Forum Post: Republican John Boehner Calls Tax Break For Middle Class ‘Chicken-Shit’
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 8:18 p.m. EST by Puzzlin
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is what the speaker of the house said, his words. I can't make this up. He really wants to screw the middle class. The republican base apparently loves this kind of behavior. Anyone who ever says either party, democrat or republican are both like this, obviously aren't paying attention. The republicans by far are the most responsible for the gutting of the middle class.
Last night, Republicans in the Senate killed a Democratic bill that would have extended the middle-class tax holiday while raising taxes slightly on just the wealthiest 0.4 percent of Americans.
Here's the link which proves I'm telling the complete truth here:
Please don't post until you see the proof I have linked here.
I expect nothing less from Boehner. There IS a reason that he didn't hold a town meeting this summer. He knows that his name is shit.
You are absolutely right. The dems allowed the Tea Baggers disrupt their town halls because they want open debate. The repugs run from it. Then they go on Faux News where they get their feet and other things kissed.
Yep. And the problem is that they are now speaking to an audience that is slowly diminishing. Hence, redistricting efforts and appeals to fundamentalism as a control device.
It is ironic that their ratings are in free fall. I think they may be experiencing a severe backlash. Just look at the Repelican field. Herman Cain, the pizza clown, and now Newt Gingrich. Newt did the same thing as Cain and was caught. The repelican really are laughable these daze.
Thanks for your post!
Lol your both ridiculously misinformed tools.
Ssshhh, the adults are talking.
Oh is that how you pretend to be adult? Call people nonadult when they disagree with you? Gotcha
This is a pathetic display of brainwashed partisan hacks....
The original post? Yes, I know.
I cannot believe in my heart that Boehner and Cantor and their cronies can possibly be re-elected, but in my head I know they may be. Why don't we all start making calls to their constituents in Ohio and Virginia and start educating people about how these two are ruining our country. You can't write to them personally unless you live in their district, yet they can ruin our government and our future. It is unreal.
Scarey for sure that so many middle class voters are still Republicans and drinking their Koolaid! Some will vote Republican because they believe the Dems will take their guns away(NRA) or they are totally against abortion, Nothin else matters to them, so they put their blinders on and become herded around by their Republican Shepards that take advantage of them. Hopefully Boehner and Cantor won't get re-elected?
They have been mis-educated, or well-educated if looking at it from the point of view of the 1%. So, I keep wondering how we can get these people to stop voting against themselves.
Eric Cantor is my Senator unfortunately. I will be working very hard for the democrats next year so it does put me in that position. I don't just vote. I help others get in to vote and convass, everything. This is the only power I have but it counts. Personally I know I've made a difference. We have a big climb, no doubt he'll be tough to knock off, not that I won't try. I definitely will!!!
I'm counting on you. The guy is bad.
I will fight as hard as I can. I remember last time I voted one of his supporters was right there at the polls. I walked up this guy and told him what I thought of Cantor, and that I wouldn't be voting for him. When I came out I told him again. Eric Cantor is one of the worse ones up there.
I once had the pleasure of having my Republican and awful Congressman knock on my front door himself. Boy, was he sorry. He backed away in shame like those cops in UC Davis. I figured, heck, if he's going to knock on my private front door, I'm gonna tell him exactly what I think. He's no longer our Congressman. So funny! Puzzlin, please don't give up. It is worth the fight and even though so many will make fun of you and degrade you for being "liberal" or whatever. Who cares? We know we are right!
Very Very true. I have been fighting and will never will, It's just part of who I am. Of all crap we put up with here I still fight them here. It's my nature. Man, I would loved to be a fly on the wall when that congressman came to your door. I would be happy to have that chance some day. I would love to Mic Check Cantor, Oh yeah!!!
Keep fighting beautifulworld we are winning and they hate it. The proof is the trolls here, they rant and spit fire but they don't have the truth behind them. They have no argument which why they resort to the lowest of tactics. They will get nothing from their waste of time here. But we will!!!
what an ass
Here's more on Boner:
I want this fucking clown out of my Congress.
Thanks so much for your post! I agree with you totally and I'm glad you have enlightened us all here some more facts about the Boehner. It is so clear what's happening I just can't see how we could miss it. But then again, it is the reason I started this thread. I enjoy getting the verifiable truth out in front of everyone. I wish more would check it out, it would make it more powerful as they discover it's the plain truth. Thanks again for your help. It's well appreciated my friend!
Don't thank me. There can no longer be any question where civic duty lies.
It is my utmost pleasure to be of service to the republic.
Move to his district and vote against him...
He's in a safe district. When party leaders are elected, they always choose those in safe districts for 2 reasons:
They typically embody all the party-line views(only in swing districts would you need to make moderate concessions to the other side)
They can not be ousted by a concentrated effort by the other side.
Same considerations applied for Nancy Pelosi.
then we must conduct demographic research to identify the belief system and its components that keep him in power.
As we do this, we should whisper that it is being done. This will be unnerving to the man himself.
His constituents will see his nervousness. When we present facts about his policy and advocacy in ways that are reflected negatively within the belief system that is his support, it will combine with his own nervousness, within the perceptions of those who once held him in esteem.
Whether we can be successful in removing him or not is difficult to say. Such an effort would produce positive results - creating nervousness throughout the party, and the system, as a whole.
That nervousness itself, begins to make the whole system more pliable, bending to our will. As it is bent, layers of division will form and separate.
not happening
Hi Puzzlin, Good post. Everyone should see this. Best Regards, Nevada
I hope so Nevada. Thanks for your kind post.
You just do not get it do you? The "tax cut" that needs to expire is the one that actually funds the social security and medicare programs. By keeping the tax cut in place it will only cause the demise of SS and medicare faster than expected and since you (OWS) are all about social programs how do you plan on paying for it? The obvious answer is through higher taxes. So, do you want the program or the tax break, you cannot have both.
"We will make it so that a Democrat cannot govern as a Democrat." ~G. Norquist
Boehner is a laughable chicken-shit. Grover Norquist scares the hell out me.
Norquist is an extremist. I can only hope they vote him out! He definitely is for giving the rich more tax cuts while the middle class dwindles away.
Yes. But it's his ultimate goal that people should really beware of. "Our goal is to shrink government to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub." ~G. Norquist.
Say bye-bye to Medicare, Social Security, Building Infrastructure, etc.
Say hello to privatized corporate prisons, privatized healthcare, etc.
No doubt. This is their goal. But, as we know from this forum, which has many detractors from OWS, (probably more than support it since they always there in droves to gladly disrupt & riddle any good debate here with their insults, put downs, and obnoxious cursing), they disguise this intention with, "we really want to fix it, not destroy, just fix it"
No doubt they outnumber the posters by far that support the OWS movement. It still confounds my mind why this is acceptable here. Anyone coming here that expects any measure of respect will be rudely awakened.
I'm quite over any sympathy I felt for those poor, dumb republican souls beguiled by their false prophets; I'm with you, let's peel off their eyelids and let the truth be their rude awakening.
You are so right. I really have had with them in here. I either do this or I would be out of here anyway. This forum turns away many very decent and thoughtful folks because they obviously don't mind how much these trolls insult, belittle, and smear the OWS cause. It really is a cesspool and this attracts trolls and no one else. Others that come here in good faith leave as they take their dignity out of here. This place is becoming like a mugging in a back alley somewhere.
I couldn't have said it better. Peace.
Thanks, it's nice that we have some friends here. It's for that I stay here, otherwise I would have vacated months ago. I got your back!
Peace to All!!! (even the trolls if they could understand it)
So does any one think we need term limlts for these guys? I'm getting tiried of seeing the same old guys year after year.
Yeah term is up when we vote them out!!!
"Every blessed once in a great while, all artifice is stripped away, rhetoric collapses under the weight of its own absurdity, and we get to see things as they really are. Such will be the case later this week when the Senate tries to vote on extending the payroll-tax holiday. The Republicans will oppose it—that is to say, the Republicans will support a tax increase on working Americans. And why? Because the Democrats want to pay for it with a small surtax on the very top earners. So the choice couldn’t be more direct: which is more important, giving the middle class a tax cut or protecting those who make more than $1 million a year? Republicans are making it clear. This vote alone should destroy them."
For the complete article:
We know who the republicans are. We know
Thanks so much for your post! This helps clarify this subject!!!
Thanks Puzzlin. I don't come here much anymore. The trolls are too much for me. Glad to see somehow your toughing it out.
I'm finding other ways to stay active. This forum seems to be wasted because the trolls are everywhere. I don't think this is what OWS is about, giving a forum to those who's only premise is to tear it down and laugh at it. It's not logical.
here is a link to a forum post detailing an action inspired by Credo on the XL pipeline:
credo petition:
Poll: Ohio Voters Aren’t Happy With Boehner
"The poll of Buckeye State voters found that just over a third, 35%, approve of the job the Ohio Republican is doing, and 46% disapprove. The picture was the same among independents, an important bloc in this swing state.
When it comes to the generic congressional ballot, asking voters whether they would rather elect a Republican or Democrat to Congress, Ohioans give Democrats a 48% to 42% lead."
Not that Boner cares, he's already got a corporate lobbying position and seats on a few corporate boards lined up. He will continue to work on the destruction of this country long after he is unelected.
"He will continue to work on the destruction of this country long after he is unelected."
I hate to be a dick, but he's not going to get unelected.
Read my comment, above.
There's a flaw in the poll you're looking at. It encompasses the whole state. He only needs the votes from the 8th district.
We can only hope to unseat him from being Speaker. And that's also a stretch.
Don't be too sure.
Representatives Face Flack from Constituents at Town Hall Meetings
That was back in August, before OWS.
We are at a historical moment since more Americans than any other time disapprove of Congress. With the Boehner at the helm in the House of Representatives he really is trying to drive this ship into the rocks. I would have never thought that after Hoover we would allow our country to dive off the cliff into depression, surely we would never forget and wouldn't allow it to happen again. 2008 almost proved me wrong. It's always a republican president in office when these horrid financial disasters strike. This is much more than just coincidence.
Boehner is a POS. I pray he gets cancer.
What about the bills he passed that didbt make it throuvh the senate that kept the cuts and paid for it in other ways? The chicken shit is that the senate thinks they have ro raise taxes on some people to keep the cuts on others. But of course you just latched onto one statement and tried to use it as hyperbole. Libtard
The Repelicans have driven the middle class to the bottom. That is largely what the OWS movement is about, income inequality and saving the middle class.
Gileos, do you believe there is income inequality?
By the way, don't use your kindergarten talk on me ("Libtard"). Do it again, and I will call you that name beginning with T and I'm relentless, just ask others in here. Grow Up!
And yet instead of being mature and saying republican, you call them repelicans... grow up would also apply to you
Alright. Point taken. It was fun though.
Your wrong.
This is a loaded question. Income is not distributed in America, if you want it to be distributed evenly then go somewhere else.
If the shoe fits... I do not think I care what you call me, I have no idea of what word you mean that starts with a T, I dont care how many times you do it or what other people on here would tell me about you. Your sounding more and more like a libtard as you rant, keep in mind it is not me that labels you. Your words do a fine job of it themselves.
You are a TROLL!
Indoor voice, please, Puzz; you don't want a time-out now, do ya?
Well thats very unkind I wish youd find a better way to communicate with people that disagree with you.
Then stop using your grade school recess words. Show some respect is all I ask period.
I am more than willing to debate. I do it well, thoughtfully, and really do enjoy it. If everyone always agreed with me it would be boring as hell. In defending ideas we either learn that we may be wrong or it helps clarify our thoughts so we gain understanding, wisdom. I'm not afraid to admit I'm wrong. In my profession, electronics engineering, I must work totally with the world as it is, not how I would like it, or how I might dream of it. I must follow the laws of physics or my new design just goes up in smoke.
Just try to be better and improve. Debate what's true because you know it is, you have researched it, fact-checked it, and use many different sources. Know your sources!
It's worth it. For me the truth is always worth the trouble. Truth is not easy, you must put in the effort to know it. Those who just watch one outlet to get news are just kidding themselves. Also, if you just heard something for the first time, you must investigate to see if it's true, just hearing it doesn't make it true. You must be critical, ask for facts, where to find them, etc.., Beware of the narratives and those who feed them incessantly.
Carry on.
Do any of you really think the 1% are ever going to except tax increase without a fight. They say their tax breaks will create jobs. Well they lied. Big surprise. They say Obamacare is socialize medicine. They own the stock in insurance companies that make record profits. Don't fool yourselves. Vote them out
Agreed. We must not squander our vote. We must demand our politicians be held accountable and get the greedy money out of politics!!!
This is very hypocritical considering your original post.
"This is a loaded question. Income is not distributed in America, if you want it to be distributed evenly then go somewhere else."
Great! We'll move to Sweden(low-inequality) once you guys move to Somalia(high-inequality) and we'll come back and decide what direction we want to go.
Well it will never be distributed here if true Americans have anything to say about it, are you admitting that your a socialist and would like it distributed as the elite see fit?
"are you admitting that your a socialist and would like it distributed as the elite see fit?"
I get it.. That pathetic old narrative that it's really the "elite" that want more progressive taxes.. I see you also added that worn out notion of "true Americans" being the defenders of the 1%. If you were a "true American", you'd be over in Iraq or Afghanistan or protesting with the other veterans that came home to find no jobs and no more support from unpatriotic shills like yourself.
So you came up with a neat word to disquise your want and need to have certain people dole out money. I bet youd do a good job at that wouldnt ya. Id say im doin well enough without your suggestions, but thank you.
You musta missed the thread someone posted about how there was very high taxes on the rich under Regan... clearly one of the most "Libtard" presidents there ever was.
I dont recall calling anyone a libtard for saying taxes should be raised on the rich, but now I can safely call you one for twisting my words and making it look like I did.
My mistake... all that talk of "if you want it to be distributed evenly then go somewhere else" caused me to assume you would not be in favour of taxing the lazy rich people.
"The chicken shit is that the senate thinks they have ro raise taxes on some people to keep the cuts on others." threw me off too. I interpreted that as your disagreement with democrats that they need to tax the rich to continue the middle class tax breaks.
So have it got it right that you actually support taxing the rich, especially if it means more middle class tax breaks?
Either way, I kinda like being called a Libtard. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and such...
Your forgiven, however what you quoted was common sense, and should not give you any general ideas to how to feel about rich people.
I do disagree, there are clearly other ways to save the money.
I dont think anyone should have their money taken from them to give to others in a way that this administration sees fit.
I dont care if you like it or not, the way you spin and twist other peoples words while judging and generalizing them has me wondering why I am wasting my time with you.
"I dont think anyone should have their money taken from them to give to others in a way that this administration sees fit."
So you have no objections to letting ALL the tax cuts expire??
If we could only afford to give 1% tax cuts to the top 1% or everyone else, which one would you choose??
Also, why are the rates of Bush's "temporary" tax cuts, in your view, regarded as the rate things should be??
Is that what you got out of what I said? You people are supposed to be smart.
I am like a normal person, I dont like any taxes on anyone, but I pay them because I have to and i hope they are being used for good things. Dont be like most other idiots on here and continue to twist my words and put others in my mouth, like you have all people figured out and if I say such and such then I much be such and such. This is the kind of thinking that looses support for you and also makes you look retarded.
I am not here to answer your questions, if you cannot understand what i typed then read it again, if not still then go read a bunch of books.
That's 3 straightforward questions you either couldn't answer or are just too ashamed of your answers.
Disregard what people say and try to force them to cater to your wants and needs. You fit right in with these people dont you. If you cared to find out youd find the answers in my previous responses.
I did and all I found was the same mindless calls to perverted notions of americanism mixed with with insults to others and Fox News talking points. Same pattern I see with all these mindless drones sent here by angry pundits.
Your the only one who cares about fox news your obsession with them betrays your virtue to your so called cause.
Heh. I inferred you were opposed to taxing the rich, and posted a little quip about Regan's tax regime because people with those kind of views are usually quite fond of Regan, and actually take him seriously.
Still not entirely sure how making an obvious inference from the context of this thread and your posts qualifies as twisting your words, but thank you for forgiving me.
In any event, mere Libtard I may be; but I'm curious why you would be so opposed to such a slight increase in taxation on the wealthy at a time when its badly needed? Its less a taking, and more of a return to normality in my view...
So you admit to generalizing, thats a good start.
You could continue on by not using words like obvious to describe what is indeed still your opinion, which is based on what you admit to be generalization in the first place, you are welcome.
Because there are obviously other more sensible ways to do it, you would know this if you took some time to find out whats really happening on capitol hill. other then arguing with me on things you dont understand, and self proclaiming yourself as a libtard.
Well if nothing else you have brightened up my Saturday evening, I will accordingly delete the word "obvious" from my internal lexicon.
At risk of generalizing again, just to save time, I assume you mean cut government programs, as opposed to selling bonds, as your preferred method of handling the loss of tax revenue.
I'm am, believe it or not, in 100% agreement if the government cuts are coming from bloated defence budgets or the colossal waste of $$ going toward enforcing anti-marijuana laws.
The marijuana laws have been not only unjustifiable but has contributed to an enormous waste of resources. It's really rediculous and yet it goes on and on. This stupendous program called "the War On Drugs", still continues, just no one really talks about it anymore. This truly is a waste of tax payer money of high order just like those two useless wars. We into trillions upon trillions of dollars. There's where good portion of our tax money is at. You know, that money they take from all of us EXCEPT the RICH. Mary J should be legalized immediately. The truth about MJ is known, the mythology we've been fed has been a series of lies repeated over and over and over.
Let's have Reason back. Let's go back to we do things that make sense and waste NOT. Reason gave us the golden rule, why don't we live by it!
Dont be silly, just learn when to use it what what it means instead of spouting it off to prove a point.
Yes, cut them please.
Wow! I didnt see that one coming! Well go do some research on what the budget money is allocated to and youll see what is bloated, along with meeting some people who are using these programs to be lazy and get paid. (Please do not argue against my personal experiance here, as is the usual consensus on here. These people do exist and are even the majority in alot of communities.)
Sorry I like me some weeds too, but when it comes between letting people leech off my dime and letting people break the law, I think you know which I will go for.
If someone has obtained riches fairly then they have a right to it and you don't. Saying otherwise is considering their rights less important. If you just acquired $10 million, you would willing redistribute it to other people just because it "isn't fair that you have a lot of money"? Rights are rights and are always rights to everyone. Not just when it's convenient or suits you.