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Forum Post: Redux E: Proof That This Forum Is Infested By Pro-Regime Propagandists

Posted 11 years ago on May 25, 2012, 8:49 p.m. EST by eddiejoy (0)
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Proof That This Forum Is Infested By Pro-Regime Propagandists


Paid or not, GypsyKing, DKAtoday, Factsrfun, JIFFYSQUID92, shooz, bensdad, VQkag and others here are pro-regime propagandists. The real proof lies in simply following their postings. But there are thousands of them, and more keep coming every day. So generally speaking, here are the key points to note:

Their overall aim is to co-opt Occupy Movement protesters and supporters into the Democratic Party. They do that by giving the Republican Party the blame for everything that is wrong, and giving the credit for what little might be right to the Democratic Party. They do that by ignoring irrefutable proof that the Democratic Party is controlled by the same corporate fascist elite that controls the Republican Party. They do that by claiming that OWS could somehow magically co-opt the Democratic Party, ignoring irrefutable proof that cannot be done. They do that saying we should support Democrats because they are "not as bad" as Republicans, as if once again voting for the lesser of two evils would actually change anything. They do that by focusing on social and other wedge issues that divide us, while ignoring the issues that unite us: They refuse to acknowledge that what the Republicans and Democrats agree on is far more damaging and dangerous than what they disagree on. They do that by ignoring irrefutable proof that the two major parties are merely the puppets on the Left hand and puppets on the Right hand of the same ruling elite. They do that by claiming anyone who disagrees with them is a "Republican, Repelican, RepubliCON or Koch Whore" and either a "coward, blind marcher, zombie or troll". And no matter how many times you call them out or correct them, no matter how clearly you lay the facts down in front of them, they go right on posting the same "Get out the vote (for Obama)!" propaganda day in and day out.

And curiously, no matter how viciously or often they insult their detractors, they never get banned or even shadow-banned. Yet that will likely happen to me now just for posting this obvious truth. That's already happened more than once:
















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