Forum Post: Secret Kill List(s)
Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 11, 2012, 1:29 p.m. EST by ivyquinn
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For those true paradigm zombies one issue is completely ignored by the MSM: Obama's secret kill list.
What are your feelings on NDAA being utilized to detain and assassinate citizens without trial?
This is fascism and we should be very concerned. Period.
I agree.
When due process goes out of the window and assassination becomes the new normal, then we should all stop pretending that we live in a democracy. Where is the SCOTUS on this matter? Do we really live in a nation of laws or not? Our legal system is so totally out of whack that it considers corporations as people and we are probably a laughing stock around the world but we can not hear it because they are too scared of us to laugh too loudly!
I've been talking about this issue with people since I found out about it.
It's disgusting that most people don't care. Then more than 98% of voters voted for the 2 prez candidates that would sign for it, and an overwhelming majority of voters chose to re-elect the majority of congress members that wrote it and passed it.
7 failed terms and my district still re-elected our corrupt to the core congressman.
'Crime Against Humanity'
I suppose all we did last Tuesday was choose who's kill list we wanted to be on.
We are in a current state where killings overseas no longer make the news, money is speech and the gov can force you to buy things from powerful lobbies.
It's fascism alright.
Are you Harley Quinn or Poisin Ivy? Which is it?
Or are you Henry Pym.?
I believe in peaceful resistance (or social disobedience), but freedom in all things. So a mix of harley quinn, and a mix of poison ivy.
Really it's just a metaphor that I idelogically stand outside the paradigm.
Whatever floats your boat boss. Batman hotties are as good as any login name.