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Forum Post: Science & the Free Market

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 8:07 p.m. EST by MarieLaGuertta (11)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The free market is a by-product of Darwinian selection and intelligent creation.

Healthcare should be an reward for hardworking people and not a way to sustain parasites!

I also believe in whales and legalizing marijuana and other drugs and taxing the shit out of it!

Am I alone here?!



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[-] 4 points by indivisible (89) from Leeds, England 13 years ago


for you to even think this points to a crisis in your health care! Come to the UK (and the rest of the EU) and you will understand that Healthcare is pretty damn cheap! THANK GOD 'WE' HAVE NI

you US people should feel ashamed! from our perspective your living in the social stone age... please start to believe in yourself its easy and cheap

[-] 2 points by notaneoliberal (2269) 13 years ago

"you US people should feel ashamed!" Yea, some of us do. I hope those of you in the civilized world realize only about half (give or take) of American are morons.

[-] 1 points by indivisible (89) from Leeds, England 13 years ago

Hey notaneliberal, I feel a bit ashamed myself reading this back.. wine and forum commentary do not mix : S

badly written (however impassioned) on my part

[-] -1 points by Markmad (323) 13 years ago

Then there is no need to taxation.

[-] 1 points by mutualminds (129) 13 years ago

I think quality and price depends upon your income.

[-] -2 points by Pottsandahalf (141) 13 years ago

Isnt your government about to experience economic collapse because of the moochers that you're bailing out in Greece? Thats what giving away free stuff does

[-] 3 points by Jbear (60) from Greenfield, MA 13 years ago

Part of survival of a species is co-dependency. There are people in our society who work toward the betterment of others, yet choose not to produce offspring. Health care is a human right. We are all in this together.

[-] 1 points by Cicero (407) 13 years ago

I agree, we are not animals.

When a lion takes over a pride it kills all of the cubs.

When a man marries a women with children he doesn't kill those children.

[-] 2 points by Jbear (60) from Greenfield, MA 13 years ago

I appreciate the sentiment, but I don't like referring to us as "not animals." We are, and we are different in our own ways, just as every other species that exists. Many other species help each other to survive, regardless of whether their genetic line gets passed on.

[-] 2 points by Thinkdeer (250) 13 years ago

You are not alone in not understanding evolution, but you are certainly incorrect in your evaluation and how to apply it to economics.

[-] 2 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

Darwinian evolution is pre supposed on the nature and the nurture one receives. If the environment is vindictive, petty and cruel and the parents are self-interested and emotionally stunted, then who do you think will naturally be selected to survive? And who do you think will choose not to procreate? Like I said before, be careful what you wish for. A good book to read is Primates and Philosophers. It explains how the current interpretation of Darwin is a self interested manipulation of his thesis. Social Darwinism is the deevolution of society.

[-] 1 points by Banjarama (242) from Little Elm, TX 13 years ago


[-] 2 points by Cicero (407) 13 years ago

I agree with the legalization issue.

However Darwin never advocated Social Darwinism.

Opponents of Darwinian evolution have often maintained that Social Darwinism is a logical entailment of a belief in evolutionary theory, while defenders of evolutionary theory generally maintain that it is rather a perversion of Darwin's ideas.

[-] 1 points by notaneoliberal (2269) 13 years ago

Well stated.

[-] 2 points by notaneoliberal (2269) 13 years ago

Not exactly, Darwin was about biological evolution. Not so much social evolution. Considering where the free market has put us today, the intlligent part,not so much. Believe in whales? wtf?

[-] 1 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

Whales are real?? I can't agree with that lol??

[-] 1 points by DeepakMars (2) 13 years ago

Dude, though related - biological evolution is different from natural selection! .

[-] 1 points by Lockean (671) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Biological evolution is a product of natural selection. I see no problem with the above statment.


[-] 1 points by DeepakMars (2) 13 years ago

Well of course. But natural selection is the topic - you are equating a by-product of natural selection to "natural selection"

[-] 2 points by Lockean (671) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Yay social darwinism. Not. As humans we can choose to exceed nature, and we therefore have a moral obligation to do so.

[-] 9 points by MarieLaGuertta (11) 13 years ago

The terminators are coming. We can't save people who aren't going to save themselves. We've gotta go. You've got a decision make!

[-] 1 points by Markmad (323) 13 years ago

Do you mean terminators in black horse as in the apocalypse?

[-] -1 points by MarieLaGuertta (11) 13 years ago

Another way to think of this is that the Cylons are coming and if you are not going to man your battlestations, then we are going to put you out of the poop chute.

[-] 1 points by Markmad (323) 13 years ago

Ah it’s a moral issue. Can you please explain de origins of your morals?

[-] 2 points by Lockean (671) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Values. Reason, emotion, experience. Choice and genetics both.

[-] 1 points by rbe (687) 13 years ago

There are a lot of hardworking people that are unemployed. We have 10 people trying to sit down in 7 chairs.

[-] 1 points by zapschaft (95) 13 years ago

If you're refering to economics, don't you mean pseudo-science?

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

Noblesse oblige

[-] 1 points by StevenRoyal (490) from Dania Beach, FL 13 years ago

The free market might or might not be a good idea, but the 1% would never allow it. Exactly, children should not get healthcare if they or their parents are not hardworking. Just like the Republicans in the crowd during that debate, we should let the weak die. I also believe in legalizing whales and smoking the shit out of them

[-] 1 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

So. Are you telling me because Sumone works three part time jobs because corporations keep ppl under 20 hours of work a week to avoid paying benefits is lazy?? The problem isn't with just unemployment in this country it's underemployment. Big business really avoids keeping anyone full time because it saves them money on benefits. On the otherhand the problem with health care isn't going to be fixed by national healthcare. We need to make all health care related business non profit. Churches and other organisations done this for years. Your health shouldnot be used to make profit

[-] 1 points by metapolitik (1110) 13 years ago

There is a difference between Darwinism and Social Darwinism.

We don't hunt and gather anymore so we need to start cooperating.

This greed, avarice and competition is killing our society.


[-] 1 points by Pottsandahalf (141) 13 years ago

Whales are a myth. Look it up

[-] 0 points by DeepakMars (2) 13 years ago

Have you ever heard of "Drink, Play, Fuck." It's an epicurus lifestyle. Perhaps, you should look into this!

[-] 0 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago

Nope, you are not crazy. Every human function is based off "survival of the fittest" attitude. That's why everyone has to EARN their right to survival. People would call me crazy for calling that crazy. It's just such a primitive perspective.

[-] 1 points by MarieLaGuertta (11) 13 years ago

Just curious...what did you do to earn your right of survival?

[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago

In my own opinion, with respect to others, I believe that if you exist on this planet, you deserve the basic dignities of survival.

Any other attitude, and you get the world you live in today with all its atrocities.

[-] 0 points by MarieLaGuertta (11) 13 years ago

Am I crazy? Seriously, what are your thoughts?!

[-] 1 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

Marijuana, yes definitely legalize and tax. I don't know about other drugs though really. You can't just let people go around doing meth.

[-] 1 points by MarieLaGuertta (11) 13 years ago

You could let the intelligent people make their own meth. Right?