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Forum Post: Purpose of any protest

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 12:42 a.m. EST by jdadler (2)
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The purpose of protests is to disrupt the system in question in order to force them to address the issues if they want to end the disruption. currently Occupy does not disrupt.

With all the crack downs pushing the protests out, and the support seeming to have reached a plateau, it is time to consider a new technique.

We should occupy the banks literally. Fill the lobbies each day, peacefully, so that no business can be done. Simply get in line and not advance to the teller windows or ATMs. Then leave at the end of the day and do it again the next.

This must be accompanied by clear demands. Eg. Break up the banks, repeal glb, passage of Deusche's Occupied amendment, and indict those responsible for the credit bubble crash.



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[-] 1 points by Edgewaters (912) 13 years ago

The purpose of protests is to disrupt the system

Sometimes, but not always or even usually. There are all different sorts of protests over different issues. Normally they are just a show of strength, a demonstration of support to let the public know there are lots of people who back something and to make it more mainstream, get people talking.

For instance. A bunch of farmers might show up to protest a loss of subsidies, or something like that. They're not trying to disrupt anything. They're just showing up in large numbers to show that there are lots of them and they have a broad base of support, and to get people talking so passing whatever legislation it is will be more unpopular and therefore politically expensive.

[-] 1 points by OWSdoesnotwanttoruleUSA (2) 13 years ago

But here it is to send the message of hope to the suffering people of USA to grow in number so that one day we shall come millions at a time to change the system.

[-] 1 points by jdadler (2) 13 years ago

that's very sweet, but if you want to force a reaction, you're action must have consequences.

sitting in a park causes annoyance, occupying a bank causes problems.

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago