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Forum Post: Some SIMPLE DEMANDS to Allow the Resistance to Continue...

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 28, 2011, 12:08 p.m. EST by Gadfly (0) from Arlington, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

  1. Citizen groups/communities should be permitted to CREATE AND USE THEIR OWN CURRENCY. In doing so, rejecting all the "aid" and "benefits" of the US empire, and instead relying on eachother for support and group projects (roads, firehouses etc.)

  2. Protesters should be permitted to setup tents and more permanent structures. Winter is coming, we must ensure that we can continue. (or at least have designated spaces for them)

Side notes, Im also in favor of eliminating fractional reserve banking, bailouts, the federal reserve bank.

And here's my vision: This event is of great importance because it is raising awareness of the need for radical change. The problem is that we can't all agree on what needs to be changed. But it can be the start of something positive and new. But it's up to US to create it. Simply complaining that things are bad is not enough. Each local community can take charge of their own lives. Eventually we can get to a place where communities grow their own food, govern themselves, build their own stuff (exports/imports minimal), and depend on eachother in times of need. (of course if community disaster happens, others nearby help) Each community has it's own unique culture thereby increasing the diversity of the perception of life. And diversity is power because where two contradicting views meet is where the wedge of truth is driven in further. This is how we escape the prison of the too powerful, how we escape their money-game that has us running around so frantically just to get by that we hardly have time to stop, think, and question the whole system. As we gradually move towards self-sufficiency, the top will shrink and shrink, like a creature feasting upon itself until eventually it disappears all together, or at least becomes irrelevant to us. Thus will society be peacefully transformed, and the ecosystems upon which we depend allowed to recover. If we can learn to live simply, amongst ourselves, we will be free of the banks tyranny.

And the internet is an amazing resource for this. Some links: http://opensourceecology.org/ http://aquaponicshq.com/ http://gardenpool.org/



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

in order to achieve agreement, do the intellectual work and research and use formal logic instead of opinion to guide that. https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150409084095833