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Forum Post: Real Reform

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 1:11 a.m. EST by fwilms (0) from San Diego, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

How do the corporations control the country and the government? Think about it. The corporations aren't bad guys. The corporations have no consciousness, no conscience, no heart. They are not people. They have only bottom line. We do not need to attack them. We need to take away their power and return it to the people.

1) End ALL corporate campaign financing. Every penny, both to candidates and to initiatives. 2) Limit individual campaign contributions to $100K per candidate, or $30k for initiatives (so the rich cannot be surrogates for the corporations). 3) Limit ALL lobbyists material value of gifts to not exceed $200 per year per legislator. (If I accepted a gift at work greater than $100, it would be assumed to be a bribe. We have ethic rules against that.) 4) Set a gentle tiered income tax, with no exclusions, no write-offs, no special benefits, no deductions, and no loopholes. Every person and corporation pays their fair share. No special tax rates for capital gains. Income is income. Percent of taxes are charged. ----Not just the poor and middle class would pay, everyone would pay and we'd have lots to pay off the national debt, plus start using it for education and healthcare--rather than corporate subsidies and loopholes.



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[-] 1 points by Testingwaters1 (1) 12 years ago

Cool idea. Do it.