Forum Post: Ron paul kicking ass
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 20, 2011, 9:09 p.m. EST by newjustice4
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Good video by a liberal
most economists i have heard from think ron paul is an idiot. i dont really involve myself in that shit but i am just repeating what i have heard on numerous occasions
Economists, attorneys, military experts, finance experts etc..... all are prejudiced against any form of government by "We The People", especially direct 1:1 democracy, but even a true democratic republic RUN ONLY by reasonable persons, and not barristers, esquires, attorneys, and all the same experts who write and implement codes/statutes that reasonable persons cannot be expected to comprehend.
The first 80 years of our government did largely exclude experts from holding office or writing legislation. These activities were undertaken by your neighbor, states-persons, or relative who was proven reasonable in regard to level of education and cognitive ability, even the ability to write legibly! The results were PLAIN ENGLISH laws of which, per the Constitution, reasonable people would therefore be subject to as they could be expected to understand them.
Today, even our "lawmakers" do not understand a large part of the miles of legislation of which massive teams of experts write and then hand over for them to bully through and politic it's way into "law".
With the results almost always being that even highly trained experts disagree on what they mean.
Realize, many who are employed by our government and even represent "The People" are either experts of some sort, or have staffs of them writing the laws behind the scene for them to sign.
Many only care about becoming wealthy and escaping the noose of their constituents when home, many many many others do not want to acknowledge these truths and only care that their jobs and status quo remains unchanged.
They don't want reasonable every day people, especially if truly reasonable, with honor, integrity and possessing the ability to think for themselves so as to realize how bad wrong our system has become and been, for well over 100 years.
If TPTB don't turn the next president into Hitler I'd be surprised...Ron Paul is the only one out there with integrity..He's got the best shot at turning this country around...
Obama is just another puppet.
I totally agree with you!
RonPaul talking about OWS the housing foreclosures the banks and the bail outs.
It is an interesting clip.
YEAH BABY RON PAUL 2012! screw the rest espically Obama
Until a wise democrat like Dennis Kucinich chooses to oppose Obama, I'm supporting Ron Paul. Dennis Kucinich said he'd pick Ron PauI as his running mate in 2008. I believe in the honesty and conviction of Dennis Kucinich and his trust in Ron PauI means a lot.
Dennis Kucinich speaks about Ron PauI in 2008, really good video.
at least he's consistent... I would consider voting for him vs Obama... But R. Paul's stuff is a little nutty at times:
"Ron Paul in an interview with Tim Russert yesterday asserting that the American Civil War was unnecessary. His take: Other countries ended slavery without a civil war -- why not America? Paul theorizes that the north could have simply bought all the slaves and released them..."
~he's a bit weird [R.P.], and not necessarily a true liberaterion (which I like), but an academic and a doctor-- I think that counts. And he's not a sell out. But, historically true liberatation polices have a poor track record; but I don't trust Obama any longer very much. But, then again R.P.'s whole repeal of ground breaking civil rights legislation is also troubling... idk
Hey doc ! what's new. Funny I took a " which candidate do you support" test on yahoo the other day. It came up 1st Obama and 2nd R Paul. weird because they should be opposites ----------far right and leftish. Paul does have some interesting ideas it's just that the other half of his ideas horrify me.
right on... he's so there, and then so not... I truly doubt he gets the nom. It's going to be Mitt... I predicted or am predicting that... and obama wins... 2008 crash happens in 2012 [again] repubs/ conservative blames dems and dems blame jesus ; we print mo money and then mo money to first bail out Europe and then the US out of it (another fako depression/ recession that never went away post the 2001 bubble crash), and then a OWS party forms and changes the USA for the better... am I dreaming too wildly?
The mo money ship has already sailed several times and until a full audit of the Fed has actually been performed, we have no idea of knowing the magnitude of the situation.
The government needs to get out of the Casino regulation business and people need to wise up and take responsibility for their own money. If they want to gamble it with known thieves, do so at their own peril.
Remove your money from banks, the stock markets, 401k's CD's and all risky ventures whose profits to you come from extracting the wealth from those who work and produce while making prices and cost of living hiring for everyone, including the millions of regular people who actively participate in the grand wall street money magic game.
No sounds about right. Here's what I hope. I hope Mr Paul wins in a couple of states and then runs as a third party candidate. Mitt and Obama ? who could tell the difference? why bother except the rich will get a little bit more of the country handed to them under Mitt. Paul in the race would open up new dialogue in the debates.
Here is a good video of ron paul explaining the civil war
I find it interesting that Dr Paul doesn't even bother wasting his time attempting to school masses of programmed droids about the devastating cost other than referring to "Hamiltonians", which in fact set the stage for the introduction of The Federal Reserve making our money and caring not who makes our laws, as in fact, our congress became the owned trustees of our nations resulting bankruptcy defaults, with each time default came, the bankers control over our nation, and it's people, became more tyranical.........
and here we are today in a position of complete submission largely fueled and perpetuated by the ignorance of most people, to the dollars and cents which brought about our current reality.
Our Republic was under attack by the World Banking powers since before it was ever adopted by all the states and their pursuit of owning and destroying it has been relentless.
He is right, do you realize how much money that war cost, not to mention lives? The United States STILL hasn't paid the principal of that debt!
It was the most expensive war ever fought on the planet and it's cost has only been exceeded, by all wars fought since, in the last ten years.
Furthermore, once free, many found their existence much harder as at least when they were "owned", like we are all now, their owners had an incentive to keep them healthy and safe. I am certainly not a racist or for slavery at all, however, it wasn't a great deal for many who chose to stay put, or wish they could.
Even more interesting is what happened with Chinese and Irish immigrants for years after the original 13th was changed to the slavery amendment.
Men, women and children. Far worse than any hardcore Southern plantation.
But, he is right, the top market price of all slaves in the United States in 1861, did not even total a tenth of the actual war costs and damages, not counting the loss of nearly 600,000 lives, a monetary debt of which our country still hasn't paid resulting in our second bankruptcy, of which defaulting upon lead to the note holders getting the privately chartered Federal Reserve institutionalized in the US along with their private IRS in place of our then defunct Department of Treasury while they both masterfully manipulated global powers to make war and brutalized our nation with their wealth extracting stock market bringing about the great crash.
Still unable to keep up under the new terms which were even more difficult with the money masters in charge and extracting wealth at will, FDR signed away the rest of the country and allowed our gold reserves to be shipped abroad as part of the terms of that reorganization.
Lincoln, Wilson, and both Roosevelts were all key players.
Woodrow expressed grave concern for his being duped, near his time of death, upon becoming cognizant to the extreme magnitude of what he had done to our nation, for years to come.
yeah, buying all the slaves and even setting tariffs/excise on any others coming in owned, so very high as to make it financially prohibitive would have been better than the Civil War. However, what A Lincoln knew very well was, that the Declaration of Independence does and did, in fact, make slavery unlawful according to it's very first paragraph. The only argument against that was slaves were of a different species, which is completely irrational and untrue.
Buying the slaves freedom, preventing any further under the DOI and keeping our original 13th amendment would have made things much more difficult for the world bankers to own this nation as they have for years since.