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Forum Post: Russell Brand begins the revolution, credits Occupy

Posted 10 years ago on Oct. 25, 2013, 11:41 a.m. EST by windyacres (1197)
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[-] 1 points by HCHC4 (-28) 10 years ago

The revolution will be solarized:

Via Occupy Seattle:

"Occupiers And Occupy Offshoots Across The Country Are Solving Pressing Problems Facing Our Communities.

In Highland Park, Michigan - in metropolitan Detroit - a new start-up non-profit called Soulardarity is creating community-owned, cooperatively-run solar streetlights in residential neighborhoods left dark by the city and the monopoly utility company, DTE.

Soon, for $5/year, residents will be able to light their streets independently of their corrupt local government and big business. In the future, the streetlights can act as bases for modular add-ons like wireless mesh networks, digital phone booths, charging stations, and more.

Call it putting the power back in the hands of the people!

Learn more: http://www.soulardarity.com/ — with Irma Martinez."

The people have the power, and always will. Getting them to exercise it is the tough part.

Unite and start self governing, and all of these problems start to go away.

[-] 1 points by Devonshire (81) from Norwich, VT 10 years ago

Good post hc.

[-] 0 points by autumnnites (-2) 10 years ago

Nothing like the power of private enterprise! Hope it takes off


[+] -6 points by drinkbrondo (-71) 10 years ago

Oh yes...and who better to lead a political revolution, than a multi millionaire, bad actor, who admitted he never voted in his life, and whose economic thinking is "when somebody gets richer, somebody else gets poorer". As if wealth is a zero sum game. Yes by all means morons...follow your revolutionary leader...Russell "Che" Brand. His press conference will be held at the $500.00 a night Ritz Carlton, where this interview took place.

[-] 3 points by windyacres (1197) 10 years ago

The words he chose were an excellent start, and his descriptions of our reality seemed clear to me. Individuals as leaders is old fashioned, and not necessary.

[-] -3 points by drinkbrondo (-71) 10 years ago

Yes his words were VERY Clear...He screams for socialism...much higher taxes...and a more powerful government. Eliminate wealth...(not his of course) Have at it you fucking sheep.

[-] 1 points by windyacres (1197) 10 years ago

Eliminate privilege. Tax wealth. Call it Socialism or whatever you want.

[-] 1 points by autumnnites (-2) 10 years ago

Can we start by dismantling the politburo in DC?

[-] 2 points by windyacres (1197) 10 years ago

We need to do alterations in D.C.

[-] 1 points by autumnnites (-2) 10 years ago

MAJORLY. Did you see Steve Croft's segment on 60 minutes last Sunday about how these folks use their "leadership pacs" as personal funds? AND it's legal since they write the laws. Disgusting and discouraging

[-] 3 points by windyacres (1197) 10 years ago

Corporate power must be diminished first but too much legal cheating is occurring. That's what Russell Brand did an excellent job of explaining.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 10 years ago


[-] -1 points by SunWheel1 (1) 10 years ago

Eliminate privilege?

[-] 2 points by windyacres (1197) 10 years ago

Yes, for the betterment of humans.

[-] -1 points by SunWheel1 (1) 10 years ago

But I don't understand "privilege". What privilidge?

[+] -4 points by drinkbrondo (-71) 10 years ago

Yes...you admit to it. You are a socialist. Now that, that is established. Fuck you. I'll fight that economic cancer to the death. Only a fucking brain dead idiot could watch Europe collapsing in socialism, right now...and demand we use that model. You're really fucked up. Seek help. Our country didn't become the most powerful on Earth because it was founded on socialism. Government can never, EVER run anything better than private enterprise.

[-] 1 points by windyacres (1197) 10 years ago

The time is now for changing our system to something that will resemble socialism, although Albert Einstein wrote about it practically. Our country was founded on Capitalism but changes are necessary.

Your personal advice is a road I've already traveled and I discovered a lot of things about our country that I wasn't aware of, we're the same as everyone else.

[+] -5 points by drinkbrondo (-71) 10 years ago

My reply would be...fuck you. Nothing further to discuss. Read history. How taking all the money from the achievers, and redistributing it promotes anything but mediocrity. That's what you fucking losers truly want.

I mean..you watch sports..you see the put the BEST players on the field, in order to achieve greatness, but you liberals look at life differently...equal outcomes for everyone. Imagine sports run like that? Sorry..you probably can. "All games are hereby deemed to be TIES...so nobody's feeling are hurt".

[-] 2 points by windyacres (1197) 10 years ago

Why are you confused that we desire equal outcomes for everyone? We want devotion to people instead of profits, cooperation instead of competition.


[-] -3 points by autumnnites (-2) 10 years ago

Wow! I commend your honesty. Most leftists claim they only desire equal OPPORTUNITIES. Equal outcomes is a leftwing unicorn.

[-] 1 points by windyacres (1197) 10 years ago

Struggle and suffering have always been part of life. My desire is for there to be less of it, and none if possible.

[-] 0 points by autumnnites (-2) 10 years ago

I'm not sure equal outcomes would eliminate all pain and suffering. There are some pretty screwed up rich folks, but I cannot argue against your desires. It would be nice if no one had to struggle or suffer.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Read history. How taking all the money from the achievers, and redistributing it promotes anything but mediocrity.

Damn you almost got it right - but - crashed and burned instead.

The achievers - ARE - the workers - and the greedy assholes are the backriders stealing from those achievers - and so we have the current failing economy.


[+] -5 points by drinkbrondo (-71) 10 years ago

Who the fuck is starving to death asshole. Trite, meaningless, liberals drivel. "Yea like dude...like millions are starving in China...or somewhere....and like rich people are killing them...so like ...we gotta save em"


[-] 0 points by ijustsmh (28) 10 years ago

He doesn't click on links, Zen. He's not here to learn anything.



[-] 1 points by ijustsmh (28) 10 years ago

That's merely a coincidence, my man, I assure you. I derived this "intimate" knowledge solely by my exchange with him on LeoYo's post:


The fact that I gave him a link to the words of a respected ex-USDA scientist and he came back accusing me of getting my info from "hippies" was all the proof I needed that he's of that ilk that doesn't bother clicking links.


[-] 1 points by ijustsmh (28) 10 years ago

I hope you're not suggesting that exchange on Leo's thread was me talking to myself. Admittedly I do have a habit of doing that, but I really don't bother engaging in it on an internet forum. ;-)

But ya lost me there, ZD. Take me up on what? I didn't make any suggestions aside from you looking at the convo between us on Leo's thread.

Besides, it didn't take extreme deduction skills to see that drunkbro wasn't here to learn anything nor that he's an OWS supporter. All it took was reading his drivel over the last hour or so. Put that paranoia away, ZD, I'm not drunkbro.


[-] -1 points by HCHC4 (-28) 10 years ago

What are you leading? He is but one of many individuals in this world.

What are you leading?

[-] -3 points by drinkbrondo (-71) 10 years ago

You would follow a man who says "when one person gets richer...another gets poorer.?" Like I said pure fucking madness. Liberalism is truly a sickness.

[-] -1 points by HCHC4 (-28) 10 years ago

Who said anything about following someone?

Who do you follow? I have to assume thats your nature if your default guess was that by thinking someone is speaking the truth that means I am looking to them for leadership?

And if you aren't following, then are you leading? Whose following you?

[+] -4 points by drinkbrondo (-71) 10 years ago

Brand is shrieking for SOCIALISM. You people who think that's a better economic model are mentally fucking ILL. Not sure what goes through liberal's brains. States will secede soon, when we hear talk of this. You fucking socialists can have California, Oregon and Washington. Wall you in. Have your own society. You'll be tunneling under the walls in a year to get out.

[-] -1 points by HCHC4 (-28) 10 years ago

What is socialism? Please give examples. Possibilities include tax rates vs gdp, , social mobility, etc.

[+] -5 points by drinkbrondo (-71) 10 years ago

A lazy socialist too. GOOGLE it my little dumbbell friend

[-] 0 points by HCHC4 (-28) 10 years ago

Everyone's definition is incredibly different when you get into the specifics. Can really tell who has a plan, and who is simply acting out of MSM garbage.

I'll assume you dont understand the question.

Gotta run. Have a nice evening. Don't kick the dog, ok?

[+] -5 points by drinkbrondo (-71) 10 years ago

Harruph!...Why of course professor. I see what you mean. As you know, The varying degrees of the socialist movement have changed from region to region. Take the Taco Central America socialist movement, as compared to the Caribbean reggae socialism, to the Greek, gyro socialism...my God I could go on for hours. They all very so greatly much.