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Forum Post: Real threat to America Jobs

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 9 a.m. EST by bluedoghunter (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The real threat to American jobs are the people who believe that Animals should come before people.

Mercy for Animals posted this video of opperations at Sparboe Eggs.


The video has resulted in lost contracts from McDonald's and Target Coporation. Many jobs at Spareboe will likely be lost as a result. The website from Mercy for Animals made this comment.

"Common sense tells us that animals should be given at a minimum the freedom to walk, stretch their limbs, turn around and engage in natural behaviors. Yet, this McDonald's supplier deprives hens of even these most basic freedoms. After viewing the undercover footage, Dr. Sara Shields, research scientist, poultry specialist and consultant in animal welfare, condemned battery-cage egg production:"

I am disgusted by the actions of Mercy for Animals. This is the FOOD industry. These animals and bred and raised to feed Americans. They are not granted "freedoms". The website actually references the term "painkillers". Mercy for Amimals stands for the destruction of our economy. The entire organization should be dismantled.



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[-] 6 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

Why do animals need to suffer?? To make your mcnuggets a couple pennies cheaper???

[-] -2 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

McDonald's will not be losinig jobs. Sparboe will be losing jobs. McDonald's will use their purchasing power to simply drive another company to cut corners to drive costs down. Newsflash, the same animals that are harvested for eggs are also being killed to provide meals to Americans. The killing of animals is a moral arguement, not an economic arguement. The video was taken completely out of context, and Americans will lose jobs because of it. This is typical of activists. They don't care who will be affected, as long as they get their point across. This video has accomplished nothing, other the the loss of jobs for hard working Americans.

[-] 2 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

Why do Americans lose jobs ?? Actually they will gain jobs because they will have to grow more chicken to make up for the lack of size in chickens. Cargill Tyson mcdonalds grows chickens that way to cut cost not torture animals. They care less how they make money as long as they make more of it.

[-] 0 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

Not seeing the tie to cutting costs.

[-] 2 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

Bigger chickens mean fewer chickens.

[-] 0 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

Chickens don't grow on trees. Bigger chickens requires additional cost to produce. I'd be interested to see your ROI analysis in regards to chicken size, and cost of production.

[-] 5 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

Factory Farms suck.

[-] 4 points by barb (835) 13 years ago

You are a sick individual that needs to be put in a cage with little space, a small amount of water, and alittle bit of chow fore 365 days and then you can come back here and repeat this crap.

[-] -1 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

Listen "dog", despite your own believe, animals are NOT people. If you believe that animals should not be killed for food, you have the right to your own opinion. Take that opinion up with the American people, and influence through experience and leadership. This video takes the complete opposite approach, and resorts to terrorism to get their point across. There's another organization who believes in the same approach and tactics as you. They are called Al Qaeda. You are a "dogg", not an American. You are a terrorist dog, and your actions will not be tolerated in this country.

[-] 4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

Glad to hear contracts have been lost. Good deal.

[-] 2 points by markthetruth (2) 13 years ago

I hope these fucks at Sparboe loses jobs and shuts the doors completely. Animal abuse is animal abuse period, regardless if they are raised for food or it is an animal companion such as a dog or cat. Wake up, you want a better world you just don;t want to treat other living beings better yourself.

[-] 0 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

Go fuck yourself you piece of shit. To make any assumptions about a company based on a 4 minute video taken out of context makes you a complete fucking idiot. It pains me to think that people like you have any sort of responsibility, or that others might actual rely on you to have a rational thought. You are no different then the terrorists who kill people based on religious belief. You're the fucking cancer of this country.

[-] 2 points by SparkyJP (1646) from Westminster, MD 13 years ago

The real threat to jobs are the free trade agreements congress keeps enacting.

[-] -1 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

canada /us pipeline,..........0bama said No to thousands of jobs.

[-] 2 points by Rico (3027) 13 years ago

The REAL Threat to American jobs comes from people not buying American made products ! I moved my Christmas guidelines at http://occupywallst.org/forum/ows-please-support-the-american-worker/ to an external site at http://bit.ly/vof9WH where the page can be shared via twitter. People will be surprised at how many products are still made here; there are links to pages with thousands of American products on the page. The site has no adds, and I don't make a penny or in any way benefit from the page.

[-] 0 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

Completely irrelevent to the point. Incidents like the one are Sparboe are instigators for companies like McDonald's and Target to purchase their products from overseas, because they know that Mercy for Animals, or even other local governments for that matter, aren't going to put up a stink regarding animal or human mistreatment, or proper work conditions. As long as products pass inspection, that's all they are going to care about. If you want Americans to purcahse "American products", then STOP turning American corporations into MONSTERS, and start praising their efforts to build a better product and better workplace. That includes NOT taking video out of context, and creating false realities for Americans.

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

Well, what happened? I thought you wanted to discuss the food industry.

[-] -1 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

This video was taken out of context, and jobs will be lost as a result. Emotion is being exploited to destroy a company for no logical reason, and Americans will lose jobs as a result. The statements and video released by Mercy for Animals will ultimately hurt this country. Thank you for putting Americans out of work.

[-] 3 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

Industrial farms (factory farms) harm local economies. I know you are just doing your part to hurt farmers and help spread disease within this country. All of this for a buck. Yay you!!!!

[-] -1 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

You're making a rash generalization base on what you see in a short sample video. The video is taken out of context. No manufacturer is immune to dead animals. Of course, nothing is mentioned to the company's history and track record regarding food safety in the industry.

[-] 3 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

No, actually, I'm telling you point blank that farm factories harm local economies.

[-] -1 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

The bottom line is that nothing illegal was being done in this video. The context and the emotion being formulated by this fraud group calling themselves Mercy for Animals will ultimately have a significant negative effect on a very small community. Farmers and factory workers alike will jobs and money because of a publicity stunt.

[-] 3 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

The bottom line is that factory farming is bad. Very bad. It harms local economies.

[-] -1 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

How is it bad? Because YOU don't like how the animals are treated?

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

The meat, poultry, dairy and egg industries employ technological short cuts— as drugs, hormones, and other chemicals — to maximize production. Under these conditions, virulent pathogens that are resistant to antibiotics are emerging. These new ‘supergerms,’ whose evolution is traceable directly to the overuse of antibiotics in factory farming, have the potential to cause yet unknown human suffering and deaths. http://www.farmsanctuary.org/issues/factoryfarming/health/

KF: What percentage of the population gets hit by the bacteria? How many of them die? Could that number increase?

MG: While E. coli O157:H7 remains the leading cause of acute kidney failure in U.S. children, fewer than 100,000 Americans get infected every year, and fewer than 100 die. But millions get infected with other types of E. coli that can cause urinary tract infections (UTIs) that can invade the bloodstream and cause an estimated 36,000 deaths annually in the United States.

KF: We only occasionally hear of the very few fatal E. coli cases; is it really a widespread problem?

MG: When medical researchers at the University of Minnesota took more than 1,000 food samples from multiple retail markets, they found evidence of fecal contamination in 69 percent of the pork and beef and 92 percent of the poultry samples. Nine out of 10 chicken carcasses in the store may be contaminated with fecal matter. And half of the poultry samples were contaminated with the UTI-causing E. coli bacteria.

Scientists now suspect that by eating chicken, women infect their lower intestinal tract with these meat-borne bacteria, which can then creep up into their bladders. Hygiene measures to prevent UTIs have traditionally included wiping from front to back after bowel movements and urinating after intercourse to flush out any invaders, but now women can add poultry avoidance as a way to help prevent urinary tract infections. http://www.alternet.org/health/145068

In terms of other infections like Campylobacter, the most common cause of bacterial food poisoning in the United States, Consumer Reports published an analysis of retail chicken in its January 2010 issue. The majority of store-bought chickens were contaminated with Campylobacter, which can trigger arthritis, heart and blood infections, and a condition called Guillain-Barré syndrome that can leave people permanently disabled and paralyzed. Comparing store brands, 59 percent of the conventional factory-farmed chickens were contaminated, compared to 57 percent of chickens raised organically. So there might be a marginal difference, but the best strategy may be to avoid meat completely. With the virtual elimination of polio, the most common cause of neuromuscular paralysis in the United States now comes from eating chicken.


KF: Do we have more salmonella now than we did 25 or 50 years ago? If so, why?

MG: There was a time when our grandparents could drink eggnog and children could eat raw cookie dough without fear of joining the thousands of Americans hospitalized with salmonella infections every year. Before the industrialization of egg production, salmonella only sickened a few hundred Americans every year and Salmonella enteritidis was not found in eggs at all. By the beginning of the 21st century, however, Salmonella enteritidis-contaminated eggs were sickening an estimated 182,000 Americans annually.

There are many industrial practices that contribute to the alarming rates of this disease. Most eggs come from hens confined in battery cages, small barren wire enclosures affording these animals less living space than a single sheet of letter-sized paper for virtually their entire one- to two-year lifespan. Salmonella-contaminated battery cage operations in the United States confine an average of more than 100,000 hens in a single shed. The massive volume of contaminated airborne fecal dust in such a facility rapidly accelerates the spread of infection.

Factory farming practices also led to the spread of salmonella around the world. Just as the feeding of dead animals to live ones triggered the mad cow crisis, this same practice has also been implicated in the global spread of salmonella. Once egg production wanes, hens may be ground up and rendered into what is called “spent hen meal,” and then fed to other hens. More than half of the feed samples for farmed birds containing slaughter-plant waste tested by the FDA were found contaminated with salmonella. CDC researchers have estimated that more than a million cases of salmonella poisoning in Americans can be directly tied to feed containing animal byproducts. http://www.alternet.org/health/145068?page=entire

I pulled all the fascinating parts out just for you. :D

[-] -2 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

If you don't like the way we do things in this country, then move out. If you don't agree with our Constitution, then you are welcome to leave. Please do.

[-] 3 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

Hahaha, if you were in charge during the American Revolution, we might still be British citizens.

[-] -2 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

That statement doesn't make any sense at all. The American Revolution was a precurser to the American Constitution.

[-] 3 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

I just meant your sentiment: "if you don't like it then leave." Really, I will change my words, you're the person who wouldn't have left England in the first place.

[-] -1 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

England was a Monarchy. No, I do not support monarchy.

[-] 3 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

So you would have fought against Monarchy then? Why can't you let those who don't support Oligarchy fight against that? Why must you insist they leave? This country was founded on revolution. The Constitution was meant to be a living document adjusted by future generations to the changing times. If we don't like how things are going, its up to us to change them, not just run away.

[-] -1 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

Why would you be running away? Why wouldn't you want to leave?

[-] 3 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

I'm confused, did you mean why wouldn't you be running away? You are telling people to leave if they don't like the problems this country is facing as opposed to staying here and figuring it out. We would be selfish imbeciles if we ran away at a time like this.

[-] 0 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

Battery farms and others find that raising chickens in confined quarter makes the chickens more productive while costing less in feed. It also makes the work of gathering etc faster and easier , thus making the worker more productive each day.

McDonald's merely purchases the product the source is pretty much the same in agriculture.

[-] 0 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

If you want morally question the laws in this country about raising animals, take it up with with the fucking government you worthelss piece of shit animal rights activists!!! What this video has accomplish is absolutely disgusting and wrong, and I'm not talking about the animals. You believe that the people who will lose their jobs are considered martyr for a "greater cause". That approach makes you no different then the terrorists who kill thousands of people over religion. You are our country's version of Osama Bin Laden

[-] 0 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

I have told that nobody can confirm who the individual is in the video who is responsible for the "chicken lasso" actually works for the company, leading many people to believe that the act was staged by Mercy for Animals for the purpose of harming a company. If that is the case, then the credibility behind the entire video must be questioned. Mercy for Animals is nothing more then a terrorist organization, focused on destroying the lives of Americans for their own personal enjoyment. I do not recognize ANYONE who supports this organization to be an American. They should be put in jail for their actions.

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

The real threat to jobs is 0bama & Co.

[-] 0 points by bluedoghunter (3) 13 years ago

Mercy for Animals = Obama

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

his wife, the wookie does not need mercy