Forum Post: ready - set - smile - an appropriate Pope joke
Posted 12 years ago on March 14, 2013, 10:29 p.m. EST by bensdad
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The Pope was getting into his limo when he turned to the driver and said,
I would love to drive this beautiful limo just once.
Well, here, the limo driver says, take the wheel, Your Holiness!
Further down the road, the limo is stopped by a policeman who looks in the window, goes back to his squad car, calls dispatch and gasped,
I just pulled over someone real important and I don't know what to do!
"Well, who is it?" his dispatcher says,
The mayor? The governor? The president?"
I don't know! What do you mean you don't know?
I don't know, the officer responds, but the Pope his chauffer!
I hope you enjoy the cpac bs more than my joke
Religion is excellent stuff to keep common people quiet.
Mr.N. Bonopart
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
I look at Sundays as being a good day to get away from the more serious and controversial things we debate on here
So yes, that's hilarious. Enjoy the day...err Monday will be here soon enough
I liked the joke, bensdad.
I don't get cable or sat, but probably would'nt watch adults at CPAC stimulate their own egos and give each other reach-arounds. I did see a couple of headlines....
CPAC dudes act like they sniff each others feces.... which I guess they are.
Thank you.
the donald spoke to a nearly EMPTY audience !!!
and I'm referring to the chairs - not their heads
Don Rumsfeld, Donald Trump, Don Corlioni, Donald Bush, Donald I (Pope), Don Cheney, Don Chedle, Don Bloomsberg, Don Coumo, Don Lapierre, Don Heaston,....
Looks like on Drudgereport it would be Donald Trump.... Sorry, i'm not that into celebrities.