Forum Post: Quiz: If you fail, please move to Mexico or any other country. You don't deserve to protest anything.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 1:24 p.m. EST by Candyce2011
from Douglas City, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What do you know about the American Jobs Act? Have you actually read the outline? Or is all you know what the people around you and on tv have said about it?
What do you know about the details of ObamaCare and how it will be implemented over the next few years? Is all you know what the talking heads have told you, or have you done your own research?
What do you know about the housing modification program, if anything?
If you're unemployed, how many hours a week do you spend actively seeking employment? How much time, effort, and research have you put into creating an impressive resume? Or how about self-coaching your interview skills?
When money got tight, did you turn to your credit card for sustenance? Are you now infuriated that, shockandawe, you have credit card debt? The interest rates are insane, you say? Highway robbery, you say? Ya didn't have a problem with that when you swiped it, now did you?
Do you complain that you're broke, yet continue to eat out twice or more a week? Continue your frivolous expenses that you really don't need?
Do you participate in any form of community service whatsoever?
Do you responsibly and persistently educate yourself on the going-ons in your community, the nation, and the world? No, watching Glenn Beck doesn't count.
When an election is coming up, do you do your own research as to what these candidates are really like and who they're affiliated with, or do you vote based on popular perspective and hype?
Is the majority of what you know about the nation and the world limited to a handful of sources, such as Fox, Alex Jones, Michael Moore, and Huffington Post? Do you actively seek out information from a variety of sources with a variety of perspectives from a variety of countries?
Freedom demands responsibility and education, not ignorance. There is absolutely no excuse today for the American population to be as ignorant as they are regarding the world of politics and everything involved with it.
If you are actually self-educated and socially aware, and are out there protesting with a firm grasp of what it is specifically that you're protesting and what you hope to gain from this and what your responsibility is as a free American, then I commend you and I say ROCK ON! I'd be right out there with you if I could.
But if you failed this quiz and are one of the high majority of Americans who run their mouth more than they run their mind, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You are the reason why this country is manipulated every second of every day. You are a sheep, a zombie, a mindless ping pong ball. Laziness and ignorance is the mindset of a slave, a serf who wants to be told what to think and what to do so that they don't have to go through the trouble of educating and thinking for themselves. GTFO the street and get back to your serfdom and let the real Americans handle this, the ones who love their country enough to have been educating themselves and fighting for it for years instead of "Oh em gee, there's a protest; my job sucks and the DOW is down. Let's go!"
Bring on the ignorant, "you're a troll," "you're a mole" comments. I love my country, my land, and my people enough to make sure I'm as informed as possible when most of them aren't, and to speak my mind and say the things that will piss you off because they need to be said. Unfortunately, there aren't enough of us who haven't lost total faith.
You are better than most people, Candyce. You are superior to almost everyone else.
Thank you for the potatoes!
And witty, too! You really are a most perfect human specimen, brimming with intellectual curiosity. Have you considered running for office?
Thank you for more potatoes!
Compare the situation with Rome near its downfall. People were mostly interested in sports. Rome got involved in a lot of wars. Now people are content watching reality TV shows. We have our army in so many countries..
So everyone should just go home and shut up, even though they ALL know there is something fatally wrong with the way this country is being run? We are asking questions, the first step in actually solving problems. World views as complete and infallible as yours have given us the situation we are in; I am soooo impressed.
I agree with most of your opinions, I do wonder what you consider as reliable sources of news?
maybe not the best said, but well said none the least. The points are there and we have to move on to them.
If the mass of people really knew what goes on at the elite level in this country, they wouldn't be complaining and camping out in a park....they'd be hanging the bastards from the streetlights.
And what are you ignorant about?
or do you just know EVERYTHING?????????????
Informed is one thing, mature is another..
"Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy." - Proverbs
As much of a non-Christian as I am, this really is true.
EDIT - Sorry for the weird number format!
One - I know that it's not going to help anybody while we're still entering into another round of "free" trade deals. You don't fix a hole in a bucket by pouring more water, you fix the hole by fixing the hole.
For those who don't know -
Two - I know it is over 2000 pages long while single payer can be fit on one pamphlet. Single payer = Our taxes, aka, the thing we already pay everyday for "the general welfare", pays for healthcare, rather than a bloated and monopolistic private insurance industry that offers dirt quality at 5 star prices.
It could have been handled better - with single payer. Single payer would have actually forced those "insurers" to play by the rules of true capitalism - "if you suck then you're out!"
Three -
You can only get loans from these guys.
Four - To be fair, I've called a bunch of places and the places that were hiring had strange terms (such as "You have to be over 28 for this job") and everytime I sent online applications, I never got a callback. Probably because I have no prior job experience, just came out of high school a few years ago and absolutely no connections. I asked my mom to have them refer me as a janitor at her workplace, but I don't know if she did or not.
Five - My parents, not me. I beg them all the time to keep their spending in check, sell that gas guzzler and trade it in for a sensible car, "Shopping for clothes at Goodwill isn't 'low people behavior'", stop falling for "false discounts", stop buying from financial "free" trade terrorists, etc. They don't listen.
Also - I'm the kind of person who would say that "invisible money is no money". Then I hear people telling me that "no credit is just as bad as bad credit". Effing credit based economy!
Six - My parents actually eat out when it's cheaper, ha ha.
Seven - Used to in high school, can't say I do now. You win with this one.
Octo - I don't watch Glenn Beck and I try to educate myself as best I can with online news articles. I know, I know - that means no. But only because I have no money to travel the world. And nobody is hiring au pairs these days, except Nigerian scammers.
Nueve - Not eligible to vote. But if I could, I'd vote for Nader, McKinney or Kucinich, because I like their policies. Next!
Deci - I read WSJ, The Economist and the NYT as well as NPR, local papers from other states, etc. I actually have a widget that searches for key words on the issues that I am concerned about, like "free trade" and "economy" and such. It brings me up some news articles and even blogs. Lately I have noticed that it gave me a lot of pro-"free" trade stuff, but that may be due to the recent infiltration (I mean lobbying silly me!) of our media by the multinationals.
That being said, I most likely -am- a sheep, but I'm trying the best I can with what I have and know. I'm not a protester however, because I don't know whether they are holding one of those things where I live. I don't really have my own ride or income, see?
Read "The Market Ticker" by Karl Denninger he will change your thinking in many ways.
Not near a library atm and just checked out the website to see that I agree and disagree with some of his points.
Please state the ideas in his book that will change my thinking.
EDIT - Found only a website and the Amazon link to the supposed "book" and except for a few points I can't see where I disagree with him. All I know is that it is a blog on economics.
Please enlighten me.
Was referring to his blog. I may be wrong but you came across to me as having socialist leanings. Karl is very much a libertarian and is very hard to prove wrong.
Do you realize that this same "socialism" is preventing a moral dilemma like this from happening?
I love to cite this story to every libertarian out there who supports no taxes. Do you even know what taxes are for? Fire trucks won't magically appear out of thin air and policemen aren't going to pay themselves. Even Glenn Beck says "What is that $75 fee (in reference to the fire department fee that the Tennesseans have to pay because of not enough revenue coming in from taxes) for?"
You should be advocating for well-managed taxes not no taxes! No taxes = "Boo hoo I am rich and why should I spend any money on low people?"
Also - we -would- have enough money if people like Double Dutch Double Irishing Google would -gasp- pay their goddamn taxes like everyone else in this country! Also - multinationals and the sucking noise of American jobs.
Also also - You have not told me anything specific and where you disagree with me. Tea Partiers...if you want me to join you then I need to know what you're specifically for and why you think I am wrong! Your own vow of secrecy makes you a very insular group.
Also also also - I am for socialism but only up to a certain point. Subsidizing failing industries and bailing out people who could probably save themselves seems extremely wasteful to me.
Stimulus without trying to end the true corruption (like Wall St leeching off of Social Security for their tax cuts while sending our jobs overseas) is pork pork pork. Oink!
Austerity while encouraging corruption will lead to a faster crash down for us because poor people aren't going to consume and stimulate our economy now will they? Do you seriously want everybody but a few people to be 3rd world poor?
More people who can spend and have good professional "college required" jobs-> More lower class "service and production" jobs opening up -> More businesses opening up and hiring -> Better educated populace and an actual incentive to get an education -> More demand overall and a better quality of life. That is...if you don't have job killing multinationals in the equation and everybody paid their taxes of course.
Socialism, in all its forms is responsible for the deaths of over 100,000,000 people around the world. And counting. Not deaths due to wars but deaths of civilians killed by their government. And that does not include the needless pain and suffering inflicted on hundreds of millions of more people.
Socialism is the most vile, evil, murderous form of government ever concocted in the mind of man and your going to talk to me about somebodies house burning down because he didn't pay the fire protection fee. No form of government, run by humans, is going to be perfect but lets have a little sense of proportion here. Besides his taxes did not go to pay for fire protection, he lived outside the city limit. He was told he had to pay but he didn't. If it were up to me I would have put it out and then sent him a bill to pay the full cost. Where do I disagree with you? I do not want the government running health care. You want more people to die? Put the government in charge. You want the cost of health care to go up? Put the government in charge. Corporations do not pay taxes. Taxes are an expense of doing business. As, with all business expenses, cost of raw materials, power, employee pay or marketing the cost is figured into the price of the goods sold. That means that the end user of the goods pays the taxes. Do you want the rich to pay their "fair" share of taxes? The rich pay the lions share of income taxes in this country.
The problem is not that the government doesn't get enough tax revenue, $2.4 trillion in 2010 but that they spend to much $3.6 trillion in 2010. In 2011 The federal government will borrow 43 cents out of every dollar it spends. This can not go on. Not secrecy but lack of time kept me from posting. I have to earn a living. Here's another one for you. Cheers.
First off - #8 and #10 of Cherry's questionnaire (it applies to liberals too do not worry)
Second off - You are confusing totalitarianism with socialism and you seem to have...a slippery grasp of what socialism is. If it weren't for socialism, you would be being robbed right now, your air and water would be polluted and your food would be rancid, you wouldn't even have indoor plumbing and you wouldn't be typing on your computer screaming about how evil socialism is. Socialism = all people working for the betterment of all members of society, which is what taxes are for.
Also - they did try to send the fees, but unfortunately, nobody paid when they got the bill. So therefore it became "pay or no spray", because if the firefighters would spray the house and nobody pays, then why should anybody have to pay? This is what taxes are for.
The rich do not pay a lion's share and they demand to pay less taxes than a fry cook. Have you ever heard of Google's Double Dutch and Double Irish Tax Scheme? Yeah - $0 paid in taxes. It's the same way with every multinational who outsources jobs, sets up dummy corporations or charities to cheat on their taxes and then demand that the taxpayers subsidize them so that they can create the jobs that they took.
Healthcare was ruined before and this government mismanaged it. Instead of offering a public option that would compete with the bureaucratic and monopolistic health insurance industries, he basically subsidized them and said "you can't discriminate by preexisting conditions aka deny treatment to those who need it most while charging them $500-$900 a month". They wouldn't be doing all that if they -gasp- had real competition! You know how you complain about unions offering poor quality at 5 star prices? This is -exactly- that! You know how you complain about death panels? Private Health Uninsurance has death panels for young and old alike - Nataline Sarkisyan died because Cigna dicked around and said "We won't pay for a new transplant that she desperately needs, because she needs it and that makes her a high-risk patient."
Also - Spending does not need to be cut - it needs to be BETTER MANAGED. No more bailouts or subsidies. Instead of stimulus, try to solve the REAL problem, which is jobs going to slave labor mercantilists, because short sighted idiots think that paying $1 for sandals made in China is worth killing America for. Just like how those same people thought that getting a balloon payment loan so that Ghetto Mentality (See - Conspicuous Consumption and rap culture) whore you met at the trashy club will sleep with you is worth becoming homeless and fucking over your entire country (or at least your neighbors - foreclosure hurts the neighbor's property value too) for.
It's stupid to be exporting raw materials just so countries that hate happiness and liberty like China can make it and then sell it back to us with the naive hope that they will one day buy -our- products. (They don't - many countries are actually boycotting and tariffing us. I have to admit - while China and Mexico and all those other countries whom we consider our "allies" are cheats and thieves, we're no better.)
We need to take back America and we should have done it a long time ago. End "free" trade or at the very least, let's trade with countries that are actually free and fair and let's try to be free (real freedom, not "LOL WE TRICKED YOU!") and fair ourselves too. End subsidies, kickbacks, bailouts, etc. Vote out these "career" politicians. These are just a few things we should have done long ago.
I started to read your reply but had to stop because you got everything wrong right from the start. Socialism is totalitarianism. I don't care how you try to sugar coat it. And if someone wants to try to rob me, let they try. It seem to me that you have a slippery grasp of what our government is there for. Its there to protect our borders, which includes keeping out illegal immigrants. Its there to regulate commerce between the states. An most importantly, its there to protect our rights. Thats about all out government is supposed to do. You don't have a right to free health care or free education or free anything else. Do you think there is a reason for denying coverage for preexisting conditions? Spending doesn't need to be cut!!! You have no clue. Do you want to pay 43% higher taxes because thats how much we are borrowing for every dollar we spend. Thats why the deficit is $1.5 trillion. How long do you think we can keep that up. I agree with the last part of your post about trade.
We ARE holding them responsible since the "elected" leaders won't. OCCUPY WALL STREET!
If freedom demands responsibility than who is holding Wall Street responsible for those financial instruments like Collateralized Debt Obligations that led to the bubble in the housing market that precipitated the financial collapse? If Freedom demands responsibility than who is holding corporations responsible for closing down American factories, putting Americans out of work and opening up in third world countries where they can bribe the military to assassinate union organizers? If freedom demands responsibility than what about those people in the state and federal legislature who instead of focusing on job creation decided instead to enact legislation putting massive obstacles in the way of women who wish to end their pregnancies? Don't tell me I'm the problem when the problems have been created by multinational corporations who have at their beck and call the best legislatures money can buy.
YOU are supposed to be holding them responsible via your democratic republic. This is why YOU are responsible for being educated and aware.
I agree with what you said - "However, just like if you showed me a picture of the two primary presidential candidates of 2012 and asked me who to vote for, I wouldn't be able to answer you." But being educated and aware is only step 1 and I'm sure you'll agree. I don't think this protest would be half as effective even in raising awareness about these issues if splinter factions formed protesting lets say legalisation of marijuana, Tibetan freedom or Animal rights, each with their own agendas and modes of protest. No one can argue with the fact that if you want to protest something you need to some extent know what you are protesting, otherwise it really is just a day out in the park, but some things like the financial system, which I have heard it say is difficult to understand the intricate details of even with a doctorate in mathematics have direct and percievable effects on EVERYBODY regardless of their level of understanding on the inner workings of the system. That's where we need people like you, to mediate between the masses and the facts, we need solidarity and everyone has his\her own role to play in this.
no one deserves anything
It's not about losing faith in the current government, it's about finding faith within yourself and your fellow countrymen. Perhaps you follow the news using credible sources, that doesn't mean you understand anything about economics or finance. Debate me on that and then tell me that I don't deserve to protest anything.
I'm not exactly sure what point you're trying to make. For one thing, the Occupy Wall Street movement has not released any statement saying that it is focusing on any specific issue(s) or people in the financial district. Yes, the fact that the occupation is taking place on Wall Street should imply that that is the focus of the movement, but the only statement released by the occupation says quite the contrary. As of now, the occupation has only explained itself to the world as being pissed off at the current state-of-affairs with just about everything.
I'm not going to argue much here why this situation is extremely dangerous and thus it is CRUCIAL that the people do everything they can to consistently educate themselves on all the issues brought up on behalf of and regarding the occupation. But it is, and it is.
If you are educated about economics and finance, that is, of course, a wonderful thing. That doesn't mean you shouldn't also educate yourself on government since this protest is, after all, not just protesting one company or bank or a handful of companies and banks. They are also protesting the government and the econopolitical system as a whole.
You need not worry about my educational background. I understand the situation. If you don't support the movement you either have deep fear for government embedded in your brain, or you're missing relevant information. I agree, the movement has no clear voice. When Bill O'Reilly tells the world how problems should be solved, why doesn't anyone listen? Why would anyone listen to a group of pissed off hippies for economic and political solutions? We are here to expose the problems and spread awareness, not solve the worlds problems.
"When Bill O'Reilly tells the world how problems should be solved, why doesn't anyone listen?"
Why should anyone listen to him?
Exactly the point: don't listen to solutions that you don't understand yourself!
I've never said I don't support the movement. If you want my personal opinion on the movement, here it is: I would like to support the movement. I've been a big "fan" of the Arab Spring since Jan 25 and am pretty opinionated myself regarding many of the issues OWS rant mentions. Of course, everyone is. That's pretty much a moot point, which is why OWS is currently moot and I cannot support or not support it in its current form.
As I said before, I would like to support it because I am a resident of the planet Earth and do not personally possess the technology to survive in outer space. Therefore, I would like to see some changes to the current state of global affairs so that I can have a future. However, just like if you showed me a picture of the two primary presidential candidates of 2012 and asked me who to vote for, I wouldn't be able to answer you. Because I wouldn't know anything about them other than what they look like in their picture. That is how I feel about OWS. OWS currently has no real identity and no real message. The only difference between the people participating in OWS and the American population not participating in OWS is that we're not sleeping in a park. So I cannot support OWS because I still don't know who OWS is or what OWS is proposing.
Dig it. Right now OWS seems very much like cafeteria Cathlocism. Not to get religious, my point is that because there's no well publicized goals, it becomes what you want from it. You pick and choose. I hope at some point they centralize on the message that the system is gamed. That politicians are being bought by private corporations and the rich. It means that the American Dream is dead. What could this movement get done? With enough support, could this movement untangle both house of representatives AND the presidency from big money contributions. Could the American people stop the tide political cronyism that is making this a very tough county to live in.
OWS is an open-source organization; we are open to any ideas. Revolutions don't happen by individuals, and revolutions don't have clear start or end points. If you believe that the United States is in need of a revolution, you support OWS.
So OWS is promoting a revolution in the American government? That's interesting because I've seen no declaration on behalf of the OWS stating that that is in fact what it is promoting. And I bet a fair share of the people currently supporting and participating the OWS would not be supporting it or participating in it if they believed that that was what it was promoting. Many people want change, but not all want change to that degree.
However, you are also using the term "revolution" very vaguely since there are many types of revolution and a variety of definitions. So if you referring to a more minor type of revolution, such as a few minor changes to the existing constitution, then that might not scare many of the OWS participants off. However, if you're talking about a more drastic revolution, then no, I don't believe I would support OWS, and I don't believe enough would for it to actually happen barring foreign interference.
Stay informed, that's all that matters.
And yes, we are promoting a revolution of the American government and economy.
True, freedom demands responsibility, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers yourselves. Consequently, I have posted the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to support a Presidential Candidate Committee at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
You complain that uneducated, uninformed protest is impotent and possibly destructive. Remember that you and I are in the very privileged position to be able to understand things that most others are never even exposed to. That being said, the issues being protested against are very real for and affect everybody, regardless of their knowledge of why it does. Complaining and creating division is hardly a productive exercise either. Could you perhaps post links to some of the proposed information you regard as important?
I'd hardly say that this post will create any division except between me and everyone who chooses to take offense to it rather than consider whether it may or may not apply to them and whether or not they should educate themselves more. And that's fine with me. I didn't write this post so people will think, "That Candyce girl is a really sweet girl." I wrote it as a reality check.
There's a site called Google. If you think there's something you need to learn more about, use it. Or Bing. Bing is also good.
Since this protest has no focus and the only rant released on behalf of the Occupy Wall Street movement basically complained about EVERYTHING, then I guess, as of now, you need to Google everything. If you are out there on the street and you notice that people are talking about and/or focusing on a particular issue, before voicing your own opinion and/or latching onto someone else's, think to yourself, "What do I really know about this issue?" If you realize the answer is, "Honestly, not much," then you and Google have some work to do.
I'm going to say that I agree with the heart of this message, which I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong) that we as both Americans and protesters need to be more diligent in all aspects of this movement. We need to break the stereotype that this movement is about entitled brats whining that they want more luxury goods. People should be well versed not only in the things they believe in, but what those who oppose them believe.
I disagree with the "Get out of my country" and "Real Americans" presentation. We need to remain positive and we need to remain united or this is all for naught. If this upsets you, maybe we can work together on ways to help educate people.
I retain my right to not sugarcoat the things that people genuinely need to hear. Everything I have to say should already be known. It's not a secret; it's common sense. Our educators, journalists, and even many of our politicians have been preaching it for decades, to no avail. Screw sweet talk.
I do help to educate people. Amazingly, I'm not just a comment on this forum board. I'm a human being with an existence. I do many things with that existence. Amazing, I know.
"If this upsets you..."
Not sugar coating your message and not alienating your audience are not mutually exclusive. Some provocation can be positive, but too much and you're obscuring your message.
Good, glad to hear. I admit to being worried you were some politically active cyber offspring of SkyNet and Cleverbot here to sow dissent among us flesh bags to pave the way for the robot revolution. (intended as a light hearted joke)
But in all seriousness, two points. America isn't a country for only the politically active, that'd be ideal, but it isn't the reality. So far as I know, it's for Americans. So "Get out of my country" isn't helping anyone, least of all yourself.
What are you ideas about how we can better educate ourselves? What are you ideas about how we can better educate our fellows? Let's be proactive and inclusive in this. I DON'T say this because singing kumbaya, brown-nosing and the peace sign are the way to go. There's a time to fight, but it isn't with each other.
I know that America isn't a country only for the politically active. But I do believe that provocation in the current situation and forum. I hope it will result in at least a few bashing me in response, then actually doing some research so they can feel justifiably educated.
I don't think it takes much creativity to educate yourself. I'm of the belief that a college education these days basically serves two purposes: 1.) To charge you thousands of dollars for a piece of paper that says you're edumacated; 2.) To inspire.
Most of what I would say constitutes my general knowledge didn't come from my instructors or my textbooks. It came from what I pursued to know more about. And these days, anyone with an internet connection can give his or her self a quality education on pretty much any topic there is. If there's any specific class I'd recommend, it would be an evaluative research course. That would greatly help people learn how find specific information and evaluate the sources of that information as well as introduce them to a variety of academic search engines and how to use them.
To quote Modern Family, "What's the difference between 'try' and 'triumph'?" A LITTLE BIT OF 'UMPH!' :)
Also, as far as better educating the people around us: Facebook and Twitter. When I find something I think is worth sharing and knowing about, I share it. I don't comment on it other than maybe something along the lines of, "Well written!" I have friends from a variety of backgrounds and belief systems, from far left to far right. So I don't post articles about the reimplementation of "Don't ask; don't tell" along with a comment of whether I agree or disagree. It doesn't matter whether I agree or disagree. It's the information of what's going on that needs to be shared.
""Freedom demands responsibility and education, not ignorance. There is absolutely no excuse today for the American population to be as ignorant as they are regarding the world of politics and everything involved with it.""
I think most people lack the ability to commit this much time into reading up on political figures and the ties into various corp interests, when they have kids, a job, mortgages, student loans and various other things.
Then that's the sacrifice they make. If the people choose to willfully remain ignorant in a democratic republic, then of course the system isn't going to function in a way that behooves the people. Thus why I said move to another country, preferably one with a dictatorship and/or communism. There you won't have to worry about finding the time to educate yourself and think for yourself.
so your family, home and personal well being take a backseat to dedicated a good 10-20 hours+ a week just to stay slightly informed? that is ignorant to think that everyone has the time to dedicate to learning on that level...
and who are you to tell someone to move to another country?
how about you educate your self on things, and help others learn and point to areas one can get easy access to information rather then insult others?
A.) Who said it requires 10-20 hours a week? B.) It is ignorant to think that not dedicating time to learning will result in a democratic republic that functions properly for the majority of the people. It is the responsibility of living in such a government. You may not have time to tune up your car, change the oil, check the fluids, check the tires... but no matter how much you complain that you didn't have the time and/or shouldn't have to do said maintenance, the car will still not function properly. The car isn't going to say, "Well, you have a good point. I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were so busy. I'll keep on running on no oil until you can get around to it. Oh, you can't get around to it? Ok, no problem, I understand. I'll keep functioning like a well-maintained machine for you." Reality doesn't work that way. Sorry to have to be the one to break it to you. C.) A person pointing out the obvious. D.) I do, and I do.
you are an ignorant asshole who lives in a fantasy realm. and it def takes a lot of dedicated time to read between the propaganda and find out the ties between what someone says and why they said it..
or you just buy into what ever 1 other asshole says to you?
and always a car analogy...
You think remaining ignorant and having a functioning government is realistic, while taking the time to educate yourself so that you can have a functioning government is fantasy? That's like posing a valid argument and having your opposition respond, "Potatoes!" What can I even say to that???
If you could maintain a logical train of that, you'd realize that third sentence is directly contrary to the point I've made. Once again, "Potatoes!"
A perfectly good car analogy. Once again, "Potatoes!"
Thank you for your oh-so intelligent rebuttal. /slowclap
binarydaemon and canyce,
capatilism and communism are old ways of thought. We should create new ideas to get out of this mess of a recession. Also, insulting each other won't help solve the problem.
I'm not the next Plato. I'm not going to come up with a whole new form of government that trumps centuries' worth of philosophical thought.
If I hear about an alternate form of government, I learn what I can about it. If an alternative form of government develops that can be reasonably determined to function better than the current form of government, fantastic. I haven't heard of one yet that I believe will result in a better life for the majority of our citizens.
interesting that you chose Plato. His allegory of the cave has lead to countless lives being ruined, unmeasurable suffering and a general degrading of the human condition by fostering dictatorships, socialism, communism and whatever leftist bullshit dogma you want to site. But hey, at least you're honest.
Thank you for the potatoes!
send those potatoes to my starving family, please (no joke)
I gladly would if you were anywhere nearby for me to give them to you.