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Forum Post: Resource Based Economy = Happier World For All

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 28, 2011, 9 a.m. EST by zeitgeistsjn (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Main demand should be to scrap the Monetary Market Economy, as it is the source of all evil in the world as we know it today.

Resource Based Economy is the only way to make us all equal and to have true democracy. Even the millionaires of today would be happier under it, no one would have to work like a slave, because you can do whatever you want. End to poverty, hunger, wars, dictatorships, and nearly all the bad that exists today. This is not base on utopia nor ideals, it is all based on rational and achievable goals via science, technology and using the worlds resources in a million times less wasteful manner as under the monetary market economy, whilst allowing all humans to live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life.

Find out more via these links, as there is no need to just take my word for it, instead find out the facts for yourself, and I am 100% sure you will be convinced of it too:

http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=649&Itemid=100151&lang=en and http://www.thevenusproject.com/en/the-venus-project/faq



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[-] 1 points by planday (22) 12 years ago

This idea is of a RBE is pretty unrealistic. My proposal to create a global based Party called the People's Party is better than the Zeitgeist Movement cults RBE communistic Utopian. Click link below.


[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

tzm is a cult, a dangerous and evil cult. Its an anti capitalism cult, and its run by pack psychology, top down hierarchy, and bully tactics. TZM has nothing but ideology and nonsense and zero solid solutions, its all pipe dream and no work, all fluff and no pragmatic right action. I have tried to help them over and over and over again, it never works. VTV aka neil kiernian was attacking one "jeremy" and breaking their forum rules with ad homs. I confronted him about this, and then he attacked me. After 60 more ad homs i was banned without due cause or due process and then they lied about why i was banned. Then 700 posts i made to their forums in support and trying to help them were deleted in order to support the lies. Every ounce of energy i have EVER given to them has been wasted, because they are an evil, fascist, cult of personality in three tiers. I highly recommend you don't get involved and that you don't take on the assorted high energy karmas associated with this group. Even getting close to them will in essence signal people who have knowledge that you have taken the garden path to ignorance and cult mind.

[-] 1 points by 0815 (58) 12 years ago


Who manages this economy? TZM says computers. Who programs the computers? Who upgrades the computers? Who cleans the room the computers are stored in? See where I'm going with this?

It sounds great, but it is possibly fatally flawed. The only way to ensure we don't get screwed is by not giving up our authority to anyone. Be it a computer, a benevolent scientist, a council of peaceful philosophers, politicians, lawyers, or a draconian dictator.

[-] 1 points by sebrporte (1) 12 years ago


I'm going to try to answer the broader spectrum of questions you may have plus the questions you have posted.

The ideas proposed by Jacque Fresco (thus those generally supported members of TZM) are of a society that is built upon the bare fundamentals needed to sustain human society. Resource or Energy. Both should be considered common heritage to ALL people. Money plays no role, as it is a useless artificial value. It generates a false idea of scarcity for corporate interest. We live on a finite planet and if any goal is to be based on the well being of humanity, it has to put into account the basic building blocks of human society.

To answer your questions, first you must detach from the destructive mentality of "WHO". You assume that someONE has to manage. We can no longer base our technical creations (yes, society is a technical creation) on the opinions on one person, group or congress. Like there is no Liberal or Republican way to make an automobile, the same applies to society. The question should not be "do we have the money?".

So if you haven't figured it out yet, the economy, better the system will be managed by everyone in way of open forum, a scientific-method applied to everyday life if you will, with no monetary restriction. People with the credentials will be at the forefront of this spectacle of intellectual sharing. Everything open-source because without money, there is no need to hoard ideas and put a price on them. That is a true democracy. The voting of ideas, not the voting of some group's impressionable mentality into practically a position of dictatorship.

The bottom part of your post seems to indicate your concern about giving power to anyone. In that case you ought to realize that that's how we run things currently. This is what the movement in general is against and what a RBE will not have by its very design. A computer won't be given power but computers, being so useful in the ability to process massive amounts of data can be applied in our society to keep a real-time record of the life-support systems of human society. Simply put, we manage the earth's resources and energy in a system's approach (see system's theory) sided against environmental factors such as emission and natural-regeneration, amongst others. Think of it as a database to the nessecities of life, helping us maintain access abundance.

We have to realize that we now have the technology and scientific knowledge to build a sustainable society worldwide. I know people are alienated by the visions of big white futuristic cities and super computers, but that's not out of our reach, far from it. Why? Because we have the resources for it. Let's let this need to check if we have enough money go. Our questions should be, do we have enough iron? steel? copper? gold? What will be the environmental impacts? What about human physical and mental health?

Please visit the links in the OP's post. Those questions are answered there.