Forum Post: Romney Tobacco Deal With Russian Mob and GOP
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 23, 2012, 6:43 p.m. EST by arturo
from Shanghai, Shanghai
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Stories hitting the press today about Bain Capital and the Russian cigarette market tell only a small part of the story. Stories say that Romney sent representatives to Russia to aid them in selling cigarettes but this is quite misleading. The real deal was between the GOP and Russian Mafia with Bain only acting as “consultant.”
Acts of treason.
Reminder of GOP negotiating with Iran, before the 1980 election.
but if we vote for Obama - we won't be able to conquer the commies -
with cancer
Oh, well, if you put it that way...
Don't worry, Obama has Monsanto.
but Monsanto doesn't really have Pres Obama
Monsanto gave $13,175 to Obama [ big deal ]
for House races, Monsanto contributed three times as much to R as to D
disgusting, immoral and legal
if you have the guts, HELP make it illegal . or keep complaining