecimal digits; a couple of nucleotide base pairs can encode a hexadecimal digit ) of data to number every single particle in the universe so it's eminently possible to Universal-Product-Code every single human being on Earth for tracking purpose ( authoritarian regimes will love to use this on their "cattle" for sure ! )
A banking cabal does exist because most banks communicate with each other in the name of fighting money laundering and terrorism. That isn't anything new ( terrorism itself existed for many decades already since the 1968 Munich Olympics murdering of the Israeli team ). Hasn't anyone heard of credit reporting agencies and their maintaining and issuing credit scores of everyone ( they, bound by user/customer agreements which almost no one read, written in legalese, and subject to change at any time, are more thorough, invasive, and gathered data more ubiquitously than the FBI which is bound by operating under the laws and the confines of the U.S. Constitution -- it's why I did scare people with what I had inadvertently dug up about them; it's not I who had collected the information, it's the highly automated data-collecting private sector; this is why I practice discretion in which context was what a law enforcement officer had spoken of how the laws were to be interpreted; here's where biases of all kinds can creep in, such as skin colors, driving while dark-skinned, wrong class inferred from dresses and vehicle models for our "beautiful neighborhood", etc. ) ?
As there is the CCP and everyone else who is a Chinese subject, the truly classless Redfuckgina just took the idea of discretionary law enforcement and ubiquitous surveillance to expand it greatly to exert near-totalitarian control of its population. The U.S., however, "trusts" the Jews, but why not ? Who do you think the wealthiest class of people in the U.S. are who know how to conjure up wealth out of mostly hot thin air ? The wealthiest people aren't always the Jews but the Jewish ethnicity dominates the upper alchemist class assisting the owners of "鐵行 or Iron Bank."
China has a one party system, same as trumpets wish to impose their magical thing on us also
Everything changes in the long run. All countries need adjustments of their governance and practices as circumstances change. In multiparty democracies after a power transfer due to an election, there is usually a group of new but somewhat organized people who can take on the governance without too much difficulty of getting up to speed because they have been in politics for a while or in governance wielding power before. Often there is a rather peaceful transfer of power benefiting the civilians because there is no civil war in a frantic grab for power so all those goodies their country has built up over the years tend to remain intact and continue to serve the people. In a one-party state with the central party having held power for a long while, when things get really tough for the people and urgent changes are required, revolution is often absolutely required, to the detriment of almost everybody involved. Forget about the inherited goodies to serve the people. Piles of rubbles and polluted water with cholera are more like the actual inheritance. Generally, there's much hardship and difficulty in daily living.
Red China has an on-the-surface one-party dictatorship but there are political purges done in the name of anti-corruption so Red China can change at any time once the security guards turn against their protectees upon the order of the one-and-only power center ( remember that it's a one-man dictatorship masquerading as a unanimous democracy with vote counts such as 2900 to 0 ! I couldn't even get several children to agree to buying a single-flavor bucket of ice-cream as a treat for them because everyone wanted a distinctive flavor of their own so everyone gets to be treated equally -- no ice-cream for anyone except me { Trump and CCP surely get this }, of my flavor, of course; I believe in the equality for all non-me children -- I'm smart enough to defer gratification so I won't eat my bucket in front of them but later on when I'm alone { like Mao enjoying his harem in Zhongnanhai } ) but only under tremendous external pressure threatening to collapse the country. The way to do it is to collapse Hong Kong and Shanghai/Ningbo, the economic centers connecting to the external world. If things come to a shooting war, Chongqing is a good target on a strategic level, and so is Wuhan which is easier to be destroyed by forces from the sea. Beijing is a legacy city which offered the royalties and nobilities respite from the high relative humidity of the fecund and productive South. The U.S. can shortcircuit Chimerican globalization by bypassing the world's greatest container port on the East Sea ( i.e. the Taiwanese Sea ).
"The US Had Early Warning Of The New Virus ... BUT it suppressed that information. In late January, just as instances of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus .. began to appear in the United States, an infectious-disease specialist in Seattle, Helen Y. Chu, realized that she had a way to monitor its presence. She had been collecting nasal swabs from people in and around Seattle as part of her flu study & proposed checking them for the new virus. State and federal officials rejected that idea .. citing privacy concerns and throwing up bureaucratic obstacles related to lab licenses.
''Finally, at the end of February, Helen Chu could stand the intransigence no longer. Her lab performed some tests and found the Coronavirus in a local teenager who had not travelled overseas. That meant the disease was already spreading in the Seattle region among people who had never been abroad. If Helen Chu had found this information a month earlier - lives might have been saved and the spread of the disease might have slowed but even after the urgency of her work was evident, her lab was told to stop testing.
''Chu was not threatened by the government, like Li had been in Wuhan. But she was just as effectively silenced by a rule-bound bureaucracy that was insufficiently worried about the pandemic & - by officials at the Food and Drug Administration & the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - who may even have felt political pressure not to take this disease as seriously as they should.
''The United States of America, long accustomed to thinking of itself as the best, most efficient and most technologically advanced society in the world - is soon about to be proved an unclothed emperor. When human life is in peril - we aren't as good as Singapore, as South Korea or as Germany. And the problem is not that we are behind technologically .. the problem is that American bureaucracies & the antiquated, hidebound, unloved federal government of which they're part - are no longer up to the job of coping with the kinds of challenges that face us in the 21st century. ''
The above is excerpted from your link:
& fyi, consider:
And NB links here
et spero meliora ...
Suddenly, the Japanese realized that their culture, their political system, and their technology were out of date. Their samurai-warrior leaders and honor culture were not able to compete in a world dominated by science.
Beware of what the "Meiji Restoration," by losing its moral compass, the warrior code or honor, had led to: a depraved militaristic Imperial Japan that plagued its neighbors.
After being revealed a new element in our world, my neighborhood-boy playmate and I became preschool-scientists without a moral compass as there was no magnetic compass in "my den" under the bed. Without moral guidance, "mad" scientists sprout galore. From science, service... but to what end?
CoViD-19 virus is very unusual and improbable if it has arisen from random mutations. Imperial Japanese Army Unit 731 toyed with many bioweapons but they weren't deployed on a large scale to all of China ( although some might have been tested in controlled-study-wanton-killings-disallowed area of East China ) because many Japanese soldiers themselves were infected and there was fear in the occupying army leadership that it might trigger neutral nations into war with Imperial Japan. Bioweapons [ against human populations ] aren't easily controllable because they depend on the chain reaction acting among bio-fissile nearly identical ( > 99.9% of genome content being the same; modern human beings are inbred ) units available in count of billions. Only anthrax came close to being used like a conventional chemical bomb ( with antibiotics antidote treatment afterwards ) which is why it was researched by the major military powers. It may be weaponized to a huge scale but doing that would be silly, wouldn't it? "Warum haben wir Kriege?" "Um zu kriegen!" Well-fed well-fucked populations tend to be more peaceful because their need for "kriegen" is satiated. It's well documented in Biology that most species live, fight, and die for food and sex. Being well-fed satisfies the need for food. Being well-fucked satisfies the need for sex and hence reproduction ( for "eternal life.") Both lead to survival in pleasure, the hedonistic end of life itself programmed into living beings via their pleasure-reward ( in human beings, via opiods ) bio-circuitry.
I played the fishing game in my first kindergarten where each fish made of cardboard had a score printed on it and an iron mouthpiece attached. Each one of the four fishing rods had an iron-bell-clad-around-a-short-cylindrical-magnet-"bait" for picking up each fish from the cardboard-pushed-into-slots-of-wooden-rods "pond" to be set aside for the tally at the game's end when all of the fish in the "pond" have been "caught." Whichever player had got the highest score sum total printed on the fish which were "caught" won.
With every breath you take, every move you make,
this is the peoples' "war."
April 1st is only a short two weeks or so later when warmer weather will supposedly make CoViD-19 go away. In the year 1666, Isaac Newton left London when schools were closed to avoid himself getting the plague and therefore gaining the time to think...
Food supplies at least are not a problem. Do you remember that there was a tariff war going on and the farmers complained of not being able to sell their products overseas? Well, now we can eat the stockpile at home! No trans-ocean shipping cost needs to be incurred although I expect that there will still be some such shipments due to the quantities available. If we so-called "overreact," we'll probably have weathered the pandemic within three months ( the U.S. has a herd mentality so it can turn on a dime en masse, with many mass gatherings being delayed or cancelled; just a week ago, we've got, "Now fk off!" ) For example, Taiwan, having prepared for yet another SARS epidemic, fared very well in this CoViD-19 pandemic despite its many ties to the origin of the pandemic ( which is absolutely not the U.S.A! Would Donald Trump, the germophobe, permit creating CoViD-19 bug to strike down his hotel, resort, and golf course businesses worldwide? He's smarter than that! His near brush with CoViD-19 showed that he was even personally vulnerable despite all of the security { but not BSL-4.} Besides, he is in the three-strike high-risk group of being male, over 60 years of age, and over 70 years of age, but not any older than 80 years of age. A close call can change behavior drastically as I learnt to appreciate the beauty along the long and winding "scenic" "man-never-got-lost" routes after my Big Brother had carried me on his back once and only once { as I became forever scared thereafter } over and across the gap near what he had casually called the "Skeleton Pit with ¡crushed skulls!" in order to climb quickly to the top of the precipice { as climbing back down would have been much more precarious }.)
The getting-food-to-people problem may still exist in the distribution mechanism but we had prepared for a biowar ( after a few domestic-terrorism anthrax attacks post-9/11/2001 ) so we should have had at least some significant applicable supplies stashed away, although they may not be at the scale for a pandemic. When our military surged to West Africa and teamed up with Cuban ( with Fidel Castro's blessing! ) healthcare/medical professionals to fight Ebola hemorrhagic fever in 2014, we certainly had the logistical capability--the sight of American troops backed up by the Cubans struck home the seriousness and importance to keep borders open to medical supplies and medical personnel casualties/evacuees. Our military is still around with us and has significant distribution capability if it hasn't already been "vented out" ( I wonder whether having synthesia allows one to detect dark skin colors as a stink; I suspect that diet plays a significant role in body odors; I can naso-geolocate while driving on the New Jersey Turnpike because I can smell Chemotown and Currytown ) as the "Whites' House" was. The hope still lives.
Erection has Con sequences. Our President, Speaker of the House, and leading candidates for the Presidency are all in the high-risk-for-dying older group for CoViD-19 so they should have realized that this is an absolutely nonpartisan challenge and act accordingly. According to Chinese Mainlander CoViD-19 death statistics ( but ¿not Italian statistics?,) being female gives our Speaker of the House an advantage for surviving, over the males. The dependency on country may be showing a sex-at-birth cultural element affecting the medical care provided or the quality thereof. One can create in one's own mind a mirage of death and the mirage can of its creation become real by causing death.