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Forum Post: Reptilian Repelicans

Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 10, 2012, 11:50 a.m. EST by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT
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How Long > BWA HAhaha

  • Each link is different.
  • See the data,
  • watch the car fly,
  • and then examine the repelican lies . . . .



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[-] 1 points by alterorabolish1 (569) 11 years ago

I'm going to copy/paste part of one of the articles you linked, and continue our recent discussion about theatre, and the long time results of how our government has worked.

permalink 253 Comments Earth Home Imagine if there was one single issue of such import and magnitude, and on which the Democrats were so clearly paradigmatically better than the Republicans, that it could by itself recast the entirety of our national political dynamic. Imagine if it were an issue about which the facts were so clear, and unlike so many political issues scientifically verifiable, that there was no legitimate debate, with the Democrats clearly accepting the reality of those facts and that science and the Republicans denying them. Imagine if that Republican denial was of such a degree that their behavior was not only stupid and dishonest but of grave and impending danger to the very nature of not only our economy but our society and culture as well. You would think that the Democrats would want to discuss that issue, wouldn't you? You would think that the Democrats would want impress those facts and that science over and over, at every opportunity, both to educate the public and to create perhaps an unprecedented electoral political dominance. You would think.

The reality is that there is such an issue, the Democrats are that much better on it and the Republicans that incomprehensibly bad, and yet the Democrats almost never talk about it, and in fact allow the facts and the science to be ignored, distorted and denied as if there is legitimate scientific debate, which there is not. It's baffling and infuriating. It's not only about the issue itself, which to any responsible observer takes primacy and precedence, but it's also about the politics; and even the most calculating politician ought at the very least to be passionately eager to take advantage of what could be such a uniquely powerful political advantage.

The issue is climate change, and the mere mention of it often causes even many elected Democrats and Democratic activists to cringe, sigh, or otherwise turn away and hide. But it shouldn't. To many it is a given that climate change is at best a political irrelevance, and at worst a political loser, and this includes many if not most Democrats who do understand the reality of the importance of the issue itself. But they don't know how to play it, politically. Or they are afraid to play it, politically. And thus do Democrats fail not only the issue but also their own political self-interest.

The dems are not failing their own political self-interest because their self-interest is to keep from rocking the boat too much. Corporate interests have control of the dems, even if they are better than the repubs.


[-] 0 points by alterorabolish1 (569) 11 years ago

Here in the USA, your opinion is the dems are afraid of the issue. I guess politically speaking they realize more people vote against candidates than vote for candidates, and they just keep quiet. The article emphasizes the advantage dems have on the issue but frustratingly do nothing. I believe it supports my opinion that corporate interests have control of the dems, with you and others helping support their charade.


[-] 1 points by alterorabolish1 (569) 11 years ago

It may well be true in specific instances that corporate interests have control of the dems, and it's possible that for the most part the explanation may be a bit different.

If corporate interests only control specific instances of the dems, do you think they might be trying to control even more?


[-] 1 points by alterorabolish1 (569) 11 years ago

Yes, the first step must be to free the political structure from the influence of money. I believe our Congressmen would welcome a huge revolt against the corporatists.



