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Forum Post: Representing the 99%

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 10:46 p.m. EST by Tinhorn (285)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

So over the last few weeks I have come on here and challenged some of the stances that people who claim to be all about the 99%. Because of that, I got blocked off the site. The sad part is, I was having some very good debates about the issues with a few of the members and frankly, was seeing something from another point of view. So, now that my other screen name can no longer post on this site, I will send it this way. My being blocked from posting has led me to a few conclusions:

  1. OWS does not represent the 99%. If they did, they would be ok with another member of the 99% having a difference of opinion.
  2. There agenda is not what they are publically putting out. If they were, see the second sentance of 1.
  3. Somebody with a radical agenda is behind OWS and has convinced its member to follow a false pretense making them no different than the corrupt corporations and polititions they claim to be fighting.

This organization is doomed! If this is the practice, you will remain the .1% of the 99.8%.



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