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Forum Post: Proposal from an outside sympathizer

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 10:32 p.m. EST by rosen4 (5)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have not participated in the camps at all, but I was part of the march to the Port of Oakland. Like millions of people across the country -- most people, I believe -- I am grateful for what the Occupiers have done to shift the focus of the nation political discourse and to give voice to the frustration and sense of urgency we all feel about what is happening under the regime of capital.

A key to the broad support of the movement is its ecumenical nature. Any number of changes, shifts, baby steps short of completely overhauling the system are possible interim outcomes of the pressure this movement has created. Those of you serious about real lasting change have to realize (a) that incremental change in the short-term is necessary, and (b) that the the image of Black Bloc tactics doesn't merely erode but complete destroys the tissue that holds the broad support together.

Meanwhile, winter is coming, problems are arising at various camps, and cities are losing patience. Things could get very ugly, very fast. For all of these reasons I propose you consider something like the following (whether officially in the GA or in your conversations and personal decisions):

I think the Occupiers best move is to (a) declare victory for what they have done so far (raise awareness, give voice to national frustration, shift the national political debate), (b) voluntarily break down the camps for the winter, (c) set a date for big simultaneous marches in the Spring, (d) organize the hell out of said action, and (e) return to the camp sites in the spring with a push toward the election season.

I get that I have no earned voice in the decisions you make about what your next steps are, but I offer this reflection in earnest support, admiration, and gratitude.

David Rosenthal



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[-] 1 points by rosen4 (5) 13 years ago

I have posted this on a bunch of Occupy forums now. It sounds like an idea that is being kicked around in several places already. I hope some serious consideration will be given to something like it. Public support is beginning to wane with reports of deaths (related to the camps or not), health and safety issues (real or not), and the images of Black Bloc types (overblown or not). From "out here" the trajectory of the camps looks like a slow thinning due to weather, factionalism, and generalized weariness, soon to be followed by cops sweeping through and shutting it down. I really think a show of energy and unity, with a promise of more to come could revitalize public support and re-energize campers and supporters.

[-] 1 points by rosen4 (5) 13 years ago

The comments seem oddly out of order.

[-] 1 points by rosen4 (5) 13 years ago

@gnomunny -- I am glad to hear the idea has been thought of. I hope people in the camps around the country are hearing it and considering it too. Besides throwing some of the opposition for a loop, it would help some would-be allies in the city offices and boards (and there are some there!) to be more effective public champions of the movement.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Thank you for your opinion Dave. Such a strategy is being discussed by some of us. Personally, I must agree. And, like Leynna says, it would knock the opposition for a loop. The only thing missing is a way to keep the message in the public's eye throughout the winter without the need for the camps. I'm thinking high-visibility billboards might be a cost-effective way to do it.

[-] 1 points by rosen4 (5) 13 years ago

@gjarvi -- Oakland is my nearby camp, and frankly the way the local news looks, their about get swept by police. Doesn't look good, and I am not going down there tonight. Meanwhile, my hope in posting was that some folks in the camps -- folks with more credibility and voice in the core of the GA -- would read it, discuss it, and carry it or some part of it into the GA.

@byronx -- I'm not sure what you meant by "There shall be no election. Enough of that already." I am not suggesting anything about occupiers holding elections. I just meant that the occupy movement -- if still intact -- could have an impact on national congressional and even presidential elections as well as state ballot issues in 2012. Meanwhile, every little victory IS real.

[-] 1 points by PRJ (115) 13 years ago

Break camp> occupy foreclosures> organize locally> maintain support network>^what he said^

[-] 1 points by byronx (26) 13 years ago

Well taken and with respect. But... We shall stay. Winter, spring, summer or fall. We shall declare victory when it is real. We shall not breakdown the symbol of our movement. We shall plan out tactical actions for the future, including marches but not limited to. There shall be no election. Enough of that already.

[-] 0 points by journey4word (214) 13 years ago

no Election?

The original Democrat plan was for Obama, in 2016, to issue an Executive Order (without the consent of congress or the senate) to Abolish the Twenty-second Amendment. Thereby allowing his followers to continue to re-elect him term after term.

I see now the democrats have awakened from their self-glorifying fantasy and realize Americans wont re-elect Obama.

This must be the answer, just not have any elections.

[-] 1 points by gjarvi (63) 13 years ago

David, I recommend you attend a GA and make your proposal. This forum serves a purpose for sharing ideas, but yours is a valid proposal that you should share. I believe it is best done at a GA (General Assembly). I hope you do. Good luck.

[-] 1 points by rosen4 (5) 13 years ago

@gjarvi -- I understand your point, but I would say 3 things. First, I don't know how much you all in the camps realize the sympathy you have out here. Organizing for a big Spring event could be the biggest connecting action the movement has had so far. Second, I mean to suggest that ALL of the camps break down simultaneously with a return date and coordinated action set for Spring. It is a connected action not a separating one. Third, I fear from a realistic perspective "out here" that the camps will be closed by force soon. That would be a crushing, demoralizing circumstance. Far better would be to, as I say "declare victory."

[-] 1 points by gjarvi (63) 13 years ago

I find your comment thoughtful and sincere. However, I hesitate to support your idea because to break camp means to separate. To separate is dangerous to the movement. That is what the people in power want to do to OWS: de-camp, dis-band, separate. They feel threatened by the "mob", however peaceful we are. It is important to stay the course, though I do think there is room to consider aspects of your suggestions! If the winter turns brutal, there must be an alternative, and I think you offer thoughtful suggestions.

[-] 1 points by david19harness (87) 13 years ago


That's the title of a White House petition http://wh.gov/bhC Petitions receiving 25,000 votes in 30 days, are referred for evaluation followed by official White House statement.

[-] 0 points by Leynna (109) 13 years ago

Thank you for this info!

[-] 0 points by Leynna (109) 13 years ago

This is a great strategy!
To break in the middle of a protest with unifying strategy building sessions during the break is something that has never happened before in the history of demonstrations...because as it stands now, in my opinion, OWS is being very carefully molded by the powers that be, just as they have done throughout history. This would throw the Elite for a loop, which is a powerful tool not to be underestimated...anything to throw them off kilter is good. In the elites' minds, this protest is right on course, and if history is anything to go by...and it is....this protest is going to get ugly real soon! People WILL die. For safety's sake, I urge you to take heed of this gentleman's advice.

Your fellow human being

