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Forum Post: Realistic OWS Demands

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 10:17 a.m. EST by Curtis24 (0) from Farmington, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

  1. Level off the current Income tax system. ( in a perfect world the rich would contribute more to the social well being of our nation) We only ask for an even playing field. Lets say 10.5-11% for EVERY ONE.

Additional revenue can be used to shore up failing social welfare programs and our failing education system.

  1. Bank's power and reach must be reformed. No longer can we allow a couple major banks own the majority of America. This power must be broken up much in the same way we look at monopolies.

A unified withdrawl of funds would force this point, it has to be well organized and supported. Cannot fail again.

  1. A government mandated move to implement alternative energies. Polticians have to stop taking money from energy groups as incentive and see the truth, that we are running out of oil. If we do not plan and execute a switch, it will be to late.

We could go on to outline our Health care system and the importance of quality food on diet, or education reform.... but this movement, this revolution is important and must succeed for all of America. If this is to be accomplished we have to think like polititans and beat them at their own game. This means focused leadership and striking fear into the powers at be. Currently they are not afraid of a bunch of pot smoking gamer-hippies that they feel have nothing better to do than get pissed. We must unify, make our demands known, and attack. When they realize that occupation is indefinite until change occurs, change will be heard.



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[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 12 years ago

A laudable and realistic goal would be to eliminate both the income tax and the IRS.

[-] 1 points by PatriotSon01 (157) 12 years ago

Unrealistic and laughable would come to mind.
You seem to prefer us to go back to the days of Tax collectors walking throughout the populace?

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 12 years ago

Not at all, and it is realistic. If OWS was an unlikely or unrealistic possibility in 2008, then elimination of a needless government agency during a time of unprecedented modern economic upheaval is quite realistic.

[-] -1 points by Perspective (-243) 12 years ago

No The Fair Tax would eliminate both and improve revenue to the govt at the same time. Read up on it it's a good idea.

[-] 1 points by PatriotSon01 (157) 12 years ago

One of the best ways to thwart Big Banks nowadays? Find a small credit union and deal with them. When they start to grow to big, find another credit union in a couple years. Big banks get that way by having millions of people keep funds therein... WE are the power behind them. WE seem to have forgotten this fact.