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Forum Post: Rocky Anderson is running for President, and the 99% should support him

Posted 12 years ago on March 14, 2012, 1:44 p.m. EST by Rocky2012 (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Rocky Anderson is running for President in the November elections.

He is the candidate of the Justice Party.

The 99% should not vote for Democrats or Republicans (two sides of the same coin). The 99% should vote for Rocky Anderson and the Justice Party.

Rocky Anderson is the former mayor of Salt Lake City.

He refuses to accept campaign donations over $100 from any one donor. That means: he is NOT for sale! He keeps money out of politics!

Read this article titled "Rocky Versus the Capitalists", by ROBERT HUNZIKER:


This the true candidate needed by the 99%



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[-] 2 points by NPTR1 (1) 12 years ago

Anderson really does seem to be quite a legitimate third party option. He has been pretty ruthless and spot on in his critique of the corruption at the core of the two major parties. We at NPTR recently had a chance to sit down with him for a 75 minute interview to discuss his campaign. Very interesting stuff. You can find it here. Feel free to follow our page and check out our other interviews if you like what you hear!



[-] 2 points by MsStacy (1035) 12 years ago

I don't understand how you think a president will make any difference. The power to make laws comes from congress. Getting representatives elected to the House and Senate has the potential for real change.

[-] 2 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

I just voted for Rocky Anderson for president, he was on my ballot at the bottom of the list.

If enough vote third party, maybe they will let them in debates, once again.

Rocky's policies are the most sane and good for USA long term.

Even if he is not viewed as legitimate candidate, his policies are better for me than Mitt or Obama. At least he has some new proposals.

Dem. party and repub party have to move back left to ever get my vote in future.


The president, as commander in chief, can end drone bombing of Packistan civilians, for one.

Rocky would not allow spying on us, and as president, he would not let the 1 percent make the wall streeters get away with whining how unfair regulations are.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

I think he only got ballot spot in maybe 17 or 19 states.

Even Jill didnt get on in all 50. What a bunch of bullshit that is.

[-] 2 points by LetsGetReal (1420) from Grants, NM 12 years ago

I think that's right and he is also a qualified write in candidate in many states. People can check here to see his status in their state: http://www.voterocky.org/guide

Between the ballot states, and the write-in states, he could theoretically get enough electoral votes to win.

[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

So mine is a protest vote against duopoly for a person who can't win.

I Don't know why the states have all their differing rules--it's a guy running for a national office.

F them.

[-] 1 points by ericweiss (575) 12 years ago

Elizabeth Warren & Sherrod Brown & Alan Grayson & Tammy Duckworth

[-] 2 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

What the Justice Party stands for:

Economic Justice:

Implement major domestic green jobs and infrastructure programs Re-establish and make viable workers’ right to organize Create a fair, democratic, and transparent financial sector that serves the needs of start-ups, small business and consumers End incentives for U.S. companies to send jobs overseas Enact a financial transaction tax that will curb reckless speculation and provide revenue for job creation, job training and education End the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy Compassionate and rational immigration reform End to subsidies for oil and gas companies Free education through four years of college or equivalent as a right Protect public investments by opposing and reversing the privatization of public assets

Environmental Justice:

Enforce employee and environmental safeguards in trade agreements Ban the Canada-to-Mexico tar sands pipeline and mountain top removal Enhance air and water quality protections by strengthening the EPA Take aggressive action and leadership on the climate crisis and the environment

Social and Civic Justice:

Affordable universal health care through Improved Medicare for All An end to the wars; reduce the military budget and redirect money to domestic economy Marriage equality End race and gender discrimination Treat substance abuse within a public health framework rather than as a criminal matter Repeal the PATRIOT Act Abolish corporate personhood and implement campaign finance reform to end the corrupting influence of money in politics Prosecute the illegal conduct that led to the economic melt-down

[-] 2 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

"I believe that we can all help make a better world together, individually and collectively. I believe in the equal application of the laws, rather than the two-tiered system of justice promoted by Bush and Obama (and Congress and the courts when they dismiss cases on the grounds of the state secrets doctrine). I believe in not burdening later generations with our reckless spending and that it is outrageous to spend trillions of dollars (and it will be trillions after interest on our borrowings for the wars has been paid) for unnecessary, disastrous wars and, while they are being fought, giving massive tax cuts to the wealthy. I believe that government has a vital role to play in improving education, maintaining and improving our infrastructure, providing transit opportunities, and building peaceful relations with other nations. I also believe that government -- particularly in the U.S. -- has a vital duty to provide international leadership to avoid the most catastrophic consequences of climate disruption. If my fighting for the restoration of the rule of law and the bolstering of our most fundamental constitutional values makes me a conservative, a liberal, or a patriot, you can use whatever term you like."

(Rocky Anderson)


[-] -2 points by ironboltbruce (371) from Miami, FL 12 years ago

And this "I believe blah blah blah..." gibberish is supposed to inspire us to ignore the obvious, i.e. that voting in America is meaningless? Stop selling soap long enough to learn something:


[-] 3 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Without voting, NOTHING will EVER change. Voting is a FUNDAMENTAL part of change.

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 12 years ago

And by splitting the vote that keeps the courts from becoming even more right wing, you hand a victory to everyone OWS stands against.

[-] -1 points by ironboltbruce (371) from Miami, FL 12 years ago

Watch the damned video or stop replying to my posts, please.



[-] 2 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Rocky Anderson firmly opposed the Iraq war, and now he is the ONLY candidate that firmly opposes any war against Iran:


If you're Anti-War, you need to vote for Rocky Anderson!

[-] 2 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Rocky is unabashedly progressive in every aspect of life. As mayor, he turned Salt Lake City into one of the Greenest cities in the world, internationally renowned for his Salt Lake City Green Program, he achieved 31% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from municipal operations in 3 years; dramatically improved efficiency of the city’s fleet; established a bicycle and pedestrian friendly city; established cogeneration plants, doubled recycling, and recaptured methane gas from landfills to generate electricity, committing Salt Lake City to the Kyoto Protocols, surpassing Kyoto standards seven years ahead of schedule. WOW!

[-] 2 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Renowned as the “Greenest Mayor in America,” he lives what he preaches, including xeriscaping his yard, solar panels, cold-water detergent, fluorescent bulbs, and a natural gas-powered car.

[-] 2 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Anyone who comes here and speaks against the 1% but vote for Obama is a hypocrite!

Look at who gives money for Obama's campaign: the same 1% who give money to Mitt Romney!

Obama is a candidate of the 1% just like Romney. Two sides of the same coin.

Only Rocky Anderson and the Justice Party REFUSE to receive money from the 1%

Rocky Anderson is the ONLY candidate that can represent the 99%

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

If that's all he's running on, do you really think it's enough?

He was still a (R)epelican't,not so long ago.

[-] 1 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Rocky’s indomitable, audacious opposition, coast-to-coast in speeches and public meetings, calling for impeachment, earned him the accolade, “One of the most outspoken critics of the Bush Administration and the Iraq War,” by Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman, proof positive of his political courage.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Who does he caucus with and what does he actually support?

Opposition is often just a political play.

[-] 0 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Rocky Anderson supports the fight of the 99% for Justice.

Nothing else.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I get the "sound byte", but who does he caucus with?

What policies does he introduce and promote?

He is in office, isn't he?

[-] 1 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

No, he is not in office. He was the mayor of Salt Lake City for two terms between 2000 and 2008.

As mayor, he turned Salt Lake City into one of the Greenest cities in the world, internationally renowned for his Salt Lake City Green Program, he achieved 31% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from municipal operations in 3 years; dramatically improved efficiency of the city’s fleet; established a bicycle and pedestrian friendly city; established cogeneration plants, doubled recycling, and recaptured methane gas from landfills to generate electricity, committing Salt Lake City to the Kyoto Protocols, surpassing Kyoto standards seven years ahead of schedule.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

That would be more impressive, had he done it in an industrial city in the midwest, or back east.

As it is, I will have to hear what he has to say, about a much wider scope of policy.

So far, it sounds like he's pandering, and this thread is taking on the tener of a campaign effort.

[-] 1 points by forjustice (178) from Kearney, NE 12 years ago

"As it is, I will have to here what he has to say, about a much wider scope of policy"

I hope you take the time to look. Here's the best look you can get in under 5 mins: http://www.voterocky.org/rocky_barack_mitt http://www.voterocky.org/ron_and_rocky

Rocky does not pander. He fought for gay rights and environmental issues, in a very very red state. Rocky has been very consistent for many years.

[-] 1 points by ericweiss (575) 12 years ago

so says you &
the koch brothers want you to vote for Rocky too

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Then who is dreaming of the Gary Johnson and Ron Paul campaigns? The Democrat party? Or the banks that fund them?

[-] 2 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 12 years ago

Oh, Jeez, not his shit again.

Yeah, that's right, split the Democratic vote and insure that the most right wing reactionaries, the ZERO POINT ONE percent, pack the courts. Really good idea. One that hasn't been discussed here at least a hundred times already.

[-] 2 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

The "lesser of two evils" mentality is your mental prison.

Obama is no different from Romney. Obama is a puppet of the 1%

Rocky Anderson won't "split the Democratic vote". Rocky Anderson is a candidate that can WIN this election. If the American people at least knew that Rocky Anderson exists, the people would vote en masse for Rocky Anderson!

Rocky Anderson has NOTHING to hide. His life is an open book. He don't receive money from big corporations. He don't accept donations over $100 from anyone!

Once the American people realizes the TRUTH, the truth that both Democrats and Republicans are controlled by the same big corporations, and realized that there is a candidate that is different, and this candidate is ROCKY ANDERSON, he will WIN this elections, with over 70% of the vote!

[-] 3 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 12 years ago

No, not the lesser of two evils. THE SUPREME COURT and the FEDERAL COURTS. If you think that risking the full right wing takeover of them is acceptable, if you think it would make no difference, if your think Breyer and Ginsburg are the same as Scalia and Thomas, you have a tenuous relationship with reality.

The right wing trolls here LOVE posts like yours. They read them and rub their hands together in anticipation of their complete victory. They see the day fast approaching where that full on assault of the poor, of women, of minorities will be complete and secure for at least a generation.

It's not a lesser of two evils option. It is the difference between the having federal courts that favors individual rights and real corporate limits versus hard right wing fascism. And the result of a right wing complete takeover of the courts would not mean a "mental" prison for people, but real, physical ones for a whole lot more of them.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

You're sure correct on that account.

If he does get anywhere, who is he going to caucus with, and what kind of national and foreign policy does he support?

It's pandering and sloganeering so far.

[-] 1 points by ericweiss (575) 12 years ago

your position would be stronger without LIES
"Obama is no different from Romney"

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Anderson is a great candidate, too bad everyone is stuck in a state of fear.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Rocky should be getting more attention than he is.

I hate the MSM.

[-] 1 points by forjustice (178) from Kearney, NE 12 years ago

Rocky2012, I really like Rocky and the Justice Party, but this is not the place to campaign to blatantly. Please don't do this again on this site, you may be turning of more people that you attract to your cause.

[-] 1 points by ericweiss (575) 12 years ago

I'm not for Rocky - BUT I am for free speech & expression
The Rs are excellent at suppressing the vote & I object to that too

▬►W T F U

▬►P = A

A took social security payments
P took social security payments
A thought a woman president was unthinkable
A admired & revered child killer william hickman
P admired & recered A
A explains the morality of selfishness
P explains the morality of capitalism

▬►Florida insanity

▬►Proof : republiclan voting machine fraud in OHIO

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

The 99% loves war mongers, not decent people.

[-] 1 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Website of the Justice Party:


This is a true party of the 99%

[-] 1 points by Demian (497) from San Francisco, CA 12 years ago

Excuse me but do you know if Pelosi or Feinstien are up for election this year? Is the justce party running anyone in Nor Cal against them?

[-] 1 points by ericweiss (575) 12 years ago

you don't know that every house member is up every two years ?!?!?

[-] 1 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Everyone in the 99% should visit the website of Rocky Anderson's campaign:


Everyone in the 99% should see what Rocky Anderson has to say.

[-] 1 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Democrats and Republicans receive money from the same big corporations. They are puppets of the big corporations. They are puppets of the 1%

The Justice Party was created to change it. The Justice Party was created to be a real alternative.

Rocky Anderson refuses to accept campaign donations over $100 from any one donor. Rocky Anderson is not controlled by the big corporations. Rocky Anderson is not controlled by the 1%

Rock Anderson represents the 99%

Rock Anderson represents the people

[-] 1 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Rocky Anderson is the only candidate that keeps money out of politics.

Rocky Anderson is the only candidate that refuses to accept campaign donations over $100 from any one donor.

[-] 1 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

This is the official website of Rocky Anderson for President 2012:


Join now!

[-] 1 points by XenuLives (1645) from Charlotte, NC 12 years ago

I support Rocky, but I don't think this year is the right time to vote him in. This election is way too important to engage in vote splitting, because a packed Republican government would mean that we are launched straight into fascism. Let's get Congress filled with people that will vote in Americans' best interests this year and in 2014, and run Rocky in 2016 when the field is wide open again. Right now there are too many Supreme Court justices retiring for the vote to split and give those conservatives control over the new appointees.

[-] 2 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Obama can't defeat Romney.

Rocky Anderson can defeat Romney.

[-] 0 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 12 years ago

In what fantasy world can Anderson do anything at all in this election cycle? Please tell me so I can teleport there.

[-] 0 points by XenuLives (1645) from Charlotte, NC 12 years ago

Obama can defeat all of those Republican candidates combined. Paul might give him a fight, but not even the Republicans can agree on supporting Romney, much less the rest of the country.

The dream ticket, however, would be something like Obama-Rocky, with Rocky running for the big show in 2016. That would be sweet!

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 12 years ago

Yes mr. koch, we understand voter suppression -
to give the white house to willard or cotton mather - has many domensions


[-] 0 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Interview by a friend of mine with Rocky during the RNC: http://mediaroots.org/top-three-third-party-candidates.php

[-] 0 points by ARod1993 (2420) 12 years ago

Isn't this everyone's line, though? Once the American people see the light, once the sheeple shake off their yokes and the masses awaken, the newly enlightened citizenry will wonder how the hell they could have ever considered anyone but my candidate as remotely worthy of the job and they will give him a landslide and a mandate on the order of Reagan's in 1984 or FDR's in 1932. It's a beautiful vision, but I don't really see it coming to pass.

I've looked a good bit into his background and the platform of the Justice Party, and I'd say I can agree with a good 95-99% of the things Anderson wants to do. The "no corporate money" and "small donors only" campaign strategies are nice, but the downside of this approach is that without a strong, well-oiled machine with national reach not very many people are going to hear about him to begin with.

Second of all, when the country is as deeply divided as it is how many people do you think are going to actually get behind him? I could see those Democrats who have grown impatient with Obama (maybe 25-30% of the party and some left-leaning independents) leaving the main base and getting behind him, but that's about it. Republican civil libertarians have Ron Paul (and if you think any of them are going to trade him for Rocky Anderson you're nuts) and the man is the polar opposite of everything the mainstream Republican Party bills itself as. The best thing he can do for the country in 2012 is not run.

Now, if you want to talk about a Rocky Anderson 2016 campaign under the auspices of the Democratic Party (basically the mirror image of what Ron Paul is doing right now) then that would make sense. Until then, forget it.

[-] -2 points by ironboltbruce (371) from Miami, FL 12 years ago
[-] 2 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Of course that ONLY voting won't change anything.

It's necessary to vote AND to be an activist. This is the only way to change things.

But the activists need to vote for someone who is REALLY on their side. And this one is Rocky Anderson.

[-] 0 points by ironboltbruce (371) from Miami, FL 12 years ago

You obviously haven't taken the time to watch this video:


If you had, you'd be doing something more constructive with your time than promoting Rocky Anderson.

[-] 1 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Without voting, NOTHING will EVER change.

Voting is a FUNDAMENTAL part of change.

[-] 0 points by ironboltbruce (371) from Miami, FL 12 years ago

Watch the damned video or stop replying to my posts, please.



[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 12 years ago

That's right, voter suppression will be eliminated by suppressing your own vote. Very logical. Not.

[-] 0 points by ironboltbruce (371) from Miami, FL 12 years ago

And just where did I say "voter suppression" was the issue?


[-] -2 points by JuanFenito (847) 12 years ago

Heck no! Obama 2012!

[-] 1 points by Rocky2012 (7) 12 years ago

Obama is not different from Romney.

Both are candidates of the 1%

Both are candidates of the Big Money.

[-] -1 points by JuanFenito (847) 12 years ago

Obama had to do a certain amount of cowtowing to the 1% to get in office, but he will do better his second time around and keep all of his promises.

[-] 1 points by Demian (497) from San Francisco, CA 12 years ago

Thats an awful lot of cowtowing.

[-] 0 points by JuanFenito (847) 12 years ago

Yes... but LESS THAN BUSH AND ROMNEY DID so take your medicine and vote. What other option is there???

[-] 1 points by Demian (497) from San Francisco, CA 12 years ago

I disagree and I see no diffrence between the mainstream parties. In fact in many ways Obama is worse than Bush. Look at the healthcare bill, its pretty much Romneys plan and if you really want to know who that bill favors just remember the bump that health insurance stock got on the morning after it passed 30 million new customers for the industry subsidised by the our tax dollars. That means its our tax dollars flowing into private pockets. It was pretty much a bailout of the health insurance industry. Obama is firmly in the pocket of the elite. I would agree that its probably better to focus on getting independent party members of congress elected like Bernie Sanders but I wont be suckered into voting for that fraud Obama again.

[-] 0 points by JuanFenito (847) 12 years ago

Hello Thrasy. Glad you're back.