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Forum Post: QUESTION TO GUN OWNERS: How many people may an individual legally maintain an ability to kill for any potential situation?

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 24, 2012, 7:01 a.m. EST by thegreatsquare (16)
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I'm wondering just how many people a gun owner feels the needs to prepare an ability to kill ahead of time.

1? 6? 15? 30? 50? 100?



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[-] 2 points by Middleaged (5140) 12 years ago

Yeah,... Reconsider your question. Alcoholics & Teenagers clutch their guns and talk about how they are ready to take out so and so if he says such and such.

My Gfather carried a gun for a while when depositing payroll. But I never knew about it and wasn't close to him. He was WWII vet who never fired a shot in the war in the Pacific. But he grew up putting food on the table with a rifle as an orphan. He was a sort of serious business guy. No doubt he had better sense than I do.

If I put on a gun and felt nervous. That means I might not be ready to walk around in public with a gun. If I felt like I wanted to confront teenagers who were casing houses for robberies... I might not be ready to wear a gun or go out with a gun. I think checking your feelings is adult. I think 90% of people over 22 years old are adults. But yes, some people never grow up and act like they want to start a fight...

Normally, to answer your question, you should be able to convince the burglars to back out by just showing a gun and being ready to shoot. You dont' need to shoot. You need to keep your feelings under control and think about your excitement level. And know you may go to jail if you fire a single shot. Normally in a parking lot or a home break-in, I'm thinking gangs would only be 4 people max. If you are conservative, you know you might miss the first 2 shots and there might be 6 in a gang (urban environment), so a 6 shooter should work just fine. I think my Gfather carried a 6 shooter.


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 12 years ago

The ability to kill rests fundamentally on the knowledge to kill and the ability to put that to use (for these reasons, veterans have been put on the potential terrorist list). The knowledge to kill en masse has already become widely available worldwide but fortunately so far we do not have that many people who can think cross-discipline and know how to put things together yet.

There are some who trust their governments for their security but they tend to be those who have never lived through war times or understood history. The number you seek is psychological so it depends.

[-] 0 points by 1commonsenserevival (0) 12 years ago

The 2nd Amendment is to fight tyranny. if we are all part of a ready citizen militia as imagined by the founders maybe no one is killed. Military style weapons needed for national defense.

Disband standing army and end the empire!

[-] 2 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 12 years ago

The 2nd amendment was a jobs program for un-employed, white male/former indentured servants. They needed something to do so they got guns from the man and they ventured off to go bother Indians or somneone else. Fight tyranny? You must be joking. Go ahead and try but don't complain to me when you get droned.

[-] 0 points by JohnFKennedyIV (11) 12 years ago

However many you have to kill to defend you, your family and your property.

[-] 0 points by freewriterguy (882) 12 years ago

i dont understand your question it sounds liek your asking us constitutionally right to bear arm gun owners how many people we need to prepare to kill ahead of time. Did, you mean, how many guns do we need?. A more relative and important question might be, how many homes, and acres, does a rich person need to own while poor homeless people are spending their time and money fighting "TRESSPASSING" tickets in and out of the courts because they have nowhere to live, and it is practically illegal to live anywhere for them on earth.

[-] 1 points by thegreatsquare (16) 12 years ago

You had it right the first time, I was asking gun owners how many people they feel need to prepare to kill ahead of time.

[-] 0 points by freewriterguy (882) 12 years ago

Put it this way, if I see any of you "brothers and sisters" that I lived with here on the earth, up in heaven, Im turning around and leaving. Is there anyone who has integrity? Id sure like to meet them. My life has been nearly unbearably hard because of you people hogging the earth and the abundance that God created for ME. Ideally Id like to be like Noah, Just me and my family and maybe a couple of others whom I select to live here for my children to marry, that would make a perfect life's existance to me.

[-] 0 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 12 years ago

It's a simple question. If you have a gun say, for protection, how many people do you need to protect yourself against?

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Some are prepping for doomsday and therefore must employ an unending amount of potential targets. They consider even the possibility that they may need to engage the govt.

not all. Some. Pretty sick.

[-] 1 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 12 years ago

they are retarded. a simple match will bring them to their knees. seriously what are these people stupid. yeah that arsenal will do you a whole lot of good when i set your shelter on fire. have you seen these hacks? they would be far better off spending some money on a gym membership they might die from exertion if they have to actually do something. seriously watch these prepper shows its like they never heard of fire. they worry about roves of men armed with guns not one guy with a match they are the most unprepared people out there cause they have a false sense of confidence.

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Seen them, entertaining for a moment, then the patheticness, and comedy force me to turn them off.

[-] -1 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

The premise of your asinine post is that ALL "gun owners" are killers.

Are ALL car owners then presumed to be killers because more people are killed by cars a year then are by guns? Cars are driven into crowds at times inflicting death and injury.

CAR OWNERS: How many people may an individual legally maintain an ability to kill for any potential situation?

"Steven Allen Abrams purposefully drove his car onto the playground of Southcoast Early Childhood Learning Center. He killed two children and injured four other children and an adult. Abrams later stated that he thought the deaths of the children would silence the voices that he thought the US government was beaming into his brain"

By all means talk about guns instead of the real issue of mental health and protection for our children in schools.

[-] 0 points by thegreatsquare (16) 12 years ago

The premise of my post is the a gun carrier has an ability to kill and chooses an amount of equipment with a sense of necessity.

[-] -1 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

Hmmm,..every human being has the ability to kill regardless of the tool. Be it hands or knife or bomb or poison or gun.

So what is the sense of your post?

Please just be honest and admit you posted a ridiculous,senseless question and nobody will give a shit anyway.

[-] 2 points by thegreatsquare (16) 12 years ago

The point is I want gun owners to state a number of people that they try to be ready for when carrying a gun around.

[-] 0 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

Thanks for clarifying your question.

Now,..how do you expect anybody regardless of being a "gun owner" or not to predict the future?

Can you predict the number of people that you will cower in fear of in the future?

Can you predict your next call to 911? Will you be assaulted or maimed or killed in the burglary,or home invasion because you are defenseless and unwilling to defend yourself with a gun because you are too scared?

These are important matters you should consider more then worrying about "gun owners". These "gun owners" may be the people that save your life.

[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

Seems obvious the common denominator is Guns!

Little people kill little people: a long history

Not guns. Bad people.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_shooting

Just repeat it enough and it will be real

[-] 0 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

Seems obvious you have an anti-gun agenda and are operating from propaganda.

[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

Im concerned for rights of kids, who can not vote.

Arms are allowed according to constitution and USSC has upheld, so there are no worries. Seems well enshrined as a right.

The obvious problem is when right to bear arms crosses to right to shoot unarmed kids.

There is a huge difference.

People have a right to be free from tyranny of crazy people discharging guns at them, too.

Would a two bullet limit per gun be a workable compromise?

[-] 0 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

" right to bear arms crosses to right to shoot unarmed kids."

Where is there a "right to shoot unarmed kids"???

Law abiding people have a right to be free from the tyranny of paranoid Leftist's trying to violate their Constitutional rights.

Not every gun owner is "crazy people". You are extremely bigoted and need sensitivity training.

[-] -1 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

Well,..........................you aren't reading my posts so to hell with your links.

[-] 1 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 12 years ago

You want leftists to try to take your guns but the US is so far gone on having guns they won't bother to try. You won so get over it. You wanted to have a bird-brained gun culture and that's what you got. Now you're here because you want funding for some BS. You know what they say in Russia, "In Russia, guns own you". You, outlaw, are owned and you have too many masters. Stop bugging us for money.

[-] 0 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

"You want leftists to try to take your guns"

Have another drink stevebol cause I didn't say that and wouldn't ever say that.

The Left will try and take guns AND they might succeed.

Don't be so sure they won't. People like you that don't seem to give a rats ass about Constitutional rights are a BIG part of the problem.

Merry Christmas.

[-] 0 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 12 years ago

You know it's all about the money.

[-] 1 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

Well then,......... stop taking bribes from the Left and support our Constitutional rights to bears arms.

[-] 1 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 12 years ago

Are you implying I'm a paid poster? I can't prove that I'm not. If you want to go there I'd say you're being paid by the NRA to post here.

[-] 1 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 12 years ago

You want money so be persuasive. OWS isn't buying what you're selling.

[-] 1 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

OWS doesn't support Constitutional rights? Well that doesn't surprise me.

The vast majority of OWS disciples are Democrat,Progressive,Liberal Atheists with complete sympathy and collusion with Socialists,Communists,Jihadists and any and all anti-American entities that will support their agenda.

[-] -1 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

Hmmm,..every human being has the ability to kill regardless of the tool. Be it hands or knife or bomb or poison or gun.

So what is the sense of your post?

Please just be honest and admit you posted a ridiculous,senseless question and nobody will give a shit anyway.
