Forum Post: Socialism Too Lofty; Policy Changes First
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 12:22 a.m. EST by Candyce2011
from Douglas City, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
For those who advocate socialism, I'm not going to argue here the pros or cons of capitalism, socialism, or communism. What I do wish to point out is that a complete overhaul of our current government from a capitalist system to a socialist system is NOT a realistic goal for the present time. The socialist school of thought is still GREATLY in the minority in this country, and any serious attempt at transition to a socialist system would only result as a product war. Unless you want to play directly into the hands of the very type of people you're here protesting against, that should not be something you want.
What We The People are doing right now is exactly what We The People of a democracy SHOULD be doing in this situation. We have forgotten that we are, in effect, a branch of its own of our own government, and we have a responsibility as well. What our country need is deep, abrupt policy changes, and the current econopolitical system is not designed to MAKE deep, abrupt policy changes. We must DEMAND them.
Our demands should be limited to these changes, focusing on energy. Simply by confronting our energy crisis, we will also be making the ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY first step to confronting our jobs crisis and our foreign policy crisis.