Forum Post: Senate To Vote On A UN Treaty: Will Eradicate Parental Rights; Worldwide Abortion; Sexualize Children; & Population-Control
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 8, 2012, 12:04 a.m. EST by Toby99
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Senate Is About To Vote On A United Nations Treaty That Will Eradicate Your Parental Rights, Mandate Worldwide Abortion, Sexualize Your Children And Institute Population-Control
It’s no joke… no exaggeration and your sovereignty is in imminent jeopardy because this vote is days… or perhaps even hours… away.
But to make matters worse, nine RINO Senators (Ayotte, Barrasso, Brown, Collins, Hatch, Lugar, McCain, Murkowski and Snowe) voted in lock-step with Barack Obama and Harry Reid, on Tuesday, to bring the deceptively titled United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Treaty to the floor of the Senate for consideration.
And a vote on ratification can happen at any moment… and we must not allow this sovereignty-stealing treaty to be ratified.
Don’t let the name of this treaty deceive you. CRPD has NOTHING to do with protecting the rights of those with disabilities and EVERYTHING to do with putting your very life under the control of UN thugs and bureaucrats.
The Heritage Foundation tells us, CRPD “would subject the U.S. to untold threats against its sovereignty and invite further intrusion by UN officials into sensitive social and domestic policies.”
Full Article:
From patriotsbillboard: This isn’t the same proud, prosperous country that was the envy of the world. We’ve allowed our politicians to become Crooks, whose only interest is their own, and I want to do something about it. Although I have been a registered Democrat, Independent and Republican, I believe this November’s election to be the most important in my lifetime, and a pivotal point for our country. I have started a campaign to Oust Barack Obama and his Far Left, Socialistic, Islamic group from doing anymore damage to this country. If you can’t see how much damage is happening right before your own eyes, you need help.
I have collected sufficient funds to rent billboard space to Inform People of what the media won’t (about the two candidates for president). I need much more money to keep the message up until the election in November, as I’m certain this is going to be a very close election, with the fight from precinct to precinct, county by county.
Don't worry about it. Our politicians here in the U.S. are above the law. They ain't gonna let some weenie organization like the UN without nuclear weapons or even an army hamper them.
And they will roast the Easter bunny and send the UN armies to attack the martians
Are you talking about the treaty based on the americans with disabilities act. Wheredoes it give the power you say. Even the craziest fundamentalist say they are not worried about the current text. Only what the treaty can morph into. Which by the way is false. No treaty can override constitutional law.
The Federal government trumps constitutional law all the time. These aren't constitutional issues but and as long as this government is willing to acquiesce to the will of foreigners there is no constitution; in fact, there is no Federal government.
Except this treaty seeks to give people with disabilities the same rights americans already do. I agree the government is ignoring the constitution but this has nothing to do with that. If your worried about our rights you should focus on the current drone policy, indefinate detention, illegal wiretapping, CU (which lets the foreigners you worry about buy our politicians), or even Hillary Clinton's remark about losing the informational war. When a high ranking government official not only admits our propaganda isn't working but is also asking for money to make it more effective then you have to worry.
I don't care about those other things; they don't effect me. I care about the US entering into treaties with our enemies. And they are all our enemies.
Who is "all our enemies"?
dont forget our enemies on Mars & Atlantis
and bigfoot
and all those damn commies
say hello to governor forced ultrasound when you see him -
he needs an enema - oops - did I misspell that?
This government is our enemy.
(R)epelican'ts and WallStreet are our enemy.
Plus. YOU are not Reagan.
You're not ows, you're just another ignorant political hack.
Lot's of, though not all inclusive, info here about (R)epelican'ts acting in concert with corporations to usurp the rights of working people.
A clear example of enmity.
pt II. They don't call it Occupy Wall Street, because they agree with you.
Reagan is well known for his HATE of government, and working people in America.
He killed innocent Americans, to make that clear.
You have no idea what a "right to work" state really is; right to work equates to no rights, zero rights, and that is not the case here.
Municipalities cannot tout equal opportunity as "equal opportunity employers" while denying employment to those who refuse to pay union dues. But this is exactly what occurs nationwide. It's strictly pay to play.
Corporate political involvement dates to Standard Oil; to the break up of monopolies, and it has never been restricted to a single party - they are all corrupt. You know, Krupp Steel still exists after four hundred years, even following convictions for war crimes? And do you want to know who resurrected them after the War? The United States did.
And so the question arises, if Germany can produce steel profitably then why can't we?
It's more correctly called, the right to freeload.
It's an affront to working people everywhere, and in the case of Michigan, it's ALEC and various Koch interests all the way.
It's retaliation, pure and simple.
A kind of corporate chess game, aimed at limiting workers rights in all ways.
As far as German labor history?
It's irrelevant here. I'm much more concerned with the here and now, and what it means to the future of laborers everywhere.
I got banned as Sitapea for the above post re-posted as Shitpea.
And what's worse is that I get the distinct impression that virtually all of the juvenile responses I receive here are the work of but one mentally challenged individual.
As you can see I plainly disagree with the requirement that all join unions which in the case of the municipality is typically not a labor organization at all but an "associations of municipal employees" or some such. You can call this union busting but the reality is that the collective bargaining unit serves the municipality; it's not being busted, it's being bought. And employees should have the right to opt out if for no other purpose than keeping the union honest.
It was the United Auto Workers that fought for the right to make political contributions, corrupting our politicians to corporations. I would also add to this that as non-profit corporations, 503Cs, these municipal associations are prohibited from utilizing union dues to express political support.
You support the right to work for less?
This is not germane to my post.
How do we utilize this concept of "opt out", to keep corporations honest?
To prevent their access to politics?
Why is it you ALWAYS point to the working man as being dishonest?
AND....Once you are done destroying working people's ability to effectively bargain.
How will you replace the health and safety aspects and their duplicating of evidence and record?
How will you duplicate the grievance procedures that help improve health and safety in so many intangible ways?
Why do HATE working people?
If you're more interested in the here and now, then why have did you bring up the Reagan presidency?
Let me tell you something, there is no one that freeloads more than the Union rep who eats, drinks, and often even buys his kids Christmas on the membership's dues; they take vacations on the employee's dime; they buy their girlfriends flowers on the employee's dime... there is no end to the depth of their corruption. And at contract time, they sell the membership out.
No municipality in this country can tout itself as "equal opportunity" while demanding union dues; this is strictly pay to play and to deny employment to those who refuse dues is a highly discriminatory practice.
I don't think you know anything at all about labor in this country.
Oh, and PS: Thanks for banning me again, bro... that's number ten - your small band of wackjobs has banned me ten times.
You have been banned 10 Times? Awesome determination to return and keep trolling you have - ( NOT ) - you like being a pain in the ass. So are you shooting for the record? To bad no one knows what that number would be - But Hey keep it up you may get to be the record holder - though I think that the forum has had individual trolls reappear several hundred times in various sock puppet forms and quantities.
What did you get banned for?
C'mon. We want to know.................:)
With the level of stupid stuff that gets said here, it must have been pretty bad.
Tell us........please..........:)
You get banned for disagreeing with DKAtoday and the Progressive Democratic party line that is being shoveled down everyones throat.
If anyone disagrees with you or any other chum of DKAtoday you will get banned.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
jart and DKAtoday must be really tight.
You've been here three days, how would you know, unless you've been banned? If you have been banned then why don't you say who you were and make an argument for why you shouldn't have been banned. I thought I had been banned at one point, because somebody (from this forum, and I think I know who) hacked my computer. I complained, and that's how I found out the problem was on my end. If you think you've been banned unjustly then be out front about it.
Truth is, if you were banned, there was probably a good reason.
Treebeard? Really? Hey how the hobbits doin? Plenty of people disagree with me and they don't get booted. I have noted however that when I am attacked it is generally in a post about ending fossil fuel use/dependence or in a post about removing corpoRAT personhood or in a post about stopping fracking etc etc etc and that those attackers will go after the post and any who are commenting in favor of the people over profits. This has a tendency to see individual attackers disappear - only to reappear with a new name. One might think that the way those anti-people pro-corpoRAT attackers come after me that I must concern them. Funny.
That's not very clear. I've disagreed with DK and I'm still here.
C'mon, what kind of stuff did you say?
There's lots of nut bat conse(R)vatives and libe(R)tarians around here.
Gun nutters too!
C'mon. Think hard. Check the list again and add a little introspection. ( goggle that, if you need to.)
Well that was so full of lies, I won't bother to respond, but it's still here.
I sure wouldn't want some ranting idiot, with a name like shitpea on my front page.
Perhaps if you singled out your lies, you wouldn't get so strange when you pile them on so thickly?
Then we can help you to learn why those lies are as idiotic as a name like shitpea.
You should have goggled introspection, and re-read the post I asked you to.
So union reps don't have a job??
tell me more.
labels, generalizations, "all", ''never"
are clear indications of ignorance or stupidity
or foxian parrothood or dittoheaddedness
I'll say this one more time: this federal government is the enemy of the people. And working class people in particular.
cause fox & paul told me so!
Really? Or is it some of the people who are currently in government? And those who are buying their influence.
With the obama administration, the USA is the enemy.
I think that's a pretty fair assessment.
I'll make it more specific, with the obama administration, the U.S. Constitution ( The Bill of Rights in particular) is the enemy.
I agree with you.
Its pretty disgusting when the elected citizen , in order to be president of the USA takes an oath to "Preserve, protect and defend the Constitution", does the opposite.
Yes, I agree.
Jeeze.........This whole thing left out HAARP and Bigfoot and ACORN.
Gotta be phony without that "reality".
Oh for cryin' out loud.
I like that - " The Heritage Foundation tells us......." what? more garbage?
dont knock the heritage foundation
they cleaned out some of the sh_t out of the Senate
Yeah - that was nice of them - perhaps they will continue the favor in 2014 ? Boner = OUT Bitch = OUT Can't-or = OUT etc etc etc
Yelp. Nitwits.
And worse - deliberately worse.
Yes. To the extent that you really have to question those that would even go there.
Yep. Trying to feed hysteria for what purpose? To stop the growth of Humane actions? F'n why? To extend the control that corpoRATions now take advantage of for boosting profits over people/environment/world? The Insane Assholes
Pretty much.
What is truly sad - is - that strife is gonna get worse - before the people make real headway against the Insane Assholes of this world. And it need not be that way.
No, it doesn't need to be that way.
100% could be benefiting 100% - by taking positive actions to make a better world for all - But the Blind Insane Greedy/ILL are standing in the way of Health and Prosperity for ALL.
The treaty seeks to give healthcare related to gender and reproductive issues because 10 and 11 year old girls in 3rd world countries are often the target of rape and/or incest. This treaty is addressing that and using the signing by the US to give the treaty some backbone. The real reason the right hates the UN is because a world of cooperation doesn't need arms dealers. A world of cooperation has no place for theocratic rule. This bill isn't a threat to anyone but perverts and war mongers. Go fuck yourself.
Sorry, but I do not subscribe to the UN being the ultimate authority on this planet. Gio lobby in countries that don';t protect the disabled as well as we do for change, but I don't want a world police org.
Doncha know - the ultimate authority is the koch brothers
You really think Soros is sitting on the sideline? You leftists bash Koch, but there is plenty of lefty money in the game, too. Who raised more dirty money in this last election?
Millions came to the dems from foreign donations. Illegal under US law. Before the election , on the obama website, credit card donations could be made without the security code numbers that are on a credit card. The security code numbers were necessary for the purchase of obama shirt, pens, mugs and other merchandise.
You can get banned on this website for telling Obama truths, which is pretty ironic for a non political movement that is anti-establishment. But you are right. There were also questions raised over illegal foreign contrubutions in 08, but as usual, Obama is above the law.
I got banned for telling the truth - that Obama was born on Pluto - and never went to college
What truth did you get banned for?
That he really cared about the American people and was the most transparent potus of all time.
Obama does not care about the American people -
thats why he want middle class taxes to go up
IF you think that is caring for the middle class, this idiotic fiscal cliff nonsense, then you need to wake the hell up and realize what things would look like with an Occupier in there vs a professional politician.
You people align yourselves with people who practice the very things you claim to be against, and then wonder why nothing changes.
"You people" more generalized crap and accusations
If you knew ANYTHING about OWS - you would know WE do not elect anybody
"you would know WE do not elect anybody"
That is absolutely hysterical considering the bulk of your posts leading up to the election.
You are the one going around screaming about political power and telling those that work with 3rd parties they are traitors and shit.
"telling those that work with 3rd parties they are traitors and shit."
If I was polite I would call you a liar - but I dont want to insult liars
You got that right. Obamacare is the biggest tax increase in American History, But, as is his modus operanci, drag anything out long enough and Americans will have eaten up 20 celebrity scandals and forgotten about it.
"Obamacare is the biggest tax increase in American History"
prove it
from 2012-2013 - EXACTLY how much additional tax will be raised
and how did this increase get past grover?
or did you just hear this on faux noose?
do you have the courage or intelligence to give an answer without attacks?
We need single payer national healthcare. I do believe that the time for compromising with insurance companies has come to an end, and this includes Obamacare.
I completely agree and one of my biggest complaints about Obama is that he did not fight for Medicare of all. I would GUESS this will cut America's costs 20%-30%. The key to this today is to cut medical company money out of democracy
If America is not to sink to third world staus, we must push until we have single payer health care. We must.
I completely agree, but how do we do that without replacing the Rs in the house - by voting for Ds that will NOT block Medicare for all?
That speaks to my point Benny. Obamacare was passed in 201o and might be fully implemented before I start using Medicare. You useful idiots will not be happy when it does, but by then you will forget why your medical expenses and taxes are so high and quality of care is so low.
OK - so how much "new" tax has been raised since 2010?
or if you cant answer the truth, how much will be raised in the four years 2010-2014 - your "guess" on which your "facts" are based - or imagined
ITs going to be an increase on those that are struggling to get by.
Just wait until the Republicans get power again in this bullshit system and the Dems have opened the floodgates for DC to make us buy stuff from corporations. Freedom my ass. They are going to screw us beyond your wildest establishment dreams.
fox must be hardwired into your brain
you must be brokenhearted that karl is demoted
and the toesucker too
No, some of us realize what happens when certain thresholds are broken and how abuse sets in.
You party loyalty is blinding you.
ows is anything but non political. It swings one way, to the hard left.
Yes, and there are many useful idiots on this website that honestly believe that Obama is their poster child. They refuse to see that he is as bought and paid for as any republican they slander.
One can only hope that the mega posters on this site do not really represent the movement.
They don't represent the movment, they are the movement.
Millions came to the dems from foreign donations - especially from mars & atlantis - believe me I know!
LOL!! I have been thinking for a while that you were out of this world
I love the wingnuts who use stupid generalizations "dirty money"
you cant even define it
the evidence of koch moeny & Soros money is very public
look it up!
sheldon adelson contributed over $150,000,000 and bragged about it
kochs each gave that much
Logical fallacy.
Huh? You don't see a problem with the UN trying to enact global laws? Worldwide 'majority rules/ is not exactly in the USA's best interests.
The fact that you make no distinction between a treaty and a law says pretty much everything anyone needs to know about you.
Whatever; They modeled that treaty on our existing law. What more do we have to do? As I said, go lobby for change wherever in the world that you think they do not protect the disabled.
a very sick fox parrot
Not that it's any of your business, but I do not have cable tv. If that's what they are saying, then I'd say they speak for many people. Is that why folks on this site bash them so much?
and you know where he can put his fallacy!
Yeeeehawwww! You go Richard!!!!!
I second the motion - Go fuck yourself Toby!!!!!!