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Forum Post: Proposal for a Timebank to facilitate OWS workgroups

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 10, 2011, 12:34 p.m. EST by jillturnerart (3)
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Re: Proposal for a Timebank to facilitate OWS workgroups

I realize combining Timebank and Human Resource Development (HRD) technology may seem too complicated, but I’m wondering if OWS has the technological expertise available within and outside our ranks to push for a Timebank experiment to increase inter-workgroup and information flow functioning.

Attached is an example of an HRD model - assessing levels of individual motivation in physical, emotional, and intellectual realms. These kinds of categories alone could be helpful in creating an OWS sub-group system which could make the massive amount of information about groups and events more accessible to people on and off line.

I would really appreciate brainstorming with people. Though the attached model says artistic potential it is the same for Human Potential and similar for organizational potential.




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[-] 2 points by travis7585 (2) from Foley, AL 12 years ago

Sounds really great! But where's the attachment? It wasn't with the e-mail you sent to the mailing list either, I don't believe.

[-] 1 points by jillturnerart (3) 12 years ago

Hi Travis,

I am still working on gathering people to consider an OWS timebank experiment. How do I contact you if you are interested?