Forum Post: Raise taxes to support social programs. Great idea.
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 6, 2012, 5:14 p.m. EST by DunkiDonut2
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Very simple. Put a huge tax on every email account. I suggest $10 per day to send unlimited emails each day. That would be fair. All we need is legislation brought up by a democrat in congress. Congress approves and requires all internet providers to notify all users to give credit card access. There you go. Raise taxes to support the social programs. Everyone would be happy.
are you for real? is this a serious idea? this sis one of the worst things i have ever heard.
We need to raise taxes to pay for homeless. This would raise trillions of dollars and everyone would get needed services. You hate homeless?
Actually, you want to increase revenue, by installing high tech infrastructure which allows business to be conducted faster and more efficiently. This results in increased revenue to the state, without increasing tax rates.
High tech infrastructure would include magnetic levitation train lines, and solving the problems of nuclear energy.
You pay for it by first putting the financial system through bankruptcy reorganization, and then turning the fed into a national bank that can create credit at low interest rates, since it doesn't have to pay profits to private owners.
Improving the productivity of the nation is the only thing that credit should be issued for.
You want to increase taxes. I thought raising taxes was the issue. And this would be fair.
No, I want to increase the amount and efficiency of business transactions. This doesn't increase taxes, it increases the quantity and amount of transactions, so more tax is paid, without increasing tax rates.
You aren't serious are you? Would you pay that much?
Anyone with a -73 needs an IP subnet mask total ban.
WOW, a subnet mask? A subnet is used on a lan or wan to break up one single IP address into MANY subnets so you can attach many clients on one server with only one IP address, typically using DHCP to assign the IP address. idiot.
its time to change your diaper
If you suddenly learned how many users this guy has, you would spit your coffee out your nose. It's somewhere in the hundreds. He's on all the time.
Then ban his IP, he is not THAT good to use proxy servers, AND you can get a proxy ip list and ban them all too
I'm not a moderator. I don't have the power to do that. I suggest you contact a moderator or jart to help solve the issue.
Dip wad.
Actually, you want to increase revenue, by installing high tech infrastructure which allows business to be conducted faster and more efficiently. This results in increased revenue to the state, without increasing tax rates.
High tech infrastructure would include magnetic levitation train lines, and solving the problems of nuclear energy.
No in reality we do not need to raise taxes on social programs what needs to be done is having government enforce the current laws that would allow real Americans to get these programs, Unfortunately most of these programs are spent on illegal foreigners and crooked medical faculties.
I call Bullshit! and raise the flag.
You must either provide substantiating evidence or cease and desist.
Anyone can pop up a link provided with bias information, I recommend you do a google search and investigate the information like I did in stead of being a lazy ass and have someone else do it for you.
Proof is the responsibility of the one making assertions. None appears forthcoming.
I have read some of your post Rico and I do agree with some of the stuff you say, I'm not racist nor hold an agenda, The proof is out there you just have to give the time to do your research.
I also don't have a problem when Latino's are trying to make a better life for themselves, I even have Latino relatives that actually bothered to marry an American Scandinavia woman who was my aunt, but I do not appreciate millions nor the real trashy ones that are even minorities in their own region come over here and try to trample on our rights or sell drugs to our children.
If you come over here quietly and don't cause trouble or ruin other peoples lives and actually want to learn the culture, sure go for it.
Do you at least acknowledge the contributions and reinvigorating force immigrants have historically provided the USA ? In my readings of history, this has been one of the greatest things about America, the way she renews herself with new ideas and insights from other cultures.
" Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Our hispanic brothers to the south are more like us than different. Natives and immigrants ruled by a colonial European power, they fought and won their independence. They share historical roots in Europe, and they share our Judeo-Christian heritage. About all that differs is their language and the shade of their skin (though we all all becoming more beige over time).
When you go to a park, who's there with their entire extended family celebrating the holiday or birthday ? When you walk their streets, you see families dressed in their finest holding hands as they walk to church. When you see a man on the corner begging, it's never a Hispanic, it's a white guy; the Hispanics are over at Home Depot offering to work for money. These people have better "American Family Values" than many Americans !
We also need labor and population growth if we are to have economic growth. See . When these immigrants come in, they do take jobs, but they are mostly taking the jobs that all immigrants take, those we don't want. How many of us are willing to pick strawberries all day ? At the same time, the money they earn is spent at local stores and restaurants just like everyone else's. That's called economic growth.
We love to slam the immigrants from down south, but look around and ask what we would do without them. What do you think we would pay for vegetables and fruits if they weren't out there picking them ? Who would cook at our restaurants or provide the janitorial, maid, and gardening services on which so much business depends ?
We are fortunate. Europe also needs labor and population growth, but they have been forced to getting it from India and the Middle East. Nothing against these people, but they aren't like the Europeans, and it creates a lot of cultural stress in the nations struggling to assimilate these people with different values than they. We, on the other hand, are blessed with a ready population of immigrants who share our values and our history as former colonies now independent.
I say we should embrace our brothers and sisters from the south, and I am downright embarrassed at the level of racism we exhibit toward them.
P.S. No, I'm not Hispanic. My grandparents on my father's side were Swedish Immigrants, and those on my Mother's side were Danish. Note that both sets of grandparents worked hard to learn the language of this country, English, and I think all people who want to be citizens should do the same. Language is simply a key part of assimilation. We can't adopt people who we can't understand.
Sharp and to the point. Nice.
NO, not raise taxes on social programs,, you read it wrong. Raise taxes on the internet to help PAY for social programs. Huge increases in Internet taxes because everyone uses it.
Shut up socialist scum...
DunkiDonut2 is FriendlyObserverA is computer is grapes is reckoning is thrasymskay (the one posing as me and poster of porn), etc... He is here to engage forum users in useless discussions in an effort to make them waste their time. His replies are always short, simplistic, and idiotic. He's probably a high school student.
He's most likely working for the same company as the TV spammers America .INC. They run this site:
I asked jart to cross check IPs. This guy as a zillion usernames and posts all day long. He keeps switching users every 15 minutes.
I noticed a -73 next to dunk's screen name do you know what that means Thrasymaque?
It's called "karma". It's calculated based on the number of total posts a user has made combined with his likes and dislikes. I'm not sure what the exact formula is.
OK now I understand, thank you for the info.
I think it's just: total_posts + likes - dislikes = karma
Only sorta. Unfortunately, there are no negative ramifications for those with bad karma.
I'm guessing they were hoping that we'd all start trying to build high scores. It's a social thang; people just love getting ranked and coming out superior. If folks "buy into it," this tactic should generally inhibit the spawning of multiple accounts and get folks to be a bit more agreeable. I don't know if this is what the operators intended, but it may just work.
10 minutes after it was implemented, I caught jart in the chat room and told her I didn't like the idea of showing the karma points. She made a joke that it was a stupid hierarchic system. She's an anarchist and implemented it to "teach us" how stupid hierarchies and competition is.
Doesn't matter to me. I'm thinking of cutting back on my posting anyway.
I put a bunch of time into the posts at and but don't think anyone even saw them. There's not much point in posting if the only posts that people read and comment on are the ones attacking someone, promoting some sensationalized and absurd thought, or advancing some stupid conspiracy theory.
By the way, I think I made my best response ever to a conspiracy theory advocate at .
You definitely need to silently bump your postings a few times to jump start them. That's due to the way the bubbling system works.
Like rep points on other forums but based on your posts not friendships. Good feature.
Did you pay your $10 today? Need that money coming in so dont wait to give your credit card number. You will pay the taxes,,,,,, right? You will support social programs,,, right?
You definitely have the Manure Touch. That may very well be a record.
DunkiDonut2 (-73) -12 points 4 hours ago
You have to agree that this would be great for social programs. Nobody would be against this. I would pay.