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Forum Post: Since Obama’s re-election: over 100,000 layoffs at more than 125 businesses (so far)

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 25, 2012, 8:19 a.m. EST by clamor (-40) from Hopatcong, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Layoffs Announced Since Election

Abbott Labs 700
Activision 30
Adventist Health 48
Airlines SAS 6000
AMD 400
American Cotton Growers 110
ArcelorMittal 20
American Independence Museum 4
Ameridose 790
American Airlines 4400 + 800 leaving voluntarily
American Coal 54
Atlantic Lottery Corporation 16
Assc Milk Producers 130
Aveo Oncology 45
ATI 172
Bankia 5000
Bechtel Power Corp 277
Bigpoint Games 47
Boston Scientific 1200
Brake Parts LLC 75
Brattleboro Retreat 31
Bristol Myers 500
Career Education 900 + Closing 23 Campuses
Cigna 1300
Citigroup 100
Commerzbank 6000
Consol Energy in W.V. 145
Covidien 595
Crouse Hospital Syracuse NY 70
Cummins 150
DEP in Tallahassee FL 15
DuPont, Co. 64
Eagle-Tribune, Andover 21
Emanuel Medical Cente 24
Energizer Holdings 1500
Ericsson 1550
Exide Tech, Laureldale 150
City of Findlay, OH 39
First Energy 400
Gameforge Berlin 20
Gamesa Energy 92
GenOn Energy Inc 33
Glen Falls Hospital 29
Groupon 80
GT Advanced Tech 165
Harris’ Broadcast 17
Hawker Beechcraft 400 + Facilities closing
Hill Rom 200
Hills Holdings 300
HMX Group 567
Hostess 627
Iberia Airlines 4500
ICM of Colwich 25
ING 2350
Judson University 21
Juniper Networks 500
Kaiser Permanente 84
Kinetic Concepts 427
Kratos Defense Security 125
Lackawanna County PA 11
Lightyear Network Solutions 12+
Lonza 500
Majestic Star Casino/hotel 80
Major Wind Company 3000
Martha Stewart Living 70
Medtronic 1000
Mills Manufacturing NC 68
Momentive, Inc. 150
Monitor Group 235
Montco Behavioral Health/Dev 58
NBC 500
Nebraska Medical Center 38
Neovia Logistics Services 52
New Energy 40
Ormet 200
Panasonic 10000
PayPal 320
Penn Refrigeration 40
Penske Logistics 50
Pepsi 4000
Philips Electronics 218
Pierce Mfg 325
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne 100
Research in Motion 200
Rheem Manufacturing 50
Sentry Foods 70
Shaw’s Supermarket 700
Shawano foundry WI 90
Smith & Nephew 770
Smithfield Packing Co. 125
Solel Solar Systems 140
Southeastern Container 15
SpaceX 100
SRA Intl Inc 222
St. Jude Medical 300
Stryker 1170
Sulake 60
Sun Media 500
TE Connectivity 620
TECO Coal Corporation 90
Texas Instruments 1700
The Providence Journal Co 23
TMX Group Ltd. 100
Turbocare 220
Turkey Point Nuclear Plant 277
Oce North America, Inc. 135
Turbocare OCE 220
UBS 10000
US Cellular 980
UtahAmerican Energy Inc 102
Volvo Trucks Pulaski County 300
Wake Forest Baptist Medical 950
Welch Allyn 275
West Ridge Mine 102
Westinghouse 50
World Media Enterprises Inc 105
WPS Health Insurance 600
Wright Patterson AFB 115
Wyodak Coal Mine 11
Xerox 2500
Yakima Reg Med Ctr Washington 10+

Announced Business Closures Since Election

Bakers Footwear closing 150 stores nationwide, including 21 in California
The SCA plant in Barton – Plans Staff Reductions

Handy Hardware to close its 2-year-old Meridian, Miss. warehouse

Caterpillar Inc. will close its plant in Owatonna Minn.

Waltz Pharmacy in Waldoboro Maine

Zac’s Place in Hinsdale IL

Lone Star Steakhouse at 70th and O streets and Ruby Tuesday at 56th Street in

Lincoln NE

Career Education Corp – Closing 23 Campuses – 900 Jobs Lost

Handy Hardware to close its 2-year-old Meridian, Miss. warehouse

Shamrock Bar at Payne City’s Rose Avenue. in GA

Monitor Company Group LP

ThinkEquity LLC

Homer City Funding LLC

Caterpillar Inc. will close its plant in Owatonna Minn.

Mount Pleasant’s Albrecht Sentry Foods

The Target store at Manassas Mall Va.

Millennium Academy in Wake Forest NC

Target Closing Kissimmee FL Location

Calgary’s iconic Rideau Music store ( International )

The Andover Gift Shop in Andover MA

Grand Union Family Markets Closing Storrs Location CT

Movie Scene Milford Location NH

Update: TE Connectivity Closing Greensboro Plant – 620 Layoffs Expected

Gomer’s Fried Chicken in South Kansas City

Kmart in Homer Glen

Fresh Market on Pine Street in Burlington

AGC Glass North America to permanently close its Blue Ridge Plant in Kingsport Tenn.

The Target store at Platte and Academy in Colorado Springs

Island Colors – A Carolina Beach Clothing Store

The Roses store on Reynold Road in Winston-Salem NC

Meanders Kitchen losing its West Seattle location at 6032 California Ave

Bost Harley-Davidson at 46th Avenue North and Delaware Ave. in West Nashville TN

Townsend Booksellers in Oakland

The Kmart store in Parkway Plaza off University Drive in Durham NC – 79 Jobs Lost

Guarantee Shoe Store in Beaumont Texas

Associated Milk Producers Inc. Closing manufacturing facility in Dawson Minn. – 130

Jobs Lost

FacadeTek Inc Closes Whitestown Facility – 72 Jobs Lost

Comet Market in Punxsutawney Pa.

JC Penney store in Miracle City Mall Titusville FL

TurboCare Inc Closing Manchester CT Facility – 88

The United Colors of Benetton store on Armitage Avenue IL
Update: Bicycle shop Ten 27 Cycles 1027 Davis St. in Evanston IL

Two Sears Product Rebuild Centers in The Woodlands Texas

FesslerUSA Clothing Maker Closing in PA

Ralph Lauren’s plans to close its 14 stand-alone Rugby locations

Nashville Sash & Door Co. Inc Tenn.

First Portuguese church in North America in Bedford Mass Closing?

International Fashions in Carbondale’s University Mall IL

Harper’s Old Army Surplus Store in West Monroe La

Nova Financial Holdings

The Party Warehouse in West Springfield Mass.

TLC Wine and Liquor at 1205 W. Main St in Kent Ohio?

The HAPPY Place 1042 N Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA

Air Carrier Accessory Services – Chapter 7

SOW Inc. shelter on South Broad Street GA?

Systemax Inc., Closing Miami County Ohio Computer Plant – 120 Jobs Lost

Textbook publisher McGraw-Hill Cos. Closing 2 Distribution Centers – 166 Layoffs

First Place Financial Corp

Nash Finch Closing Cedar Rapids Iowa Food Distribution Center

Johnnie’s Foodmaster MA Closing all 10 Locations

Rainbow Foods will be closing its Forest Lake location MN – 59 Layoffs

Berry’s Camera Shop Inc. in Downtown Lafayette

Schreiber Foods to close their food packaging plant in Ravenna – 70 Jobs Lost

Kmart store at 5300 Salem Ave. Trotwood Ohio

Mr.Christie plant in Toronto ( International ) 2013 – 550 Jobs Lost

Coffee with T cafe in Stevenson Village business MD

Minas Basin Pulp and Power are closing a mill in Hantsport ( International ) – 135


The Colonial Country Shoppe on Park Street in Adams MA

Vestas Wind Systems Closing R&D; Office in Louisville – 60 Jobs Lost

Dollar Castle in downtown Ferndale MI

Bistro One West in St Charles IL

Sun Dog Diner in Neptune Beach FL

Jim’s Builders Hardware in Wichita, Kansas

Madeleines Bakehouse in Fort Wayne Indiana

Barnes & Noble plans to close its doors in Union Station Dec. 31

The Semiahmoo Hotel in Blaine Washington

Highland Curves CA

The Salem Sport Shop in Salem Ohio

Navistar International Corp. to Close truck assembly plant in Garland, Texas – 900

Jobs Lost

Divine Mercy Catholic Books & Gifts Denton Texas

Singer Mental Health Center in Rockford IL

Garelick Farms Ends Production at Bangor Maine Facility

Fashion Tech Window Coverings in Portland?

Custom House Tavern Chicago IL.

Jim’s Builders Hardware in Delano

Lone Star Steakhouse at 1801 22nd St. in West Des Moines

Sears to Close Woodlands Product Rebuild Center – 117 Jobs Lost

Whitehead Inc Rockford Real Estate Company

Robert’s Mens Shop in Downtown New Philadelphia Ohio

Fort Tecumseh Olde Fashun Store in Ohio

Lakewood Beginnings Child Development Center in Lakewood Ohio

Green Fields Seed & Feed in Grand Junction Colo.

The Army and Navy Store in Melrose Mass.

Vitalistic Therapeutic charter school PA

Diamond Foods Inc Closing a plant in Fishers Indiana

Old Town Alehouse 5233 Ballard Ave in Seattle

Space Aliens restaurants in Minot and Grand Forks ND

DeWaay Financial Network LLC

Sears at Quail Springs Mall Oklahoma City OK.

Fashion Bug in O’Fallon MO is closing in January

Kmart Store in Oak Hill W. Va

Update: Jett & Hall men’s clothing store in Richmond KY

D.C. school List of Possible Schools Closing to Be released Later today

Dunkin’ Donuts in Holly Hill FL

Hostess Brands Inc Permanently Closing 3 Bakeries Following a Nationwide Strike

Philips Electronics subsidiary Lightolier will close its local fluorescent light

fixture manufacturing plant in Willington

Smithfield Packing Co. will close in 2013, laying off a total of 400 employees

SuperFresh outlets in Marlton and Westmont NJ

The Bagel Shoppe in Katonah NY

Ben Franklin and Homestead House Gifts in the Kimball Ridge Center in Waterloo IA

Several West Virginia Suzuki dealerships Being Forced to Close

Kowalski Cos Closing All 4 of its Metro Detroit Delis but to Continue Food


Three Memphis charter schools and one in Nashville Tenn. Could Close Due to Poor

Test Scores
The Custer School District SD – Closing 2 Rural Schools

The Dressing Room, on North Lincoln Avenue IL

The Utica office of IBOPE NY


AMF Bowling Worldwide Inc

Aletheia Research & Management Inc

Omtron USA

Helmkampf Construction in Olivette

Clear Light Publishers

Monitor Company Group LP

ThinkEquity LLC

Homer City Funding LLC

US Suzuki Distributor – Chapter 11

Revolt Technology




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[-] 2 points by freewriterguy (882) 12 years ago

great informative post thanks for sharing

[-] 2 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

People give way too much credit and blame to Presidents.

Don't forget about the greedy 1%

[-] -1 points by clamor (-40) from Hopatcong, NJ 12 years ago

Of course, because if the economy was roaring and unemployment was low, the Barackster wouldn't be taking credit for that, right?

//cue rolleyes//

[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

I think you might be missing the entire point of my comment. Look beyond party politics. Look at the men behind the curtain.

[-] -2 points by clamor (-40) from Hopatcong, NJ 12 years ago

Why look beyond party politics when the person running the show is to blame and should be responsible for the failure? Why do you want to keep making excuses and redirecting the blame? Seems to me the "buck stops with him", right? After all, he wanted the job.

Big O gets Bin Laden and he trumpets on stump speech after stump speech.

Benghazi takes place... not so much. Why?

[-] -1 points by janus2 (-387) 12 years ago

it did not go according to plan, so the cover up of the cover up goes on and on.

[-] -1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

I just want to go one day on this forum without being accused of blaming Obama too much or not blaming him enough.

Is that too much to ask?

[-] 0 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

Yes, because that is straying from fluff and gives people time to engage in substantive debate, which they are here to prevent. Including the fake trolls.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

excellent point. And this guy's name is even "clamor"

[+] -4 points by ronniepaul2012 (214) 12 years ago

Beghazi. Thanks to the compliant, criminal leftist media we will never know just why we had over 20 cia agents stationed there and what the Ambassador was scheming (gunrunning....an Obama favorite pasttime) with Turkish diplomats. No one seems to get we could just as easily have had 34 dead Americans that day, thanks to Obama's decision to stand down the Army since he didn't want a spotlight on our illegal activiies there.

[-] -1 points by janus2 (-387) 12 years ago

stevens was tortured, raped and murderd, 3 other americans murdered by the obama backed muslims,oh well, just another day in the obama regime.

[-] -2 points by janus2 (-387) 12 years ago

you will never be able to stop islam.

[-] 1 points by Misaki (893) 12 years ago

Religious discrimination isn't popular these days. Just look at, for example, successful posts on 9gag.


Jacob Whitnell · Top Commenter Well the person who made this is obviously anti-Israeli.... 276 likes · Yesterday at 10:58am

Florian Doneux · Top Commenter · Collège Saint-Benoît de Maredsous Yeah, because you're obviously anti-Israel if you recognize the fact that palestinians have a homeland. 1,034 likes · Yesterday at 11:00am

[-] -2 points by janus2 (-387) 12 years ago

claiming islam to be a religion doent make it so.

[-] 1 points by Misaki (893) 12 years ago

You are getting a lot of downvotes. Just an observation.


[-] 2 points by RedDragon (-161) 12 years ago

This trend will continue for at least the next five or six years.

[-] 1 points by SteveKJR1 (8) 12 years ago

I think you know what the definition of "insanity is" Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Let me put it in another perspective

Voting for Obama and expecting different results with the same people controlling the house and senate -

[-] -1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

I don think the population has the ability at this point to organize and get new faces in there. It could in the future if something really got going, but as it stands now it doesnt.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 12 years ago

I would not be surprised at all that it continues far beyond that because of the sheer size of the U.S. economy. In most months, initial jobless claims run maybe 300 thousands or more. 100 thousands for 11 days is almost down into the background noise level.

The U.S. is a market economy subject to the fickleness of consumer/governmental/industrial demands. Layoffs are perennial, almost like the basic metabolism of "creative destruction." It is much more important to find out and deal with the people who had lost their jobs and get them economically back on track.

[-] 2 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

Thanks for pointing out this obvious fact, so that I didn't have to. Man what a moron thread!

[-] -3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Nah! This hyperpartisanship will submit to the base instinct of profit making. The economy is about to take off. LMFAO.

Don't be afraid.

[-] 1 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago

Show me evidence its about to take off and i might believe you

[-] -2 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

NO! You'll just have to wait! Don't believe me?. I don't give a fuck.

[-] 1 points by engineer4 (331) 12 years ago

Don't you have anything to do? Do you work? You really need to get outside and off this forum. Throwing statements out there is just ignorant.

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

You're here Why can't I be here?. I'm allowed. You're not the boss of me. Are you overwhelmed by my challenge to your incorrect position.?


[-] 1 points by engineer4 (331) 12 years ago

I am only occasionally here. You live here. Big difference. That last comment you made that I repnded to was just ignorant and you know it and is not constructive to debating in a forum. Think about it.

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

The difficulties I've had with DB dictated the uncivil response to his request for "evidence" of my contention the economy would take off.

You are probably unaware of my interactions with him. I'm not saying my lack of civility is justified or productive because I don't really feel I need to explain myself to anyone.

Oops. There it is.

You're response was also uncivil. DB is always rude, obscene, disrespectful in one form or another. Most people I interact with here are uncivil!

I have spent months attempting to be civil and encourage civility. I got no support from my fellow forum members. Vulgar, abusive name calling is clearly acceptable.

Are you suggesting I unilaterally disarm as I feel I have been doing for months.?

What exactly is your problem with me? Why are you bothering me?. Is it that you do not support my leftist, progressive, ideology?

[-] 1 points by engineer4 (331) 12 years ago

I am suggesting that you should be civil in your discourse, even when others may not be. Become an example, not a point of contention. It is quite easy to disarm poor argument or response by good form and tone. People attack you on this forum by the positions, tone, even over the top shilling that you sometimes bring. That does not accomplish anything. Try something different. There is a reason that you are not getting any support.

DB asked a simple question about your "economy about to take off". So what was the problem with an answer. When making a factual statement, provide some back up. If its an opinion, then state why you feel that way. Not so difficult.

You ask if I am bothering you. when I occasionally read through posts here, I choose to ask questions or take a opposing position to have some debate. I do not always support the position I take, but evaluate possible solutions by approaching an issue from both sides or viewpoints. Also learn some new things along the way. You and I agree and disagree on many things and we have stated that in previous discussions. Have you ever even tried to debate for a differing viewpoint? Why not try some critical thought instead of tiresome rhetoric.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I disagree that I engage in "tiresome rhetoric", That's your inaccurate opinion.

My response to DB was not simply a response to that specific question but a response based on the continuing battle we have.

"I don't always support the position I take" REALLY? I would call that dishonest. "Have you ever tried to debate for a different viewpoint?" Not without telling the people I'm conversing with. Critical Thinking does not require dishonesty. I have not only tried but succeeded at it.

I'm gonna stick with my honest opinions, & positions, notwithstanding your unfounded personal attacks.

Perhaps you should put aside the policing/protection of DB and focus on discussion of substantive issues that affect the 99%. (like supporting public unions). Certainly you don't need to offer advice on my style. I'm perfectly satisfied with my style and the support I get.

Are you being honest now? Or is this one of your critical thinking/not really support the position I argue moment.


[-] 0 points by engineer4 (331) 12 years ago

VQ. You really miss the point. If one debates, he would not expose his position prior to the discourse. That would completely alter the discussion and nothing of substance woud be brought out. Taking an opposing stance is not dishonest. Not sure where you are going with that. The note of tiresome rhetoric is because you tend to repeat. The solutions you propose are general and sometimes just states the obvious. Then you run and hide behind your accusations that the opposing point of view is anti this or repub that, against the 99%, anti partisan etc. please! How about some real debating that actually goes somewhere. We have done this before when we discussed how to remove money in politics. I even got you to agree with me on some of the difficult hurdles regarding actual legislation. Or have you forgotten?

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I have no respect for your opinion, as such I have disregarded it and do not remember ever agreeing with you. If so great. If not I ain't surprised.

So now you say municipal budget shortfalls must be addressed by going after public unions. I say grow the economy (and all the obvious steps that go with that.)

We disagree so you attack me personally. "run and hide" "proposals are general" "your are partisan" Please, attacking unions IS anti 99% and repub tactic 101. I can't state the obvious?

Sorry I can't pretend with you.

[-] 1 points by engineer4 (331) 12 years ago

"ain't" nothing personal, just some critical remarks on your debating skills which need some work.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

"but you are just unwilling to debate the issues or even answer some important points. There is no compromise with you, no path forward to find solutions, only repeated rhetoric."

Tiresome, meaningless, personal attack, unrelated to the issue you claim to want to debate, specious opinions.

I only discuss the issue! You only discuss my style because you can't handle an honest discussion on the issue, you have to distract with the above personal attack.

And so I win. And as always YOU lose!


[-] 0 points by engineer4 (331) 12 years ago

As you say: LMFAO.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I ain't seekin your advice, I ain't askin your opinion, You don't get a vote. I'm not takin a poll. My style may need work but who don't? You? Are you perfect? LOL.

Your problem with me is simply that we disagree. I don't go after unions, You do.

No biggie. We just disagree. See I don't have to go after you in some unrelated way. I stick to the facts ofthe issue at hand.

Keep your grimey hands off our decent hard working American union members! Goddamn it!

[-] 0 points by engineer4 (331) 12 years ago

Are you a bit confused today? "our decent hard working americans" . I am trying to debate you in a constructive way. We disagree on some things, but you are just unwilling to debate the issues or even answer some important points. There is no compromise with you, no path forward to find solutions, only repeated rhetoric. And that is a shame.

[-] -1 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago

No he doesn't he retired at the age of 41 because he was a VP at some music studio or something even though he barely made it through high school and has much hatred for his teachers. Raised his daughter alone. Lives in Brooklyn hates queens. Him and his mother lived in the projects and lived on welfare. Also to add never has driven a car.

but honestly i think he was paid to post here and just went crazy

[-] -1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

No hatred for my teachers. Asshole.

I work for myself managing my property and assets. .

Get it straight

[-] 1 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago

no it said [deleted] not [removed]

so you went back and deleted it

[-] 1 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago

kinda like i just did to show a point

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Wow. Go figure. What does it all mean? Y'know I've deleted many comments for any number of reasons. When was this alleged comment? You wanna give me a link to a comment nearby? I'll investigate.

I should say that I have no recollection of the statement you have erroneously attributed to me. If you have no evidence for such an offensive accusation I would say you are probably making it up.

You've made up accusations before haven't you?

These are simply more meaningless personal attacks in any event. As always you can't discuss substantive issues in a civil way so you resort to schoolyard bullying tactics.

C'mon grow up. Be a man.

[-] 1 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago

i dont change or delete my words after i say them i stand by them knowing i said them good or bad.


[-] 0 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago

Yeah you said "fucking teachers"

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Fuck you! You don't speak for me asshole.


[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

You did not quote me when you lied about me "having hatred for my teachers" That's you lyin out of your ass.

Which is par for the course with you. Just a lyin piece of shit!

[-] 0 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago

sure just a lying piece of shit when you say fucking teahcers im pretty sure you hate them

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

You are obviously ignorant and simply trying to rile me up with untrue personal attacks.

Please refrain, It's silly.

[-] 1 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago

So i went back to the original thread to find you have since deleted the comment, my question is why?

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Perhaps the moderators removed it.

What would be the purpose of going back to find it?

[-] 0 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago

im quoting you not speaking for you

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I never said "I have much hate for my teachers" That's you lying out of your ass!

Doesn't matter how many times you postthe same comment. Doesn't make it more true.


[-] 0 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago

the quote was "fucking teachers" or "fuck teachers"

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

So.? That doesn't prove your childish accusation.

And I have no recollection of the comment in any event.

[-] 1 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago

wow i can not believe the ignorance you have to your own writings

the deletion is above this comment


[-] 0 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago
[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

nothing in my comment corroborates any such obscenity on my part. I don't think you are being honest.

This was a long time ago. Perhaps you are recalling it incorrectly, or maybe you are recalling another conversation with someone else?

Otherwise your just making it up to harass me. I didn't even see the deletion you claim was made.

Give up?

[-] -3 points by janus2 (-387) 12 years ago

went crazy? the obama regime ( ows and soros) use the weakest minds to further their agenda.thats why their called "useful idiots".

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Sorry. that's Glenn Becks description of progressives.

Big fan of Glenn's are you?

Will you be marching in his next "protest"?

[-] 0 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago


[-] 0 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago

cool so its a lie thanks thats all you ever do here anymore

[-] -2 points by janus2 (-387) 12 years ago

the ecomony will never " take off" under the obama regime. dont you ever get tired of lying for dictator in chief?

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Forget Obama. This ain't about him, I ain't mentioned him.

Capitalists must make money. They WILL ramp up now that they failed to beat the left.

It is natural, a cycle. understand. No one can stop american business. Yourrepubs only succeeded in slowing down therecovery in order to try and defeat the left.

But they failed and nowthey must refocus and allow their 1% corp oligarchs make profit.

Aaaaaaaah Ha ha haha!!!

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

I think the situation is much more serious than that. The tiny fraction of a percentage that make up the financial oligarchy have full intentions to use economic collapse, war, famine and plague to reduce the global population to less than a billion people.

The only way this can be stopped is by bankrupting the financial oligarchy through Glass Steagall. Than, economic growth could be once again be attained through an economic development program similar to FDR's New Deal.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Wow, sounds pretty bad. Gonna be a bumpy ride. I do support reinstating Glass Steagal, and increasing taxes on the wealthy to stimulate the economy, & pat down debt but I didn't think bankrupting the oligarchy was necessary.

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

Bankrupting the oligarchy would be the inevitable, and desired, result of Glass Steagall. Most of their power is based on phony debt and money that they have created, and that they will continue to use to consolidate their power, if they are allowed to.

The alternative is, once their funny money is gone, to create a national bank that would create money only for the purpose of benefiting the common good, that is, through investment in US infrastructure.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I also support a national bank. Current banks have such a monopolistic arrangement that they take advantage of the little guy. A non profit alternative should be available to us the would serve as real competition.

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

The idea of a national bank is not really to replace commercial banks, but to develop the economy through big investments in infrastructure, which would also demand the creation of 10s of millions of good paying jobs. A national bank would replace the federal reserve, rather than competing with the commercial banks that are already out there.

However, it would be part of a system that would regulate commercial banking. Commercial banks would be returned to their traditional role of benefiting rather than plundering their communities.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Oh, ok. I suppose I could live with that.

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

Hopefully, you would not just live with it, but would thrive and prosper.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Right! Me and the rest of the 99%

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

Yes, indeed.

[-] -2 points by janus2 (-387) 12 years ago

record unemployment stops the economy cold.people will spend money on necessities( food , fuel , rent ,basic clothing all having gone up in price). and cut back on eveything else. no money left for discretionary spending.

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Repubs should stop blocking the infrastructure jobs, green kobs, veterans jobs bills. Repubs should also rehire 1 million state workers they fired in the last years (during this uneployment crises).

Unemplyment would drop from the current 7+ to near 4%.

Simple. Traitorous Repubs are the problem.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

First recession, eh son?

[-] 1 points by harleyjack0518 (1) 12 years ago

Thanks for the post! I really hope that builders in Hinsdale don't start laying off a bunch of people too! We really need them. Give them your support at http://www.molidorbldr.com/

[-] 1 points by cJessgo (729) from Port Jervis, PA 12 years ago

In four years the other party will have its president in place.Every thing will be roses than.

[-] 1 points by DanielBarton (1345) 12 years ago

so this struck me so i looked into a few of them to see what is actually happening. For the power plant the job is just being done so the workers are being let go because they are construction workers.


Then Texas Instruments this is a world wide lay off to save money overall. I know the company has been hurting since sales are down so they have to save money. I also have heard rumors that they are leaving the microchip business.


So are these all to blame on Obama no not really could his economic policy have something to do with it, perhaps. But overall it is the economy world wide that is taking a major hit when less demand these companies can not survive. There is a lot working into this i will say though if you have been following the stock market you will see that it has been falling since early October at a steady pace.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

You realize that 95% of businesses dont make it past five years, right?

Its tough work getting one going.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 12 years ago

I don't get it. What does Obama's re-election have to do with these layoffs? There were only eleven days from Election Day to the 11/17-date list. If Obama could affect things that fast, we are in for the ride of our lives in the next four years. So far, it felt like we were riding on the back of a Galapagos giant tortoise.

[-] -2 points by janus2 (-387) 12 years ago

you dont get it? many of these business were just hanging on hoping for romey to elected . if that would have happened , people would feel secure and spend money, . enormous taxes set to kick in january 2013. many of these business cannot or will not be a part of obamcare. its costs them too much money, better to close.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 12 years ago

Enormous taxes of January 2013 set to kick in was a bipartisan sado-masochistic pact originated from the inability to overcome fundamental philosophical differences and the very benighted constituencies. As they say, being in a war zone, we should not keep on kicking the cans down the road because one may eventually turn out to be an IED.

Obamacare will not kick in fully until 2014 so what is the rush to close? Make more profits and get out in time. Perhaps these business people were tipped off by the Mayans and they needed to do emergency preparations for the End of the World on 12/21/12.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

They are traitorous, unAmerican and should be punished.

[-] 0 points by clamor (-40) from Hopatcong, NJ 12 years ago

'at a boy VQkag, get that iron fisted top-down authoritarian voice roaring!

We can be like North Korea in no time and you can be goose-stepping at the front of the line.


[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Oh only north Korea, & authoritarian countries punish people.

I guess your false comparison is just a weak attempt at protecting this treasonous behavior designed to hurt the American economy.

I'm sure if someone was mugged and had their weekly pay stolen you would be screaming bloody murder, lock 'em up, 3 strikes, tough on crime!

Well these corps are taking away hundreds of thousands of American families paychecks for no reason but politics!

That is wrong. I believe it is illegal (certainly should be). They are clearly not good corp citizens. And I submit it is treasonous.

Treason is a punishable offense. By death I believe. Let's take the license to do business away, unless they rehire these decent hard working Americans.

That's not uniquely north Korean or authoritarian. It is how you handle a misbehaving dog. Whack in the nose with a news paper. (kidding, no dog abuse)

[+] -5 points by clamor (-40) from Hopatcong, NJ 12 years ago

So the companies are laying people off because of politics? Explain that. It has nothing to do with the economy and the lack of demand?

It's illegal to lay people off when there's no demand for them? That makes them treasonous? By all means, take away their business license so they can layoff the remainder of their workers, close everyone is without a paycheck by your logic.

LOL. Check yourself in to your local mental ward along with Jesse Heffran.

[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

They lay off because they can. They can ship jobs to china, take tax write offs, milk the company then sink it. That is the crony capitalism system we have.

It's why we need If capitalism is not what we have ( and of course crony capitalism should be prohibited) because it was ended by bush, and if capitalism is the best system, when it is monitored against monopolies, too big to fail, protection of environment, etc, and a real safety net. Why don't we have safety net for those for whom capitalism is not working, with some ideas like this, as a transition to increased worker owned society. (which should be able to exist within capitalism--they have this in different parts of world, if I am not mistaken) We should absolutely have workers self management (for the reasons above). The important thing is that everyone should be able to have a decent life, with, at very least, guaranteed access to necessities. A society based on "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" should be our goal. This is key goal. Maybe it can happen in capitalism with safeguards and safety nets. We should have more job retraining, and government encouragement of worker owned work. Government should facilitate individuals with similar ideas for production and work, getting ideas and workers together, making loans available, when unemployment reaches certain level. Every able person should have opportunity to work, if nothing more than serving soup in soup lines. Unemployed can take bus to agriculture work on farms, bus provided by farmer, or moms or dads would work in daycares, or even schools, assuming they pass bacgkground checks, and higher skilled could work in government, picking up temporary cap on govnt hiring until complete deficit is eliminated, freeze nonesential government worker hiring through attrition and retirement, and supplrment with skilled unemployed persons, where they earn a minimum wage (this shoul read fair living wage ) voucher for housing, food, medical. There would be. 4 day work week for unemployed. Day 5 they look for job. Day 6 they utilize education voucher. They would also get education voucher to community college. If they have a house, unemployed shoulD also have federal guarantee of no home repossession, and interest coverd by bank until person is reemployed. ......the above would be temporary bridge to worker owned society, to see how it works. The unemployed could also instead of doing those work, retraining ideas, instead get govnt backed loan to open a business, insured by a cooperative which takes portion of loan, for insurance purposes. Also, I found this proposal from wacky Donald Trump on reforming taxes, and he proposed a wealth tax. Let me save this and I'll search for trmp tax plan. http://www.ontheissues.org/celeb/Donald_Trump_Tax_Reform.htm

Footnote on American worker owned companies. http://www.nceo.org/articles/employee-ownership-100


[-] -3 points by clamor (-40) from Hopatcong, NJ 12 years ago


He's off the deep end. Someone throw him a binky!

[-] 0 points by Misaki (893) 12 years ago

Every year, over 20 million people lose their jobs to become unemployed, and another 30 million who were employed drop out of the labour force. http://www.nextnewdeal.net/rortybomb/stagnating-labor-market-1-dropping-out-labor-force

You need to count the businesses that hired since the election to make any conclusion. Since there are a million people changing their employment status every week, 100k is almost nothing out of the total.

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Excellent point.

[-] 1 points by Misaki (893) 12 years ago

Thank you. (Not sure why you got four downvotes o.0)

[-] 2 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I have a small group of right wing trolls who follow me everywhere and downvote me.

They can't handle the truth of my challenges to their extremist partisan propaganda.


[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

American Suzuki filed for Chapter 11 before the election, thanks.

Clear Light Publishers filed for Chapter 7 on October 26.

Revolt Technology also folded in October.

This is AMF's second bankruptcy in 11 years. Please note that the court date was on November 13. Look here and here

You should investigate the issues of Aletheia Research & Management Inc as it predates the election.

Omtron USA information is provided in the link.

These are just found in the bankruptcies. You need to be careful of lists such as these. They are often designed to take advantage of your sensibilities. They are counting on you taking it at face value and not doing your own research.

[-] 0 points by Misaki (893) 12 years ago

Looking at data? Are your models not good enough?

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Not a lick of background, nor explanation on any of them.

The repercussions of a recession can take many, many years to heal.

Up to 10 years in the Reagan recession and that one devastated manufacturing, as did the 8 years under Bush.

The list is meaningless.

[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Are you a bailout the banks supporter?

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Not again!

Show me where I said that, or make a more informative comment.

Hell, show me where anything about that was said in the OP.

[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

I wasn't implying it... I was asking a question.

There's quite a few people on this forum that have gone around trying to tell people how the bailouts saved the economy.

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Then I ask you once again.

What has that to do with the list provided in the OP?

And......In an attempt to stay on topic.....what is your opinion on the implications made in the OP?

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

I already commented on this forum post in regards to the topic.

I said "people give way too much blame and credit to presidents. Don't forget about the greedy 1%"

Care to answer my question? My question is in regards to reading comments and posts by you all over the forum. I'm trying to see what kind of poster you are.

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

OIC. It's way down the list.

Still, it offers little in the way of an explanation.

How about a comment on the source?

No. I won't answer your question, as it has NOTHING to do with this thread..

[-] -1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

I'd say bailouts have played an important role in the recession and economy and are always on topic when the discussion is economy.

[-] -2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Which once again, has absolutely nothing to do with the list in the OP. At least not by your statement.

In fact it's more misdirection.

[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

...calling bailout talks on an OWS forum misdirection. LOL

the banks and corporations have a crushing stranglehold on the economy and the government has policies giving them unlimited resources.

Tax breaks for places like Wal-Mart that crushes small business. Inflation. Removal of consumers from our consumer based economy through cutbacks for profit of the 1%. Decrease in purchasing power. The list of reasons for these places closing goes on. There is much at play in a shitty economy that profits the 1%

[-] -1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

You will soon realize that their game falls flat when backed into a corner of facts. Their support for Occupy and the 99% is only a ruse, one they uphold just enough to control the general direction of conversation on the forum, by the methods I laid out in my thread.

[-] -2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Hey there-you planning on weighing in on this thread or are you going to stand around and grope Trevor?

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

I think everyone might just need to calm down and realize we're all just people on computers.

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago


[-] -2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I'm sure there are banks and corporations on the list that you still refuse to comment on.

Nothing pertinent.

[-] -2 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 12 years ago

R U a 1 trick unicorn?

[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Why are you guys afraid to talk bailouts when they have a huge role in how the economy is operating?

This forum post is about an important aspect in the economy, job loss. How big of a role does Wall Street play in this? Financial collapse of 2008 ring a bell?

Propping up failing and fraudulent banks for Wall Street errors and giving unlimited resources to Wall Street... huge impact on the economy.

It's not a unicorn theory, it's a fucking fact.

[+] -4 points by ronniepaul2012 (214) 12 years ago

Not so meaningless to the folks' who make up those numbers. Just another Obama bump in the road, eh?

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

No, this is still result of the BUSH recession.

You may of may not HATE Obama( obviously, you do), but you still can't hang the lions share on him.

The Reagan recession took upwards of 10 years to get out from under, and he was saved by manufacturing.........Mostly in the auto industry.......an industry that was devastated under the Bush administration.

so you know what?

Take your HATE for unions somewhere else.

Bush fucked this country over and his congress is still doing just that..........It's fucked us over for the last 4 years all over again.

I'm just hoping that the last elections result of throwing out some 100+ teabagge(R)s will have a positive effect.

Obama may have produced some bumps, but it was Bush that put us in this hole.

That's the bottom line.

[-] -1 points by ronniepaul2012 (214) 12 years ago

It's still not so meaningless for the folks who make up those numbers. Not sure how I became a "union hater" out of that, unless, of course, besides being a racist for not approving of Obama's performance as POTUS that also makes me a "union hater". Geez, I'm probably a mysonigist too, except I'm not sure a female can be one.

Shooz, you are getting as wacked out as VQ,

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

If you're a Ron Paul supporter you HATE unions.

Libe(R)tarians as a group HATE unions. Their founders have fought union rights on every front they can afford and they can afford a lot.

You may very well be a racist and a misogynist, I don't really know, nor at this point did I say that.

On the other hand your response had NOTHING to do with what I posted. NOTHING.

You just attempt to equate me with another user. An attempt I might add, that was supposed be an insult, as you don't like VQ very much.

Me? He can get repetitive, but he does go after BS right wingers and I respect him for that, as few of do these days.

Now, would you please defend your evasive answer?

It was VERY much libe(R)tarians and (R)epelican'ts, under the Bush administration, that not only put us in recession, they also destroyed our nations ability to get out from under it.


Just like Nixon. Twice.

Just like Reagan. Twice.

[-] -2 points by ronniepaul2012 (214) 12 years ago

You must find it very comforting living in a world of black and white absolutes. How nice for you.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago


I'm a photographer. I can see in all the colors and all the shades of grey.

You're the one with the Ayn Rand blinders........

You're the one who doesn't even know what question to ask, let alone, what answer to give.

Notice how instead of responding to what I posted, you decided to resort to lashing out with a lame insult.

That takes absolutely no reasoning. Yet you think you are correct to have posted that shit.

Now as an experiment to test that "libe(R)tarian" reasoning, why don't you tell us all exactly how libe(R)tarians give unionization their FULL support?

[-] -1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

If you are going to blame Bush at least throw in Clinton for repealing Glass Stegall and sucking housing down the drain. A drain that was probably made in China due to his signatures with BIPARTISAN support on GATT.

You realize the TPP is underway? One party wants to get rid of unions, the other wants to ship all their jobs overseas. ITs a losing situation either way.

Thats what lesser of two evils get us. A big stinky pile of shit.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

GATT has been in place since some time in the 40s so you really can't put that 100% on Clinton either.

I've posted much on GATT in the past. I hate it.

I've also gone to great lengths to explain how it's current iteration is a pure example of neolibe(R)tianism in our government.

TPP? Sounds awful. I would love to know what lobbies are pushing it so hard, as it looks to me to be another product of Citizens United.

Another neolibe(R)tarian piece of shit legislation.

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Huh - no bipartisan unity to address the problems that face this country.

Wonder when Boner and flunkys will get off the shitter and do something for the people?

OH - right - they have been - for - their people - the wealthy and the CorpoRAT.

So sad they can't see that continuing to follow "Their" program will eventually kill the wealthy and corpoRAT as well.

[-] -3 points by ronniepaul2012 (214) 12 years ago

The Provider-in-Chief just building the leftist base. 100k more dependent democrats.

[-] -3 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 12 years ago

Do you somehow think Obama had anything ANYTHING (beyond being black, Democratic and re-elected) to do with this???


BIG $!



BIG on and on...!

They are the problem!!!