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Forum Post: Simplify your message and pick a demand that EVERYONE IS FIGHTING FOR

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 6:02 a.m. EST by nullapars (10) from Sacramento, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We need ONE SIMPLE EASY TO ARTICULATE DEMAND FOR THIS MOVEMENT TO GAIN THE PUBLIC SUPPORT IT NEEDS TO SUCCEED. A DEMAND THAT EVERYONE IS CALLING FOR AND THAT THE MEDIA HAS TO TALK ABOUT. We need to get everyone on the same page and be specific about what we want. So lets get to the root of everyone's complaint. Money and its influence and the imbalance that it has caused. Money is the root of the problem so we should ALL be demanding it be removed from politics. LETS TAKE THE WEAPONS AWAY FROM THE RICH BY OUTLAWING CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS IN EVERY WAY SHAPE AND FORM. WE SHOULD BE CALLING FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION TO CHANGE THE WAY WE CHOOSE OUR LEADERS. That is a easy to understand, hard to argue against realistic demand that if implemented would help solve most every other issue addressed by this movement. I would go further and demand we get rid of the electoral college and institute term limits in congress. I have been tweeting this for a year now with the hopes that a movement would start where we the people would stand united against big money and demand these reforms. See my website at www.UWS1.weebly.com I call on the leaders of the Occupy Wall Street Movement to Simplify your message and pick a demand that EVERYONE IS FIGHTING FOR. Taking the money out of politics is a worthy demand and would accomplish our goals if accomplished. http://uws1.weebly.com/



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[-] 2 points by Julian (57) from St Lucia, QLD 13 years ago

The majority of people here all agree that corporate corruption, bribes (campaign contributions), corrupt bankers not going to jail should all end, that is our demand and we don't need to make it official, because it's the majority. Official is majority.