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Forum Post: Put (evolving) List of Demands and Declaration On WebSite

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:47 a.m. EST by SaRaIam (105)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

At one point I saw the OWS Declaration and the OWS Declaration (evolving) list of demands on this web site. There should be a navigation bar at the home site and on the GA site just for the list of demands and delcaration so that people can easily find it and get the gist of what the hopes and goals of this movement are. I also think that specific actions should be linked to specific demands SOON, while there's great momentum so that we might start having some true victories. It's great to occupy Zuccotti square, but we must remember that the movement isn't just about camping out at city squares or just marching. It's about instituting changes that start rectifiying economic inequality, devastation of the planet, the corrupt political system and that regulate corporate power, ETC.



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[-] 1 points by Lang (3) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Well said. Demands or as I would put it, stated goals, are important. The world is watching. OWS will remain powerful if it can coalesce its ideas and present them in a credible fashion to the world. Taking on the Federal Reserve, funding of political campaigns, banking regulation, etc. - these are no mean feats, but a manifesto of sorts should be worked on and I would suggest bringing in credible economists to help you. There are people out there who have written and studied these issues, liberal intelligent humane voices do exist and I think, famous as they might be, they would be willing to help you. You have heard the term you "have to fight fire with fire." Well, prepare yourselves for the next step. Garner your strength and your credibility with stated goals and put them out there for the world to see! I am certainly willing and ready to help you in any way I can. Thanks.

[-] 1 points by SaRaIam (105) 13 years ago

It seems there is a working group for this, I've got to get to GA very soon and check out some sites!

[-] 1 points by ThatAutisticGirl (150) from Alameda, CA 13 years ago

I think having a list of demands would be great. Actually, I think having lists of demands would be great. Actually, we do have lists of demands and that is great.

What isn't so great is having an official list of demands. That's just not in the spirit of this movement. Putting a list on the website would be an awful lot like having an official list of demands, don't you think?

[-] 1 points by SaRaIam (105) 13 years ago

The point of the movement is to start changing business as usual, and just expressing opinions isn't going to change anything --"Power concedes nothing without a demand" and there are enough people now fed up and willing to do something that we could actually have some demands met through nonviolent action. I don't get "it's not in the spirit of the movement to have an official list of demands" Everyone seems to be in agreement that the 1) super-rich should pay their fair share of taxes, 2) corporations have too much power and should not have "personhood" status, and t3) here's got to be some serious campaign finance reform, and 4) a reinstitution of Glass Steagull. I'd say we could start with those four for starters, because I don't think anyone who's been getting to the protests would disagree with those demands. If you're not going to demand anything you may as well stay home and watch Fox news or something.

[-] 1 points by Overton (15) 13 years ago

this website could do with organization