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Forum Post: sherlock season 2 episode 1 Online | Watch S02E01 a scandal in belgravia

Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 1, 2012, 10:17 p.m. EST by kenthu (2)
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Watch sherlock season 2 episode 1 On line S02E01 a scandal in belgravia sherlock season 2 episode 1,sherlock On line,sherlock S02E01,sherlock a scandal in belgravia,sherlock s2x1

Compromising photographs and a case of blackmail threaten the very heart of the British establishment, but for Sherlock and John the game is on in more ways than one as they find themselves battling international terrorism, rogue CIA agents, and a secret conspiracy involving the British government. But this case will cast a darker shadow over their lives than they could ever imagine, as the great detective begins a long duel of wits with an antagonist as cold and ruthless and brilliant as himself: to Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler will always be THE woman.

Watch HERE : http://x.nu/sherlocks02e01

This three-part series retells the tale of England's most celebrated detective but in a modern-day setting, with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman taking the leads as Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Watson respectively. A thrilling, funny, fast-paced contemporary remake of the Arthur Conan Doyle classic.



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[-] 1 points by kenthu (2) 12 years ago

Watch sherlock season 2 episode 1 On line S02E01 a scandal in belgravia sherlock season 2 episode 1,sherlock On line,sherlock S02E01,sherlock a scandal in belgravia,sherlock s2x1

Compromising photographs and a case of blackmail threaten the very heart of the British establishment, but for Sherlock and John the game is on in more ways than one as they find themselves battling international terrorism, rogue CIA agents, and a secret conspiracy involving the British government. But this case will cast a darker shadow over their lives than they could ever imagine, as the great detective begins a long duel of wits with an antagonist as cold and ruthless and brilliant as himself: to Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler will always be THE woman.

Watch HERE : http://x.nu/sherlocks02e01

This three-part series retells the tale of England's most celebrated detective but in a modern-day setting, with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman taking the leads as Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Watson respectively. A thrilling, funny, fast-paced contemporary remake of the Arthur Conan Doyle classic.
