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Forum Post: Shouldn’t we be protesting outside the White House about Obama’s failed leadership? I’m upset too…but it is not Wall Street's fault

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 2:44 p.m. EST by misdirectedview (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I understand that people are upset;

Obama has done a terrible job as President.

People are left unemployed and terrified of the future.

The President of the United States has shown to be a weak leader in a time when a country desperately needs someone in power to come through with real solutions to the domestic problems related to a global economic crisis.

Wall street is the very place that wants jobs and a booming economy more than anyone else.

If it is socialism that you want then you are better off leaving the country. That is not what the U.S. was built on.

If you are upset because people are employed and you are not then stop wasting time protesting and start earning a wage. I have worked jobs that have nothing to do with my education or professional work history in order to be self-supporting (and NO I personally do not work on Wall Street but I do work). My current job is NOT anywhere near to my dream job but I have to be a man and not a whining brat about my situation and what people owe to me. If unemployed GET A JOB! McDonald's is taking applications. There is a mining boomtown environment going on with the Bakken Shale project in North Dakota and Montana; jobs are available. It may not be your dream job but this whining about what people owe you has got to stop.

To focus on Washington is frustrating. I understand. The President does not have a good sense of direction and has not since taking office. He is the modern day version of what a person groomed for politics learns during their university education. Politics has become a game of garnerning public appeal and leaving people worse off for the experience. Why not organize to cut the salaries of those working in Washington? To place a special tax on politicians? To tax the fundraising campaigns of politicians? Obama's campaign will raise close to $1 billion in order for him to spend to get re-elected. Untaxed. COME ON PEOPLE- take the politics out of Washington. Tax the politcal campaigns of these ineffective leaders. That money is spent to make one individual appear the way he/she wants to for PUBLIC APPROVAL (that is all...). Tax that money. Unfortunately when the veil of political maneuvering is pulled back there is no substance behind the figureheads in Washington. We have a President in office who drove through an unpopular $1 trillion Obamacare plan during his term. No one is thrilled about it ...and that is all that he's done.

Be upset. Be very, very upset. But Wall Street is NOT responsible for you being unemployed. Wall street also did not forge your signature on mortgage deal that you could not afford to begin with. Although I feel empathy for your suffering a default on your mortgage it was your choice, as an adult, to take on that debt. Your ability to make a choice to sign a mortgage is your right as an adult-don't cry for mama when you stop breathing the ether of your own greatness for owning a home and realize that you should have approached the situation with a little less bravado to begin with. The U.S. has a thing called bankruptcy for people who get THEMSELVES in over their head financially. Bankruptcy saves you. It may screw up your credit but you also have an opportunity to rebuild. It is not a free pass but a remedy for overextending oneself financially. No; I am not sugar coating this because that is not what anyone in this country needs. A dose of good solid work ethic and a desire to work for what one truly wants in life are just basic, fundmental, survival skills. It happens in nature or the young will perish without their mother's constant attention.

Wall street is NOT responsible for getting people back to work BUT I can understand that WITH THE LACK OF COMPETENT LEADERSHIP COMING FROM THE OVAL OFFICE the frustration has to spill over somewhere. No surprise that the President has endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement. Anything to take he heat off of him…

March on Washington and demand politicians to pay campaign fundraising taxes. March on Washington and the number of things to protest about are limitless. It is so very dysfunctional. Stop letting Washington's failures besmirch a financial industry that would ultimately love 0% unemployment and for everyone to be able to afford a home to lead happy, properous, family lives. So that average citizens could focus on things that are more important to us...like baseball playoffs, getting children to school on time, and living our own version of the American dream.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by bronxj (150) 13 years ago

http://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/list_stfed.php?order=A Top National Donors 2008 election Based on Combined State and Federal Contributions, 2007-2008

1 National Education Assn Total $56,228,408 Federal $2,676,297 State $53,552,11

2 Pechanga Band of Mission Indians Total $43,969,951 Federal $599,754 State $43,370,197

3 Penn National Gaming Total $40,557,472 Federal $65,100 State $40,492,372

4 Morongo Band of Mission Indians Total $39,063,909 Federal $600,312 State $38,463,597

5 Community Financial Services Assn Total $34,841,693 Federal $198,760 state $34,642,933

6 Service Employees International Union Total 30,405,549 Federal $2,921,463 State $27,484,086

7 National Assn of Realtors Total $28,788,109 Federal $4,888,640 State$23,899,469

8 Lakes Entertainment Total $25,694,898 Federal $2,000 State$25,692,898

9 Tribes for fair Play Total 24,754,413 Federal $0 State $24,754,413

10 ActBlue Total $23,184,380 Federal $23,184,380 State $0

Top 20 All-Time Donors, 1989-2012


1 ActBlue $55,745,059

2 AT&T Inc $47,571,779

3 American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees $46,167,658

4 National Assn of Realtors $40,718,176

Service Employees International Union $37,634,367

National Education Assn $37,051,378

7 Goldman Sachs $35,790,579

8 American Assn for Justice $34,715,804

9 Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $34,292,471

10 Laborers Union $31,876,95011 American Federation of Teachers $31,681,366 12 Teamsters Union $31,285,842

13 Carpenters & Joiners Union $30,769,258

14 Communications Workers of America $30,192,447

15 Citigroup Inc $28,842,146

16 American Medical Assn $27,880,935

17 United Auto Workers $27,539,652

18 United Food & Commercial Workers Union $27,344,608

19 National Auto Dealers Assn $26,966,358

20 Machinists & Aerospace Workers Union $26,879,727

Federal PAC Contributions 2010 Election Cycle


Unions Total Amount: $63,665,882

Finance, Insurance & Real Estate Total Amount: $62,909,712

Ideological/Single-Issue Total Amount: $60,279,974

Health Total Amount: $54,641,685

Misc business Associations Total Amount: $37,791,850

Energy & Natural Resources Total Amount: $28,858,057

Agribusiness Total Amount: $22,950,208

Transportation Total Amount: $21,118,906

Lawyers & Lobbyists Total Amount: $15,916,526

Construction Total Amount: $15,534,354

Defense Total Amount: $14,263,964

[-] 1 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 13 years ago

I agree. Obama now has 80 million dollars contributed (by big corporations) into his re-election coffers. Imagine how many people he could feed on that. How much debt he could reduce with it. What's scary is all the favors he's going to have to pay back to big corporations in return for it.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by ChristopherABrown (550) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

Good point. Here is another thread that perhaps is titled more to the exact issue. http://occupywallst.org/forum/we-need-to-fight-the-source-not-the-symptom/

[-] 1 points by Benny14 (101) 13 years ago

Wall street is the white house they own it. Wall street also own congress. The democratic party. The republican party. The entire system has been corrupted.

[-] 1 points by JeffCallahan (216) 13 years ago

Everyone should be upset with politicians, Wall St., and the Corporate media for spreading the lies and conducting the coverups that make the corruption possible. If your not upset with all three then you just need additional information and you will be.

[-] 1 points by joshuab (3) from Boone, IA 13 years ago

Want to know exactly where the corruption is right now. Go find out where Nanci Pelosis son is currently working.

[-] 1 points by Goobop (2) 13 years ago

Despite what Rush Limbaugh is telling you, no body in this movement is whining. And to say that Walll Street has nothing to do with the problems in this broken economy is bizarre. Wall Street's speculations that went bad ended up tanking the economy in 2008. So the tax payers bailed them out and now the very same companies are fighting tooth and nail to resist sensible reforms that would protect investors and prevent a repeat of 2008. Furthermore after we "recapitalized" banks with taxpayer money, the banks and investment firms used that money to give themselves obscene bonuses, and have been very reluctant to loan that money out to the very same taxpayers that bailed them out. And you are really going to lecture people about foreclosures and personal responsibility? The economy was not driven into the ditch because people could not afford to pay their mortgages. The economy crashed by wall street going wild, gaming the system, selling investments they knew to be bad investments and then betting against them, credit default swaps, bundling mortgages that were weak to begin with and then passing them off to other investors,and on and on. And while I'll agree that Obama has been a disappointment, why do you not even mention the miserable republican controlled house which has made it clear that they have no interest in accomplishing anything except opposing anything that might make Obama look good?

[-] 1 points by JeffCallahan (216) 13 years ago

It is both Washington and Wall St. You sound like your on the right track you just need some additional info on Wall St.

[-] 1 points by enough (587) 13 years ago

You were O.K. until you said "it is not Wall Street's fault". You should have said "it is not only Wall Street's fault". It is also our government fault's for accepting their money and doing their bidding. Our elected representatives betrayed our trust, pure and simple. Sooner or later, there will be a massive protest in the capital. By the way, you are blessed to have a job. Stop drinking the Koolaid: many OWS protesters are employed and just happen to be concerned Americans whose sensibilities have been offended by a select group of insiders who throw their money around to get favorable legislation and immunity from criminal prosecution when they rip-us off.

[-] 1 points by CuttheBS (143) 13 years ago

I challenge your claim that many OWS are employed. Maybe some, but not most. Also, how about everybody take some friggin responsibility. It's always someone else's fault. When you point a finger at someone, there are 3 pointing right back.

[-] 1 points by Dalton (194) 13 years ago

Even the infamous Wall Street Journal article written to smear OWS admitted that 85% were employed.

And how did they spin that? By complaining that OWS "do not represent the unemployed".

I guess that's why the banners don't say: "We are the 10%".

[-] 1 points by enough (587) 13 years ago

I stand by my statement. I did not say "most" are employed. You did, so cut the bullshit.

[-] 1 points by CuttheBS (143) 13 years ago

my challenge is to your statement of "many". some are employed most are not is my own statement.

[-] 1 points by karai2 (154) 13 years ago

I'm employed and hope it stays that way. If I was laid off, I would fine-tune my resume and start looking for work AND I would spend some time at my local occupy protest. By your logic, only people who have a job have a right to protest corruption in the financial sector and the government. Yet if they have a job they have no reason to be protesting. I think one of the most important things to come out of these protests is people beginning to defend one another against more powerful interests that control the government and political discourse in this country. "There but for the grace of god go I." People are finally getting it.

[-] 1 points by Atoll (185) 13 years ago

I agree that the problem isn't strictly a Wall Street one. It's also Big Pharma, Capitol Hill, MOST of the insurance industry (but mainly medical - my mom is a nurse and could tell you some horror stories about health insurance in the state she works in) and a few others. I see Wall Street as a symbolic point of assembly more than anything.

[-] 1 points by FedUpPeoplesAttorney (3) 13 years ago

Flank the Banks!!! (User Submitted)

Posted Oct. 15, 2011, 2:43 p.m. EST (2 minutes ago) by FedUpPeoplesAttorney | edit | delete

I am a foreclosure defense attorney and have been for seven years. I support EVERYTHING you do. From the foreclosure trenches, I can tell you that the bank and their attorneys do whatever the hell they want and systematically target and injure people through greedy bank tactics and deception.

We truly have gone beyond the point of no return as a credit-based global system. The banks are dead in the center, and only our governments can help us. They however, have too much interest in making sure the system stays based on credit hence, they refuse to hold the banks accountable.

The least they can do is oversight with rules created BY THE PEOPLE! and as for foreclosures, bank foreclosure attorneys should be held accountable for their clients' lies.

Just the way a defendant cannnot make up lies to try and vacate his default in explaining a reasonble excuse for default, and is left at the mercy of the judge to decide wheteher their excuse was indeed reasonble; banks should not be allowed to foreclose upon the houses they decided to shirk the rules of Trusts, the UCC, fail to demonstarate a cause of action to foreclose upon and most importantly because MERS has no authority to pass any interets to these foreclosing Banks!!!!!!!! They are merely nominees.


Wall Street crEated the investment systems that put people in loans THEY THOUGHT THEY COULD AFFORD, when they decided they wanted apart of the real estate action.

[-] 2 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

No, the government told the banks that home ownership is a right and they were told they must make loans even to those that could not qualify. If a bank declined a loan, Obama's ACORN would protest calling the lending practices racist or whatever. If people are too stupid to read and do simple math regarding payments, then they should lose what they do not deserve. Too many overboughtm then bought more.

[-] 1 points by Goobop (2) 13 years ago

"If a bank declined a loan, Obama's ACORN would protest calling the lending practices racist or whatever. "??? And you're calling us stupid? Stop listening to right wing propaganda. Do you think Rush and Hannity are going to tell you the truth about the economy? Good grief.

[-] 2 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

You are obviously not in the financial sector. Please do not comment on things you do not know about. http://www.nytimes.com/1999/09/30/business/fannie-mae-eases-credit-to-aid-mortgage-lending.html


[-] 0 points by Sevetc (4) 13 years ago

Don't forget who started all this GWB and the GOP.

[-] 1 points by tarnfeathers (39) 13 years ago

gotta luv the ignorance. The community reinvestment act began with Jimmy Carter. Clinton expanded it and made things worse, when the dot com bubble burst. People looked for a new place to go, and lo and behold the doors were wide open with new incentives to help form the real estate bubble. Then in came Bush who oppened up the reinvestment act further with the no doc loans. The flood gates were opened up, and it was too late to stop the inevitable bubble from happening. Now Obama continues with the failed policies of those like Barney Frank, Dodd, and Pelosi.

So please, enough with the 'its all bush's fault and the GOP'. At least be a student of actual history before spitting out your lib programming.