Forum Post: Senate Poised to vote on indefinite military detention for US Citizens in the US, NDAA Section 1031 & 1032
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 12:38 p.m. EST by SparkyJP
from Westminster, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A Senate deal has been stuck and was announced Wednesday that leaves the door open to American citizens and others being indefinitely detained without charge or trial, even on American Soil. The deal was brokered behind closed doors, with no hearing and no public debate, and is an effort by the Senate Armed Services Committee to jam the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA, section 1031 and 1032), the massive defense spending bill, through Congress.
The Senate will be leaving open the possibility that our own citizens and other civilians picked up at HOME or far from any battlefield could be thrown into prison without being charged and tried is unconscionable.
This unprecedented measure has been challenged by the White House, the Department of Defense, and by the Chairmen of the Senate Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, but certain senators are intent on making it the law almost immediately.
Contact your Senators and ask them to block these sections of the bill.
The timing of this bill can only make me believe they are gearing up for a head on assault on the protesters. I think the Patriot Act is unconstitutional, but this takes that to a whole new level of power. I've already contacted my senators.
Yes, I agree with you there. This is why I think we are heading toward Fascism.
I have contacted mine too.
OK, this is a storm the gates affront to all Americans.
Yes. I am so happy to see multiple post on this board about this.
Everyone this bill is on the Senate floor and could pass on Monday, so please call your Congressmen and women early on Monday. Say no to this awful bill and yes to the Udall Amendement
This is interesting. Section 1031 cannot seem to be found unless one clicks on section 1021 . . .
And it would appear that this portion of the law only applies to al-qaida operatives and their sympathizers - unless, as specified under 1032 (a)(4)
The Secretary of Defense may, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence, waive the requirement of paragraph (1) if the Secretary submits to Congress a certification in writing that such a waiver is in the national security interests of the United States.
I suppose this means that if passed, I might be detained indefinitely for asserting my opinion that the chief justice of the supreme court would look very nice indeed were he attired with a hand axe, planted smack dab in the middle of his forehead . . .
Their MO will be to do it in progressive stages as not to alarm too many people at one time. First they will get people used to the idea of indefinite military detention for US citizens. Then the laws and requirements will be amended to include anything they want ...... all the way down to encouraging your neighbor to turn you in because they "THINK" you are a terrorist.
To my understanding, the government has been building over 800 "FEMA Camps" around the US that are empty but fully staffed.
Construction continues today. I think it started back in the 1980"s with a project called "REX 84".
I think something like this happened in Germany back in the 30's! We'll have to see what happens here in the near future. Good luck to all. Cheers ;(
BTW - If anyone is considering other forms of government; please this option:
"Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing [a people] to slavery." --Thomas Jefferson
BTW - If anyone is considering other forms of government; please this option:
Thanks for the link
Nice quote.
Fearfully clinging to power is not the same as wielding it.
Time to vote out the current Congress and replace it with an entirely new one.
I understand your frustration but who will you vote for? Republican? Democrat? Both take their money from corporations. Both are corporatist. Elections have been transformed into auctions (and they're rigged). I don't think replacing this group of puppets that are on the take with another will fix anything. We must address the problem; not the symptoms. The problem is our governmental system is structurally broken. At the very least, campaigns should be 100% government funded. Personally, I'd prefer a Direct Democracy:
"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can excersize their Constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it." ~ Abraham Lincoln ~
Paul is the only true reformist in the mix right now, speaks out against this types of violations to personal liberty.
To exercise our "revolutionary right" to dismember it or overthrow it" means to fundamentally alter our concept of everything in our economy: the licensure of teachers, lawyers, doctors, engineers, mental health professionals etc; the value of money; the distribution of subordinate government agencies and so on.
Is there no less drastic solution?
Is there no less drastic solution?
Yes there is - we can exercise our Constitutional right of amending our government. The degree of change should be dictated by the majority of the citizens. There doesn't have to (and probably wouldn't) be the upheaval that you describe into the transition of fairness. Not nearly as much upheaval as the senate is about to levy on us. As far as our economy; there are many teachers, lawyers, doctors, engineers, mental health professionals etc, that would say the present "economy" doesn't work for them. As Abe said - "This country belongs to the people who inhabit it."
Besides, these senators are about to vote to make it legal for the "military" to lock-up American citizens indefinitely and without a trial or charge if "deemed" to be a terrorist. Do you understand the concept of this action? Look to the 1930's in Germany. Look to what we did to Japanese Americans and German Americans during WW2. The present government already has over 800 FEMA camps (fully staffed and empty) located here:
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result” ~ Albert Einstein ~
DD -
what about ending the fed and going back to a gold standard and requiring public employees like police and government be accountable to the people that elected them and if they dont do they're job they should be removed they are public employees which means we pay them and they work for us just like cities and states are public properties and we shouldnt be removed or hurt if we protest on public properties we pay for! and finally when the people vote for something no government branch (once again public employees) shall be able to undermine or send to a supreme court to be overturned 7 judges cant make decisions for us on things that have already been voted on nor any publicly elected officials should have any right to vetoe the peoples rights or amendments shall be made to our constitution or bill of rights without vote by all Americans. get us out of NAFTA and the U.N. immediately and all infringements of our rights stop here now.we should not have to petition or gain a permit to address our grievances to protest is instrumental to a healthy country. one more is not allowing anybody in our government to start a war at all without our vote the peoples vote!
While it may be argued that it's a gray area when talking about foreign nationals, clearly citizens held without being charged violates the constitution. Once passed as a law it will take the court to declare this unconstitutional. A likely path, but one that will take time and involve someone being unjustly held under this provision.