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Forum Post: Providing and Ability

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 8:15 p.m. EST by cubedemon (185)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I think conservatives do ask this one valid question. Should a person be forced to provide for another. The counterargument is what if they can't provide for themselves for whatever reason?

It seems like, both seem like valid questions. I will ask this. Is there a way for everyone to get what they need no matter what circumstances without forcing anyone to provide anyone anything? Could a society be set up like this in which both sides get what they want?



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[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

No, each side is greedy. People abuse the tax system just as much as people abuse government handouts and help.

[-] 0 points by SGSling (104) 13 years ago

Its a good question and really has no right answer. I tend to believe that every human being is responsible for themselves. However as a Christian I feel a strong obligation to always help those less fortunate. I guess I believe no person has any obligation to any other person, however if somebody has means they should voluntarily help others.

[-] 0 points by jsmith (22) 13 years ago

Human suffering, trumps any discussion of what is right and what is wrong. If a human is suffering, anywhere, we will take / steal any and everything - to alleviate his suffering- do i fucken make myself clear! training web page http://tinyurl.com/7rvpv43

[-] 1 points by SGSling (104) 13 years ago

Isn't that just called Fascism?

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Using force to make others help what you consider worthy is not a system of government. You are a retard.