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Forum Post: Question? Who would have voted down the Buffett rule?

Posted 11 years ago on May 8, 2012, 2:56 p.m. EST by junglemonkeez (208)
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As I understand it, this rule would have closed the gap that allows rich to pay 15% in taxes while everyone else pays around 30%

So, my question is who of you would have voted this down if you were allowed to vote on such things?



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[-] -1 points by XenuLives (1645) from Charlotte, NC 11 years ago

I would have voted for this, but I would have wanted more.

The Buffett rule is a first step towards a more fair tax system. We also need to get rid of the 76,000 page tax code that is riddled with subsidies, breaks, and loopholes for the rich and replace it with something that is simple and loophole-proof.

[-] 0 points by junglemonkeez (208) 11 years ago

Appreciate the reply, for me this is a prime example of why all people should be able to vote on all the issues. It's why we can't count on elected officials. This proves they are self-interested. The evolution of this society is from the existing republic to a true democratic society. It's compicated, I admit, as the majority isn't always right, but it might be right more often.