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Forum Post: Retreat from Moscow...

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 5:04 p.m. EST by Smuzz101 (0) from Rochdale, England
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

From England (Suffering from the same 'Closing down sale' corporate mentality as the US): We all desperately need this protest to succeed - we need to make it plain that the erosion of Democracy into a Plutocracy./ Kleptocracy is a general problem for people everywhere and it will only get worse if we don't act against it. Now, I imagine that the people in charge of Wall St are keen to erect barricades around the site you're occupying. Presumably, this is one (Excellent) reason to continue occupation - to prevent them doing so. Certainly,. if they start sending tanks in to break up the Peace Camp then the US isn't going to compare well to China. However, winter is coming on, I suspect this is what the sods in charge are looking towards. The cold will make camping out a bit of a problem and if your numbers dwindle then I fear you'll get raided. Certainly, if there's no-one there then those barricades will be up in hours and you'll never be allowed back in again (People outside barricades aren't going to make such emotive TV). So, please, consider the long-term strategy. Work out how the Camp can survive the Wall St Winter. You now have the infrastructure. Apply it to the problem of freezing temperatures. I'm sure Hooverville still has some lessons to teach us. And - good luck!!

We all need you.



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[-] 1 points by IlliniCornfields (71) from Elmhurst, IL 12 years ago

We need you too - keep voicing your opinion - get on Facebook or any site you can and get people to talk more about this - we need more momentum and more international support!