Forum Post: Ron Paul vs Obama ?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 21, 2011, 12:30 p.m. EST by biteme514
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is Ron Paul stealing the youth vote from Obama ?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 21, 2011, 12:30 p.m. EST by biteme514
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
is Ron Paul stealing the youth vote from Obama ?
Trolls versus goblins.....
LIVE! on pay per view
No candidate can 'steal' votes from another candidate because votes don't belong to the candidates, they belong to the people.
No candidate is entitled to anyone's vote. They need to earn it.
Nope. He's stealing them from Gingrich.
He is after all a republican.
More Ron Paul fan boys ... go figure.
RonPaul on the Issues:
Total free market capitalism. no regulation
Free market health care. no regulation, no single payer
Repeal Roe v. Wade. legislate a fundamentalist religious agenda
Eliminate capital gains and estate taxes. you think the debt is bad now?
Eliminate the EPA. you think the air and water are bad now?
Repeal ban on assault weapons. rocket launchers for all!
Undermine UN arms control efforts. expand arms exports, insure maximum military profits and further destabilize the world
Go to his website and read it for yourself.
Please stop posting lies. Do you have any idea how much he wants to regulate the monetary system and the federal reserve?
Also the other things you listed are not federal issues. They are state issues. To avoid fascism we need smaller federal government and more local power. If a state wants to make abortion legal it can have abortion be legal.
If a state wants to put in it's own standards and environmental issues it can.
Rocket launchers are not assault rifles and also STATE law would take affect on the issue as well.
I don't trust the UN. They like to put sanctions on countries that kill innocent children like the 500,000 plus children that died in Iraq in the early 90's.
And this is Obama
Obama is a fraud!!!
Wall Street's takeover of the Obama administration is now complete. "The mega-banks and their corporate allies control every economic policy position of consequence. Mr. Obama has moved rapidly since the November debacle to install business people where it counts most. Mr.William Daley from JP Morgan Chase as White House Chief of Staff. Mr. Gene Sperling from the Goldman Sachs payroll to be director of the National Economic Council. Eileen Rominger from Goldman Sachs named director of the SEC's Investment Management division. Even the National Security Advisor, Thomas Donilon, was executive vice president for law and policy at the disgraced Fannie Mae after serving as a corporate lobbyist with O'Melveny & Roberts. The keystone of the business friendly team was put in place on Friday. General Electric Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt will serve as chair of the president's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness."
He's bombed more countries than Bush. Countries like Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan... etc
He extended the Bush tax cuts.
He never actually closed guantanamo bay.
He lied about ending the wars in Iraq and the current withdrawal was scheduled by the Bush administration. And there is a billion dollar military base in Iraq and I guarantee you that it aint empty.
He supported the bailouts of banking institutions that are extracting wealth from our country and stealing people's pensions and homes. The bailout money was used by the federal reserve to create 7.7 trillion dollars out of thin air, and Obama has yet to do anything about it.
He also supported the patriot act, which essentially deletes the 4th amendment.
He's started unconstitutional acts of war against Libya, which he spoke out against when Bush did that to Iraq.
Obama signed for the indefinite detention of US citizens without trial into law under provisions of the NDAA and "designates the world as the battlefield and that includes the homeland." -quote senator Lindsey Graham who supported the bill and argued in it's favor.
"The killing of al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden in Pakistan and the threats posed by al Qaeda cells in Yemen and Africa underscore the evolving and continuing nature of the terrorist threat to the United States. The Conference Report ensures the United States will have the ability to meet this threat and neutralize terrorists from these groups and conduct effective interrogations."
List of terrorist organizations our country could start war with and the countries they're in.
"This [the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011] designates the WORLD as the battlefield... and that includes the homeland."
Next stop Africa and Yemen!!! Maybe Iran or Syria next? Fulfill that cold war with some Operation Northwoods and go to war with Russia? Who knows? It's the government. It's a threat to national security to tell you the truth all the time.Maybe China a few years from now?
“We suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity.” -Cass R Sunstein, Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Obama administration.
Oh and don't forget about this Hour long presentation in congress about Al Qaeda members being the Libyan rebels, as well as extremists, rapists, and murderers.
In case any of you don't like the first video because it's a republican here is super Liberal Dennis Kucinich railing against Al Qaeda in the rebels as well.
And here is an article on the Libyan rebel leader admitting to having a bunch of Al Qaeda members in his "rebellion" which is actually just terrorism.
And to all the remaining Obama fans, please don't try and accuse me of being in favor of Newt Gingrich or tell me some bullshit about McCain Palin. My criticism for Obama is simply based around facts and in no way means I support a GOP agenda. Obama is a fraud and so is Newt Gingrich.
I wasn't talking about BO, I was talking about Ron Paul. All of the line items are straight from his website. My comments are italicized.
Funny how you don't believe what politicians say, EXCEPT for Ron Paul.
I disagree with a few of Ron Paul stances actually. I put a lot of trust in the truth that Dennis Kucinich puts out and when he was running in 2008, Dennis said he'd choose Ron Paul as his running mate and gave Ron Paul very high praise for not being corrupt. That was what first brought me in to supporting Ron Paul. If it was up to me Dennis Kucinich would have been president in 2008 and I'd be voting for him again now.
Here's a video of Dennis Kucinich on the subject
Watch all 5 segments of this. Ron predicted all of this in the 80's.
Listen to the whole interview. Kucinich essentially says he would have a mixed - rather than single party - administration, and that he wouldn't necessarily agree with those people. That was Lincoln's approach, surrounding himself with political adversaries as a way to hear different sides of an issue.
That does not mean that Kucinich supports Ron Paul's positions.
Except if you actually listen to the interview where he talks about Ron Paul specifically.
"When you see a vote that's 233 to 2, the 2 is always me and Ron Paul. He is a man with integrity and a vision, he has courage. I admire him and he's my friend. The only place we really differ is domestic policy." -Dennis Kucinich
He also says he would choose him as his running mate.
I'm not voting for corruption any longer. So I'm voting Ron Paul. Obama is corrupt. If a real democrat chooses to oppose Obama and run for president, they will have my vote. But I don't have that option right now. So I'm voting for a man who isn't corrupt.
I used to think negatively about Ron Paul until I stopped listening to critics in the bought media and started listened to Ron Paul and checked out his voting history. Dennis Kucinich earned my trust a while back and his trust in Ron Paul speaks out to me a lot.
Watch all 5 segments of this. Ron predicted all of this in the 80's.
"The only place we really differ is domestic policy" LOL
Do you consciously ignore the parts that contradict your point of view?
You're overzealously attacking Trevor. He was quoting someone else; your statement is therefore nonsensical.
If you follow the chain it all goes back to my post of Ron Paul on the issues, to which the fan boy replied "Stop spreading lies". All of those items are straight off of Lunar Op's website (linked).
"follow the chain?!" Your last 'LOL' should be directed at Dennis Kucinich, because those were his words!
You said "That does not mean that Kucinich supports Ron Paul's positions."
Then I posted what Dennis Kucinich said about Ron Paul. It's pretty obvious to me he supports Ron Paul. It doesn't get more obvious that he trusts Ron Paul then a direct quote saying so. I'm sure if it were to come down to Obama and Paul we'd see who Kucinich endorses. Kucinich has called out Obama many times in regards to Libya and the bailouts.
"When you see a vote that's 233 to 2, the 2 is always me and Ron Paul. He is a man with integrity and a vision, he has courage. I admire him and he's my friend. The only place we really differ is domestic policy." -Dennis Kucinich
Definitely doesn't sound like he's denouncing Ron Paul in anyway. But hey that's your perception. Good for you.
...and the first shall be last
You forgot attempting to further divide the States.
There is little the man has to offer.
you forgot............
you don't see......
he gave us rand
That's all the same stuff Obama is for to.... Go figure
Yeah, not much difference between one political puppet and another.
RP would prob leave abortion up to the states
Because he basically does not recognize the Federal government, that is why the states would be the mechanism for banning abortion.
It also lets many states keep it safe and legal. States are typically ahead of the Federal govt on these issues. In Mass, where I live, we have gay marriage, legal abortion, universal healthcare, and misdemeanor pot.
Plus, you let the Federal govt decide and you never know when the US population will be dumb enough to elect a George Bush who might make it illegal nationally.
give me the state version please.
Minors cannot cross state lines. Do not be so naive, Ron Paul in no way wants to keep abortion "safe and legal". He wants to OUTLAW it entirely, that is his goal.
Hi BlueRose,
Having read Dr. Paul's chapter on abortion, he would like to keep it out of the Federal government and let states decide. At end, he'd like it to be 'moral law', directed by our own morality and not a government.
I'm personally pro-choice but against Roe vs. Wade, but frankly that bell has already been rung. Now that it is a Federal Law it is best to protect Roe vs. Wade since it will always be on the Federal Radar, especially among its opponents.
Your first statement is absolutely correct: "the states would be the mechanism for banning abortion.", I just wanted to add that states will also be the mechanism for legalizing abortion too.
As an aside, can minors really not cross state lines? It's been a while since I've been one, but I was able to drive across and take the train freely at 16.
But this is a good point. The necessity of young women needing to drive some incredible distance, or worse, use an abortion black market should be enough for even a pro-lifer with Christian justification rethink legalizing abortion.
Wrong. He wants to ban it entirely, I am not going to say it again.
HI BlueRose,
Which is it? Will he use " the states would be the mechanism for banning abortion." or will he "outlaw it entirely". From your post, you suggest it is one or the other.
From my own extensive reading, it is the former and not the later.
Direct democracy doesnt work in ows favor sometimes
This is more about overturning Roe v Wade than "direct democracy".
If the people vote to reverse it and win, would you live with that?
I believe in women's rights, not Koch Brothers taking over politics to push white Christian male agenda.
Im not asking what you believe. Im asking if it were put to a national vote, and the people voted it down, would you be ok with that?
I would not support a law to enslave blacks should one pass.
Im talking about abortion. Would you live the results of direct democracy if that should pass?
Neither would I support a law allowing child labor, should Gingrich popularize the idea.
So you dont support direct democracy then?
Since BlueRose won't answer your question, I would. It would appear she doesn't believe in direct democracy unless the results are in line with her beliefs.
Read and learn about your candidate..please!!!!
Whats wrong with it?
Notice the same references to OGYN magazines as in his racist newsletters???
I realize this, but it was almost 30 years ago. I think he would be focusing on other things at this point.
Please...Ron Paul was 53 years old when he wrote this...his speeches to Far right Christians today contain the same talking points as written in this book.
Well if you dont get someone in there to stop the wars and the printing, abortion will be the least of your worries
He won't stop anything mark my words...
You forgot to educate yourself on the fact that THE regulations necessary for True Free market Capitalism are NOT IN PLACE!
TWO requirements Ron Paul brings up DAILY!!!!!
Our TWO tier justice system and the attack on the Rule of Law!
SOUND monetary policies.
WITHOUT neither, you have todays CORPORATISM!!!!!!!!!!!
"Free market" means a market free of regulation. That is simply more of the same and the exact opposite of what we need.
If you got the money out of politics the "free market" won't really be a problem anymore because it will actually be a free market.
If you got money out of politics, government would be free to properly regulate the market.
I still wouldn't trust the government to "properly" regulate the market.
Only people who are not edcuated on the topic at hand would make such ludacrous claims. Pick up that book and read. You maybe surprised that the very banks and corporations that now get bailed out at the expense of the taxpayer would go out of business in a true free market where govt is not favoring corporations over people.
I don't think you read his website very closely because you seem to misunderstand his positions. Since I have been closely following this man who I believe to be the greatest statesman to ever live, I am uniquely qualified to explain his positions. Total free market capitalism- That is correct, no more corporatism, mercantilism or fascism. That means that banks and corporations could no longer use government to enrich themselves like they are doing. People would have to advance themselves the old fashioned way. Hard work and/or innovation. Free market health care- Wow imagine that. I don't really want politicians and bureaucrats deciding what health care I do or do not receive. Do you? Abortion- He wants to remove federal jurisdiction from the abortion issue and return the issue to the states where it constitutionally belongs. Then we can quit fighting about it. States that want to prohibit abortion can and those want to legalize abortion can. It is called decentralization or states rights. I means more freedom. Eliminate capital gains and estate taxes- You forgot the income tax. Yes he wants to shrink government to it's constitutional limits in article 1 section 8. By shrinking the government to those levels and ending our foreign empire building, yes those taxes can be eliminated. Think of the jobs that would create. Eliminate the EPA- I still see the EPA in his proposed budget, so I am not sure where you got that information. He does cut it 30%. Since I work in the environmental field I realize that most of the air and water protection comes from the states and localities. In fact I would barely notice if the EPA disappeared except to get rid of some foolish initiatives.
You are literally too stupid to insult.
The answers to your repeated post are in your collapsed post below.
That's it. Your answer is to raise taxes? Then call me stupid? It's typical of people who have been confronted with the truth to just call people names.
I didn't call you names, I made a truthful statement. I also refuted your claims in the collapsed thread below. Apparently collapsed because so many people found it to be utter bullshit.
I don't think you read his website very closely because you seem to misunderstand his positions. Since I have been closely following this man who I believe to be the greatest statesman to ever live, I am uniquely qualified to explain his positions.
Total free market capitalism- That is correct, no more corporatism, mercantilism or fascism. That means that banks and corporations could no longer use government to enrich themselves like they are doing. People would have to advance themselves the old fashioned way. Hard work and/or innovation.
Free market health care- Wow imagine that. I don't really want politicians and bureaucrats deciding what health care I do or do not receive. Do you?
Abortion- He wants to remove federal jurisdiction from the abortion issue and return the issue to the states where it constitutionally belongs. Then we can quit fighting about it. States that want to prohibit abortion can and those want to legalize abortion can. It is called decentralization or states rights. It means more freedom.
Eliminate capital gains and estate taxes- You forgot the income tax. Yes he wants to shrink government to it's constitutional limits in article 1 section 8. By shrinking the government to those levels and ending our foreign empire building, yes those taxes can be eliminated. Think of the jobs that would create.
Eliminate the EPA- I still see the EPA in his proposed budget, so I am not sure where you got that information. He does cut it 30%. Since I work in the environmental field I realize that most of the air and water protection comes from the states and localities. In fact I would barely notice if the EPA disappeared except to get rid of some foolish initiatives.
Repeal ban on assalt weapons-I looked but did not find rocket launchers in there. When your government becomes oppresive enough, don't you want to have something to fight them with other than rocks? Every oppressive tyrant in history first disarmed the people. Stalin, Hitler, etc. I will hang on to mine.
Undermine UN arms control efforts- He does want to end our involvement in the UN (thats a very good thing IMHO) But I don't see how his plan to end our wars, close overseas military bases, cut military spending and only go to war with a declaration would maximize military profits and destabilize the world. Are you sure you are not confusing his positions with Obama's?
Well there you have it. Peace, freedom and prosperity. What a nut. Who would want that?
Tax cuts create jobs? LOL Where are they then?
You want jobs? Raise taxes. 1945-1979, top tax rate 70-91%, highest period of growth and stability in US history. Huge, booming middle class and built a nationwide infrastructure.
A little education goes a long way. You should try it some time.
High taxes create jobs? Nobody thinks that. Kennedy didn't when he lowered taxes.
He's stealing he vote from Dr. Mengele.
Anyone know any candidate besides Ron Paul? Ok vote for Obama, but Im gona vote for the only candidate who is against NDAA, SOPA, Patriot Act, the iraq war, The drug war, War with Iran, War with Syria, assassinations of USA citizens and Bank Bailouts/corporatism. What one of those is Obama against again? Oh right NONE! Enjoy your march toward a police state.
"Stealing" is a word that has a connotation that suggests Obama justly deserves those votes.
I think the more pertinent question should be "who gives a shit"?
The youth inside #OWS shouldn't be fooled by Ron Paul. Think of Ron Paul as the libertarian Koch duo with a mandate from God (see Christian Reconstruction movement and former Paul staffer Gary North, Mr. "Biblical Capitalism" himself):
Who Is Ron Paul? In His Own Words…
[VIDEO] Ron Paul promises “big cuts” in new ad:
“Paul has vowed to cut $1 trillion from the budget in the first year if he were elected president by ending the U.S. Departments of Commerce, Education, Energy, Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Interior.
The Environmental Protection Agency, Food and Drug Administration and Department of Defense would also see deep cuts under his budget plan.”
[VIDEO] Ron Paul: End Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid:
[VIDEO] Ron Paul Calls For Federal Public Lands To Be ‘Sold Off To Private Owners’:
[VIDEO] Ron Paul plans to ‘eventually’ end all federal student aid:
[VIDEO] Ron Paul Rejects Evolution:
[VIDEO] Ron Paul’s powerful pro-life ad:
Ron Paul: No Church/State Separation:
[VIDEO] Ron Paul in a nutshell:
“ThinkProgress compiled video of just a few of Paul’s many claims that basic laws and essential programs violate the Constitution. A short list includes Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the National Labor Relations Board, the Federal Reserve, income taxes, and even the dollar bill.”
[VIDEO] CNN: Ron Paul’s Racist Newsletter – Paul Walks on CNN Interview “Rep. Ron Paul’s (R-TX) emergence as the front-runner in the Iowa GOP primary is bringing new scrutiny on Paul’s newsletters from the 1980s and 1990s. The newsletters, published under his name, included content claiming that African-Americans are trying to give white people HIV, suggested that Washington, DC is “anti-white and proud of it,” provided instructions on how to murder African-Americans, and warned of “malicious gay(s)” who spread HIV.”
5 Reasons Progressives Should Treat Ron Paul with Extreme Caution -- 'Cuddly' Libertarian Has Some Very Dark Politics
“He's anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-black, anti-senior-citizen, anti-equality and anti-education, and that's just the start.”
Ron Paul [Election 201] Hires Christian Right Political Activist with American Family Association for Church Outreach: [Quote] Paul has brought several Christian conservatives onto his campaign in an ambitious effort to reach believers for his cause. Michael Heath, the campaign's Iowa director, previously worked for a New England-based group called the Christian Civic League of Maine that fought against adding sexual orientation to the state's Human Rights Act. The national campaign has tasked Heath with leading church outreach in Iowa, where for months he has met with pastors and Christian congregations. "That's the biggest part of what I'm doing as state director," Heath told Yahoo News after a day of knocking on church doors with campaign literature. "Going to churches with a message in support of Dr. Paul's campaign that is very much faith-based and is also rooted in his commitment to a constitutionally defined limited federal government." [Unquote]
Saint Paul: Inside Ron Paul’s effort to convince conservative Christians that he’s their man [Paul tells Yahoo his policy ideas are rooted in scripture – see former Paul staffer Gary North’s “10,000 page exposition on Biblical Capitalism”]
Gary North’s “Biblical Capitalism” [Christian Reconstruction]
Rachel Tabachnick on Gary North, Christian Reconstruction, and the Religious Right’s War on Progressive Economic Policy
Like Father Like Son, Rand Paul Opposes Civil Rights Act and Americans with Disabilities Act:
Ron Paul: Stealth Dominionist:
Random Book Blogging: Gary North, AIDS, Ron Paul, and Christian Reconstructionism
Ron Paul photo with White Supremacist ‘Stormfront’ Leader (particularly see the embedded Orcinus link):,-son
Dominionists discuss infiltrating #OCCUPYWALLSTREET:
Ron Paul's brand of tea party is exactly the same as the fundamental Christian right's brand of tea party (look up “Gary North: Biblical Capitalism”). Paul simply dresses his ideology in secular terms for Republican dupes. In short, he’s a libertarian theocrat, oxymoronic as that sounds (look up “theocratic libertarianism” as well while you’re at it).
See: for background on Christian Reconstruction.
Barack Obama advocates the use of Keynesian economic concepts despite the fact that the pedophile John Maynard Keynes was incompetent and a fraud.
Ron Paul is inept being too far in the clouds. Romney is the most likely outcome.
@--> A 1992 passage from the Ron Paul Political Report about the Los Angeles riots read, “Order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks.”
In another newsletter asserted that people with AIDS should not be allowed to eat in restaurants because “AIDS can be transmitted by saliva”;
@--> In 1990 one of his publications criticized Ronald Reagan for having gone along with the creation of the federal holiday honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which it called “Hate Whitey Day.”
@--> Other issues of Paul’s newsletter called Barbara Jordan, the African-American Texas congresswoman, a “half-educated victimologist” and said of crime in Washington, D.C., “I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.”
@--> ”If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be." - Ron Paul, 1992
@--> "Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal." - Ron Paul, 1992
@--> "We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such." - Ron Paul, 1992
@--> Paul’s newsletter was listed by a neo-Nazi group called Heritage Front, as recommended reading
The September 1994 issue of the Ron Paul Survival Report states that “those who don’t commit sodomy, who don’t get blood a transfusion, and who don’t swap needles, are virtually assured of not getting AIDS unless they are deliberately infected by a malicious gay.”
@--> In the April 1993 Ron Paul Survival Report, the author--writing in the first person--states, “Whether [the 1993 World Trade Center bombing] was a setup by the Israeli Mossad, as a Jewish friend of mine suspects, or was truly a retaliation by the Islamic fundamentalists, matters little.”
Ron Paul is a liberal disguised as republican
"Ron Paul vs. Obama"
As wacky as this movement seems to be, at least it is not reduced to Ron Paul vs Obama.
NOTA, isnt that something you put in a salad ?
After these last three years, the question should be: why would anyone still support Obama?
You guys supported Bush for 8 years and blamed Obama for what Bush did for three. Now that your wars for oil and tax cuts for the rich have destroyed the nation you turn your hate on the poor and want a man in office to put the final dagger into the heart of the poor and middle class. Once Ron accomplishes bringing the nation to her knees then he will present Christian Reconstructionism as the final hope for America. Look how many of Ron's friends are listed below.
Christian Reconstructionism arose as an ideology among conservative Calvinists. The movement in its modern form was founded in the United States of America, popularized by Rousas John Rushdoony, in his work The Institutes of Biblical Law (1973), though to an extent it had its beginnings in the colonial governments of early New England (especially that of the Massachusetts Bay colony). Other past and present Reconstructionist leaders include Gary North (Rushdoony's son-in-law), Howard Ahmanson, Jr., Greg Bahnsen, David Chilton, Gary DeMar, Kenneth Gentry, and Andrew Sandlin.
The social structure advocated by Christian Reconstructionism would have the clergy, laity and government, individually and corporately, to be in ultimate submission to the moral principles of the Bible, including the Old Testament, while retaining their separate jurisdictional spheres of authority and roles in society as inferred from principles of biblical law, both Old and New Testaments. It is the claim of Christian Reconstructionism that even as under the Davidic administration of the Israelites, the Priests (Levitical line) and Kings (Davidic line) were distinguished by their scopes of authority (e.g., the King could not offer sacrifices for others and the Priests could not pass or enforce legislation) and their roles in society (e.g., the King maintained the social welfare and the Priests maintained personal welfare), so it should be in a modern Christian Reconstructionist society.
Who is this "you guys" you speak of, because I certainly was not a Bush supporter. You seem to see things only as left or right, when I go beyond the parties. Bush was bad, Obama is bad, Clinton got a few things right, Bush got a few things right. All in all, I have not been too impressed with a single president in my lifetime and I will never support one over another because of something as petty as to which party they belong.
I did not vote for any of them yet Obama did not cause the biggest problems facing the country today, sorry that was Bush's doing.
It is naive to lay the blame on one person, just as it is naive to think that one person can fix it all. If it really is all Bush's fault, then it must be Obama's fault that things have only gotten worse. The fact is, neither of them have much control over what goes on in the economy, that power resides in the Congress. These last two presidents have only been efficient at starting wars it seems.
Or is it the Pentagon who is control of our wars and corporations who control the economy for 40 years??? Funny how somethings change like the POTUS but the actions of our country stays on course plowing full steam ahead.
Remember Ron Paul endorsed Chuck Baldwin for President in 2008...
And Chuck has just returned the favor.
Well Christan Reconstructinist stick together. Gary North has always been Ron's friend, even a board member on Ron's The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education with Ron's other Buddy C. Koch. Yep Charlie Koch... but I thought Ron don't hang with those boys. LOL!!!!
About the Foundation The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, Inc. is tax exempt under 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. It was founded by Congressman Ron Paul of Texas, and publishes his monthly Freedom Report, available upon request. The Foundation, from time to time, publishes papers such as this. It also hosts seminars and publishes their proceedings. For more information, write: The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, Post Office Box 1776, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566. Advisory Board of the Foundation Dr. Petr Beckmann Mr. John Chamberlain Mr. Henry Hazlitt Dr. John Hospers Mr. Charles Koch Mrs. Ludwig von Mises Dr. Gary North Dr. Murray Rothbard Dr. Hans Sennholz 44
One of the things about Ron I love is that he's liable to hang with anyone. But it seems the lobbyists don't like him, though.
I wonder why?
The youth supporting Ron Paul are gonna be trolling and smoking weed on election day, for the most part. His voting followers are the Christian Patriot wackos. Some kids think it is cool to support Ron Paul, and I think a few of these votes would have gone to Obama, certainly not Newt Gingrich, but Ron Paul cult is about to completely implode anyway.
Nota!!! I stress: NOTA!!!
If you are playing the lesser of all evils games, RP wins.
I dont think Ron Paul can win. Its the Nader conundrum.
Ron Paul is for America while the assClown Obummer is destroying it
Sorry, it was Bush ran it over a cliff.
POS republicans refuse to anyone try and break the fall.
MR. P, just wants more of the same, claiming, it'll work, if only we do more of the things that crashed it.
If you had a half of brain you would know that the problem started back when Clinton was Pres but hey you libtards cannot blame him
I don't want to be like you.
I have a whole brain.
It actually goes back to neoliberal policies enacted by Reagan and to a much lesser degree Carter.
Neoliberal, is what libertarians ( real ones) are all about.
It's the conservatives, that for some reason, turn a blind eye to all the things done in W's 8 years.
It all fell down the memory hole.
You are correct for a change, shooz. Ever wonder why the GOP hates Ron Paul so much?
Ever wonder why he has an (R) after his name on the ballot?
I don't.
I understand multi-pronged marketing/PR and how it works.
I'm sure you do, shooz. But sometimes I think you outsmart yourself.
America First Things First Occupy Your Hearts Occupy Your Families We The People Will Re_Occupy Congress God Bless America Go Paul!!!!!
Government tells big bizz what they can and cant do. Your enemy is actually big GOVERNMENT. THEY have power over th banks and THEY told banks to give big loans to people that had no jobs which caused the economy to crash