Forum Post: Revolt
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 10:24 a.m. EST by JohnnyRockets
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I strongly believe that things will not be resolved peacefully. The 1% have the funds to keep lawmakers in their pocket. They own the media. There is no way they give up their power without a fight. When the weak get a little power, wether it be a school bully, a Barney Five cop, or the 1%, they become obsessed with that power and will abuse it and will do whatever it takes to keep it. Our best movement would be to educate everyone, including many people that are already OWS supporters. You must educate the general public (police, veterans, lawyers, doctors, friends, neighbors, etc...) so that what you stand against is better understood and people aren't assuming OWS is just a group of jobless lazy hippies like the mainstream media wants everyone to believe. I strongly believe that the only people not standing with us are the 1% and the people that have no idea about what is really going on. There is little doubt in my mind that if our founding fathers were with us today, they would be getting ready to rally the troops. I just hope this generation has the courage to fight back when the going gets tough, which it will.
Just remember the best way to lose the 98% who are watching from the sideline is to become less bearable then then 1% you oppose.
Time for a Million People March to Capitol Hill!
a non violent revolution is entirely possible, assuming everyone gets their head out of their ass organizationally and gets over to the wiki.
I have been active here since the very beginning, and since the very beginning I have been trying to make some core points. These points clearly have not been digested or fully understood by the mob, and so I'm going to try to make a further attempt here again.
For these reasons, I beg of you to please immediately join me on the wiki. We need to have all of these details and all of these ideas put together in an organized fashion, rather than posted in a long scrawl which will never be read.
This is a struggle OWS cannot win with violence of any sort. It is simple: the opponents have all the control over violent acts. The system in control of the populace is nearly indestructible via violent measures because government has been planning for these events for a long time. But that does not mean it cannot be brought down. What is required is a change in tactics. And that is something the populace can do quickly and government cannot. Historically the purpose of a violent revolution was to stop the abuse coming from those in power. That abuse can still be stopped, but not by violent means. What is necessary is to understand what maintains the system in place. First and foremost is Fear and that eliminates many people from doing anything except protesting in the streets. However, those same people are capable of using passive aggressive behavior such as joining a Boycott of credit card purchases. A 24 hour moratorium across the nation on credit purchases will demonstrate that the populace is not without power. A one week moratorium well create havoc for the banking system which funds all of government. A non ending moratorium on credit card purchases will collapse the entire system in less than a month.
Well said.... and a boycott on credit purchases is a good idea , and also a great counter proposal to those well intentioned folks who post to suggest the unwise idea of using refusal to continue payments on currently due credit. I've argued against the idea without offering a productive alternative, so I'm stealing this :)
You are welcomed to it.
I am with this message 100% I have an option for Legal recourse but congress and the senate can block our non confidence vote and if they do WE FIGHT! A must read on the strategy of OWS
Who has the guns in this country?!!!!
Revolt is ugly ugly ugly, and is absolutely to be used as a last resort. Done without it being a last resort, it ends up nothing more that rioting, there is no documented cases where rioting achieved anything. Done as a last resort however you name it, it is war, which no matter how just your cause, is terrible, extracts a terrible cost from both sided, and shouldn't even be considered until ALL other options have been exhausted.
No way the founding fathers would have been so foolish as to rally troops before IN ORDER, Rallying support, Educating the public, Articulating the issue, Broadening support, Petitioning for change, Demonstrating determination, and Allowing for a response. Even then the nature of the response would determine if the last resort had been reached or if other options might be attempted. We are at step one, and a LONG way from talking about anything other than the steps in front of us.
Educating people,countering the spin and propaganda of the opposition, and Keeping up direct peaceful protest and civil disobedience while we gather more support, get organized, and articulate our goals (over time and NOT on demand) are all we should be thinking about right now.
You know, you make a great point that is hard to disagree with. I do fear, however, that as our message gets to the general public and our numbers steadily increase, the ones in charge will go to extreme measures to shut us down quickly. Hopefully I am wrong, but if this occurs, I hope we have the backbone to keep standing and fight back.
Violence is literally a dead-end in a situation like this. We aren't rebelling against some distant foreign power like the Colonists did. People that want to settle this violently are asking for a Civil War. Not an option.