Forum Post: Some problems and an occaisional solution
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 8:05 p.m. EST by concernedeyes
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I love this movement and I want to help in any way I can, even though I can't be on the ground with you. As I browse the threads and comments, and follow on the news (if you call the I Can Haz Cheezburger network news), I can't help but notice a few key issues.
1) Some well-meaning person posted this: which isn't so bad on its own but it's more extreme than other proposed demands, causing media groups in the pockets of the 1% to assert that we are a bunch of communist hippie radicals and discredit our movement, despite the fact that most of the comments are against this particular list. If the original poster of this list could PLEASE REMOVE THAT POST, it could help us a lot. For the rest of you, I would like to promote what seems like a more popular list: Please comment with your suggestions and opinions and help spread THIS list around until it becomes clear that THIS is what WE want.
2) Non-profits, pre-existing groups, and false activists are trying to hijack this movement like they did to the Tea Party. While it would be difficult (if not impossible) to shut these people out, I would like to encourage you to ignore posts that advocate for a political party/candidate or a different organization. As for false activists, please let me explain: some people on this forum are being paid by corporations to get involved with us and stir up trouble. These people are difficult to pinpoint because they don't advocate for things that are wildly outside of our focus - they try to drag us to the furthest extreme in order to discredit us as radicals. PLEASE do not embrace comments advocating extreme or violent solutions, but try not to become too paranoid that everyone else on here is a corporate spy: that is clearly not the case.
3) Some of us are getting impatient and/or losing focus. People are calling for complete political overhaul, complaining that we aren't getting enough media attention, promoting their music, and there's even a list of demands that people made for the moderators about how this forum is run. Let's focus on two things: political honesty and economic reform. NOT overhaul, just reform.
4) As I have mentioned in 1 and 2, we are being branded as communist hippie radicals trying to steal from others when we haven't done anything to earn what we want. WE KNOW THIS IMAGE IS NOT TRULY REPRESENTATIVE OF US! However, if we want positive media attention, public sympathy, and less police brutality, there is a simple solution: wear business-casual clothing. If we are a wall of people in khakis and button-downs and blouses, it will project our TRUE image to the world - that we, the workers of America, are tired of being ripped off! So please, PLEASE dress for a day at the workplace. I know it's not comfortable, but we didn't start this movement expecting to be coddled.
5) Winter is coming. It's going to be cold and we are going to get sick and tired and we won't want to do this anymore. Aside from those little hand warmers that you can stick in pockets and shoes, I have no good ideas for this one. You'll have to figure it out on your own, sorry.
6) I'm not sure if it's even a serious problem, but I've seen comments promoting anti-Semitism and infighting. Let's make this clear: no matter what race, religion, education, political orientation, sexuality, etc., WE ARE ALL IN THE 99%. DO NOT ALIENATE YOUR FELLOW PROTESTERS. THIS IS NO PLACE TO HATE, UNDERSTAND?
Thank you for reading this. Please consider my points, comment with solutions and other issues you have seen around here, and keep up the amazing work!
Thanks for your comments. I'll make a couple short remarks:
1). The individual postings of members cannot be controlled, and if the media is going to use what any individual says as indicative of the movement we're screwed anyway. .
2). Agreed.
3). Economic reform and political reform should at least be the goals of this movement. In fact, that's what I've been proposing. But what if the movement has the capability to be stronger than that? What if it could actually overhaul the system and set it on a more sustainable path? Maybe it's not unreasonable to let it grow and see what seems possible. After all, it could be that only by demanding a complete overhaul will reforms end up happening once the bargaining process beings (I prefer we make non-negotiable demands actually).
4). I think this is a good idea for people to dress normally, whatever that is. It doesn't hurt if they look professional. Certainly people shouldn't pull out tie-dyed t-shirts that they wouldn't normally wear.
5). We'll see what happens in the winter. Some occupations in warmer climates won't be affected too much, whereas those in colder climates may need to do something different.
6). Agreed. Politics hasn't worked in this country because they divide us. We are all the 99% and I don't care what else you believe in, but we need to get the damn corporate influence out of government.