Forum Post: Proof Of Organized Effort Against This Site.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 30, 2011, 12:42 a.m. EST by quantumystic
from Memphis, TN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
directly from un-occupy wallstreet. They're main source of communication is, from there they communicate events and strategies via the forum
The best way to stop the flow of communication is to post absolute nonsense on the forum.
Do not directly get into arguements with members on the forum or use hurtful language or pornographic content on their forum.
Examples of good nonsense posts:
They do not moderate their forum, this tactic will easily yield a 100% rate and will disrupt their communication.
The imposition of totalitarian practices upon those who will be free and facilitate the freedom of others. The actions of the attackers - who are clearly here - result in the need for heavy-handed policing of sites such as this. It requires the tracking of IP addresses, the banning of suspect accounts, the banning of specific IP addresses, the prevention of anonymous participation, etc. These are all measures that devolve into totalitarian control. The attackers are the enemies of freedom! Make no mistake - they hate us for our freedoms!
They are scared shitless. Let them show their fear through postings. OWS will prevail.
lets hit these trolls back his email sites that support his
I had a quick look at this facebook page. They seem to be attacked by the same trolls as what we are facing. Some people just want to stir up trouble for no reason, it seems.
Most of the contributors there seem to not like our ideas, and think we will be here today and gone tomorrow.
A bit like this forum?
"Most of the contributors there seem to not like our ideas, and think we will be here today and gone tomorrow."
I have no idea about the future. I do think the public is fed up with the banking executives, VPs, Directors of Credit Suisse, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, etc, giving themselves mega-bonuses whilst commiting massive fraud and bringing down the global economy.
no they don't
nwo trolls
@Thrasymaque I would say that posting explicit images of male genitalia while asserting that the site owner is a transgender woman is the height of violation of forum rules. But that's just me.
I absolutely agree. That's why I never did such a thing. Thrasymkay did. He was a poser posing as me and has been banned since he posted porn. Had I done such a thing, I would have been banned too.
If you don't believe me, please show evidence for your claims. Repeating the assumptions of others doesn't lead to the truth, only to a cesspool of lies.
Terribly sorry. My mistake. I can clearly see that now. Thank you so much for calling this to my attention. I humbly apologize.
COINTELPRO fake protests partner with MEDIA to distract from real protests. I believe the Greek protest is genuine. OCCUPY WALL STREET was timed to drown out the Greeks.
I think this because the Greeks had a specific demand last month in direct response to their government's sellout to the IMF. The Greek protest was saying 'Don't vote to accept this debt, traitors!'The "Occupy Wall Street" type protest is NON SPECIFIC.
CONINTELPRO handled protests don't make demands - they make 'statements'. Like, "STOP WAR! LEGALIZE POT! "Give us back our future!" and "Stop pollution!"
OCCUPY TOGETHER in the US and Canada are directed by C.A.N.V.AS., the same directors behind the Tunisian and Egyptian and 'Arab Spring' revolutions. They may look the same but the objectives are quite different. The objective in America and Canada is NOT to topple 'regimes'. C.A.N.V.AS. is backed by Council on Foreign Relations foundations like Carnegie Group and the Albert Einstein Institute and myriad other funnels of Public Union ( prison industry )
you are incorrect on everything but which think tanks want to destroy us.
Who is this us? CFR is not a think-tank its an old rich boyz club. CG, and AEI ditto. A think-tank is like STATFOR they just issue reports. The CFR is like GOD in the world in INTERNATIONAL long term planning and population-control.
Hey I'm a real anarchist, .. my point is that OWS is ran by the status quo, and thus there is NO hope of CHANGE.
I would LOVE to see a REAL GREEK "RIOT" protest come to the USA, that wasn't led by the FBI.
yes i am plugged in. and i am well aware however you are wrong about fbi and ows. and cfr considers itself a think tank. and now some membership lists you can poke around on these sites and get all the names you can handle make sure to look up trustees and board members i will give you members what not but you must put a little effort in.
Big Brother’s Clenched Fist Leads the Clueless
In America, our protests appear leaderless, ill-defined, and uncoordinated. To mask the central planning, the protests began small in a few cities before the national rollout proceeded, a common tactic of most marketing schemes. These protests are not leaderless. And their well-defined agenda can be derived from those manipulating the leaderless mobs behind the scenes.
Last July, Adbusters Media Foundation announced they were organizing a street protest to occupy Wall Street. Founded in 1989 by Kalle Lasn and Bill Schmalz, this Canadian firm describes itself as “a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators, and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age.” They are anti- Capitalism, anti-consumerism, pro-environment, and pro-violence.
Adbusters is financed through its magazine subscriptions, but it also received grants the last ten years totaling $185,000 from the Tides Foundation, which is partly financed by the mastermind of financial destabilization, George Soros. Soros announced his sympathy for the protestors and has committed his organizational and financial resources.
Soros’ has organized liberal protest movements in the past and urged its members to join the “occupying” protests. has also promoted an Internet-based demonstration in conjunction with Rebuild the Dream, another radical group financed by Soros and led by Van Jones. Van Jones was President Obama’s former Green Jobs Czar, who resigned when his past extremism was exposed. In an e-mail to its supporters, MoveOn predicted, “Together, we’ll add hundreds of thousands of voices of solidarity from the American Dream Movement for the protests across the country and show just how widespread outrage at the Wall Street banks really is.”
Van Jones is a central planner using his front group Rebuild the Dream among others. In a speech to the Soros funded Center for American Progress, he compared our protests to the Arab Spring. “They had the Arab spring, which was a people-powered, non-violent opportunity to change the conversation in those countries. We should have an American Autumn, people-powered, non-violent.”
David DeGraw of AmpedStatus is another central player who spent the last three years trying to organize protests in America against the international bankers. As his website was attacked and knocked offline, the loosely led hacker group, Anonymous, approached him covertly and helped salvage his work and website. DeGraw organized a protest to begin against Wall Street on Flag Day, June 14th. Anonymous also announced “Operation Empire State Rebellion” to begin June 14th. When that fizzled, DeGraw teamed with Adbusters to coordinate the September attack.
Suppose you came to a revolution, but found out the guy's running the revolution were worse than the guys already running your life? Who would you put your fight behind?
I think its time we step back and "THINK GREEK" and bring a real revolution to the streets of the USA.
OWS is an FBI honey-pot.
This explains a lot.
Hey. Lighten up. The thread "Why not occupy the North Pole" is quite funny actually. It is a bit of light Christmas relief.
As for trolling, there will always be a few people who try to annoy others for whatever reason. This happens with all forums. This one does not have so many, actually.
roger, good job exposing this
thanks i am trying
A little too hard ?!! ~{:-p)
haters gonna hate.
I'm not a h8er but I do question the use of just copying THEIR SH!T over to here, d'you know what I mean ?!
no i dont i was exposing them.
.. it works. :( but. I am still here. I am not going anywhere.
I think all forums open forums must fight spam. The sports threads are indeed spam. They are just trying to sell something.
no this started when that site went online. but here send the douchebag an email
I knew there was one anti OWS site, but had never seen this new one until today. The exposed site has been around for months.
Any forum I have posted on gets threads like the sports one. The rest of it I think is just kids. I really don't think there is some secret group of rich computer posters launching an assault of this site.
no i think these are paid think tank trolls do you see all the posts????
Yeah, but I just assumed that it was just what this movement talks about. There are paid to post firms, but they are used to kick-start new forums. This site is not lacking traffic.
Yes, send them an e-mail so they can add you to their contact list. Dumbass.
if you are dumb enough to email them from your regular email account that is on you. but if everyone flooded their email that would be nice.
Big deal. It would take less than 1 second to delete 1000 e-mails.
But better yet, he could collect all of the addys and pass them around.
there might be some viruses in
Well, what I do once I get to the forum page is I keep scrolling down until I have today's and yesterday's posts all lined up. Then, I select all and copy, then I go paste it to an email to myself, open it up and pick 4 to 7 posts with titles that really grab my eye and read through those and sometimes respond to.
Saves a bunch of time and most of the time I am able to stay away from the questionable type of posts but sometimes it's fun to view the more lighthearted digressions now and then in the face of the current status quo...
Björk - Big Time Sensuality (Official Music Video)
Why is there no moderation? It seems quite normal that a site would descend into the abyss of spam if left unmoderated. Haven't we already seen this zillions of times on the Internet? I don't blame the spammers as much as I blame the absent moderators.
but yet they will instantly kick you off chat if you say one word they don't like or agree with very strange. i feel like the same trolls some how are mods in chat.
There is not that much disruption here.
Are we using the same site, or do you enjoy links to TV shows about Kardashians and lame conspiracy theories?
Not particularly. There are plenty of people in the Occupy Movement that believe in the conspiracy theories. I personally don't. As for the Kardashians, my daughter loves the show, along with something called "Toddlers and Tiaras". I think she loves the send up of American society, just like she loves "Absolutely Fabulous" as a send up of the English. The Scots have "Naked Video" and "Taggart" (aye - I think that'll be murrrrdarrrr)", but we won't go there. :)
For anyone that "believes" in conspiracy theories, there are other forums to discuss those things.
Alright, I'll be sure to post about Kardashians this week and send you some private messages about these types of shows. You can pass them on to your daughter. WARNING: I'll be heavily flooding your message box. Don't worry, Kardashians are not spam. Your daughter likes them.
As for conspiracy theories, they contravene rule #2 of this forum. If there are plenty of people in OWS who believe in conspiracy theories, that means OWS has a major problem on its hands. It should try to solve it by promoting logical thought instead of abysmal fantasy mumbo jumbo.
Not really. The Occupy Movement is made up of many individuals. You or I cannot control what everyone thinks, and nor should we. There will also be varying points of view. That is normal also.
I don't want to control what people think. I want the moderators to control what people post. They published forum rules. I assume this was for a reason. If they don't want to moderate, then they should remove those rules. The moderators should be honest about their intentions.
I don't consider spamming links to free TV shows as being thinking. I guess we have a different definition of what constitutes the thinking process.
OWS will die in a sea of illogical thoughts and spam. It's really too bad.
At this point, I guess I should tell my friends they can use this forum to advertise their products. I have a couple of friends selling jewelry and clothes online. This site might be a good marketing venue. You seem to be saying that this would be fine. By your username, I assume you have some authority in OWS. Would this be OK?
No. I am ust a poster like you, and a member of the Occupy Movement. I don't have "authority", and it is probable that noone else has either, as OWS doesn't work like that. Rather than making a point as to what could happen, it is better to wait and see what does happen, and react to that. To my mind, any disruption has been minimal. I don't think the OWS Movement has meany real enemies. The banking executives consider us a a "bit of a joke". We must persist and prove them wrong about that.
"wait and see what does happen" - I think we've already done that, and we've seen what happens. Banking system collapses, economy crashes, nobody is held accountable and there is anarchy in the streets. We are all part of what happens next. Do we let this movement descend into an abysmal mess or try to make it better and stronger?
The people running the server have the authority. They make many decisions for you and the rest of the protesters. For example, this domain is owned by Kalle Lasn of Adbusters. He is responsible in part for what exists on this site. If someone were to post illegal material for example, he would be responsible to make sure it gets deleted. If not, he would be brought to court, not all the protesters.
Right. I have nothing to do with the running of this server. You obviously know more about the "ins and outs" than me. You seem to be keen to "up" the moderation of the forum. Are you also a supporter of the Occupy Movement?
I don't support the idea that a political revolution is needed to fix the problems of America or many other countries like Canada, so, no, I don't support OWS. We definitely need a protest that identifies the many problems in today's governments, but I would favor one that tries to work within the system structure. I still believe in the republic.
I'm not trying to "up" the moderation on this forum. And, even if I wanted to, there is no moderation to "up". This site has become an absolute free for all. Let's talk about Kardashians shall we?
The OWS people are not wanting political revolution either. That is why the anger is directed at bank officials, the chairmen who are robbing the stockholders blind, giving mega bonuses to gamblers who take no risks with their own money. I agree that there are some mathematical geniuses in banking, who certainly deserve to make a lot of money for themselves. Unfortunately, their bosses take the bonuses and also loud mouthed bullies who don't know a lot, and lose in the long run. The banking industry needs to be sorted out. Otherwise, it will bring the whole economy down, and maybe ruin the USA itself. This will not be the fault of any revolution, but the greed of bank executives, who will still have their money, even if the USA goes down. They don't care. They are traitors anyway.
Then they shouldn't post on all their sites that they do. You should talk about this in your general assemblies.
Why have honest and productive participants been banned, while you remain here? Are you part of a gate-keeping cabal?
No. I'm a productive participant that does not break the forum rules. That's probably why I'm still around.
The mods are self-proclaimed Anarchists! What did you expect?
They took the time to post forum rules. I expect them to moderate the forum to make sure those rules are respected, or to simply remove the rules. They should be clear about their intentions.
The 9/11 Consensus Points
Factual Evidence Contradicts the 9/11 Story
The official account of the events of September 11, 2001, has been used:
to justify the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; which have resulted in the deaths of millions of people;
to authorize torture, military tribunals, and extraordinary rendition; and
to suspend freedoms guaranteed by the American Constitution such as habeas corpus in the USA, and similar freedoms in Canada, the UK, and other countries.
The official claims regarding 9/11 are contradicted by facts that have been validated by a scientific consensus process, and which include the following points of “best evidence”:
Point 1: A Claim Regarding Osama Bin Laden
The Official Account
Osama bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
The Best Evidence
The FBI did not list 9/11 as one of the terrorist acts for which Osama bin Laden is wanted. When asked why, Rex Tomb, when he was the head of investigative publicity for the FBI, stated that the FBI had no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.
Also, although Secretary of State Colin Powell, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and the 9/11 Commission promised to provide evidence of Bin Laden’s responsibility for the 9/11 attacks, they also failed.
Point 2: A Claim about the Destruction of the Twin Towers: Impact, Jet Fuel, and Fire Only
The Official Account
The Twin Towers were brought down by airplane impacts, jet fuel, and office fires.
The Best Evidence
Experience, based on physical observation and scientific knowledge, shows that office fires, even with the aid of jet fuel, could not have reached temperatures greater than 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit (1,000 degrees Celsius). But multiple scientific reports show that metals in the Twin Towers melted. These metals included steel, iron, and molybdenum – which normally do not melt until they reach 2,700˚F (1482˚C), 2,800˚F (1538˚ C), and 4,753˚F (2,623˚C), respectively.
Point 3: A Claim about the Destruction of the Twin Towers: Impact, Fire, and Gravity Only
The Official Account
The Twin Towers were destroyed by three and only three causes: the impacts of the airliners, the resulting fires, and gravity.
The Best Evidence
During the destruction of the Twin Towers, huge sections of the perimeter steel columns, weighing many tons, were ejected horizontally as far as 500 to 600 feet, as seen in multiple photographs and maps. These high-speed ejections of heavy structural members cannot be explained by the fires, the pull of gravity, or the airplane impacts (which had occurred about an hour earlier).
Human bone fragments approximately 1 cm long were found in abundance on the roof of the Deutsche Bank following the Towers’ destruction, which further points to the use of explosives. Pancaking or tamping of floors from above would tend to trap bodies, not hurl splintered bones over 500 feet horizontally.
Point 4: A Claim Excluding Explosions in the Twin Towers
The Official Account
NIST wrote as if no one – including members of the Fire Department of New York – gave evidence of explosions in the Twin Towers.
The Best Evidence
Over 100 of the roughly 500 members of the FDNY who were at the site that day reported what they described as explosions in the Twin Towers. Similar reports were given by journalists, police officers, and WTC employees.
Point 5: A Second Claim Excluding Explosions in the Twin Towers
The Official Account
On 9/11, the Twin Towers came down because of damage produced by the impact of the planes combined with fires ignited by the jet fuel. After burning for 101 and 56 minutes, respectively, the north and south towers came down rapidly but without the aid of explosives.
The Best Evidence
The Twin Towers were built to withstand the impacts of airliners having approximately the size and speed of those that struck them. And office fires, even if fed by jet fuel (which is essentially kerosene), could not have weakened the steel structure of these buildings sufficiently to collapse as suddenly as they did. Only the top sections of these buildings were damaged by the impacts and the resulting fires, whereas their steel structures, much heavier towards the base, were like pyramids in terms of strength. So the official account, which ruled out explosives, cannot explain why these buildings completely collapsed.
Point 6: The Claim that WTC 7 Collapsed from Fire Alone
The Official Account
NIST originally suggested that WTC 7 was brought down by structural damage combined with a raging fire fed by diesel fuel. However, in its Final Report (of November 2008), NIST declared that neither diesel fuel nor structural damage played a role in this building’s collapse, and that this building, which was not struck by a plane, was brought down by fire alone.
The Best Evidence
Before or after 9/11, no steel-frame high-rise building had ever collapsed due to fire. If fire were to cause such a building to collapse, the onset would be gradual, whereas the videos show that WTC 7, after being completely stable, suddenly came down in virtual free fall. This building’s straight-down, symmetrical collapse, with the roofline remaining essentially horizontal, shows that all 82 of WTC 7’s support columns had been eliminated by the time the top started down.... To read more go here
Point 7: The Claim in NIST’s Draft Report that WTC 7 Did Not Come Down at Free Fall Acceleration
The Official Account
Having denied for years that WTC 7 came down at free fall acceleration, NIST repeated this position in August 2008, when it issued a report on WTC 7 in the form of a Draft for Public Comment.
Shyam Sunder, the head of NIST’s WTC project, said – speaking within the framework of its claim that the building was brought down by fire – that free fall would have been physically impossible.
The Best Evidence
Scientific analysis by mathematician David Chandler shows that WTC 7 came down in absolute free fall for a period of about 2.25 seconds. NIST’s Draft for Public Comment had been challenged by Chandler and Dr. Steven Jones in a public review, and NIST then re-analyzed the fall of WTC 7.
In its Final Report, NIST provided a detailed analysis and graph that conceded that WTC 7 came down at free-fall acceleration for over 100 feet, or about 2.25 seconds, consistent with the findings of Chandler and Jones.
Point 8: The Claim in NIST’s Final Report that WTC 7 Came Down in Free Fall Without Explosives
These are facts, not theories. They don't accuse anyone of a conspiracy, they ask questions based upon facts. The events under discussion here are very relevant to the concerns of Occupy, and I am quite certain that many Occupiers are in agreement that the official 911 story, with all its twists and turns is the biggest crapload of conspiracy theorism there is.
There are conspiracy theory forums for this topic.
You and everybody need to just quit gatekeeping! What schizoprenia hath wrought a people's revolution that is NOT concerned with government openly murdering its own people, whether true or not?!
The topic is of such importance, being that governments exist under the CONSENT of the goverened, that if there be ANY question, then those discussions DO have a place here, whether you like it or not, and whether the owners of the site like it or not.
If they choose to systematically remove these posts and comments, or tolerate the childish defacing of them by Greek pontificators, then that will only reflect poorly upon them as censors and expose their biases.
How do you know that OWS didn't create unoccupywallstreet just so they could start posting it all over the place to show "Proof" that it is being attacked? Seems to me that it would be the exact same thing that OWS claims happens against it all the time. Why would one believe that one side would do it and the otherside wouldn't? It's a plausable idea to try to drum up support through the sympathy vote.
How do you know pink dragons don't exist?
Because those who bring up extraordinary claims of this sort have the burden of proof to provide extraordinary evidence.
We shouldn't believe in this idea for the same reason we shouldn't believe in Reptilian Overlords. Without proof, there is no reason to believe. I don't have blind faith in anything. I think it's illogical and a waste of time. Plausibilities don't interest me. It's plausible that you're a mexican midget porn actor working with donkeys, but I don't want to waste my time building a theory around this lame idea.
If you want to research your wild idea, be my guess. Get a MatLock suit, a pipe, and a monocle and start your investigation. Just make sure you don't use a cane or you'll look more like Mr. Peanut than a serious investigator. There's a fine line between these two characters.
Mexican midget porn actor! You are too funny!
The Importance of September 11, 2001
“September 11, 2001 seems destined to be the watershed event of our lives and the greatest test for our democracy in our lifetimes. The evidence of government complicity in the lead-up to the events, the failure to respond during the event, and the astounding lack of any meaningful investigation afterwards, as well as the ignoring of evidence turned up by others that renders the official explanation impossible, may signal the end of the American experiment. It has been used to justify all manner of measures to legalize repression at home and as a pretext for behaving as an aggressive empire abroad. Until we demand an independent, honest, and thorough investigation and accountability for those whose action and inaction led to those events and the cover-up, our republic and our Constitution remain in the gravest danger.”
Lt. Col. Shelton F. Lankford, US Marine Corps (ret.)
The Purpose of the 9/11 Consensus Panel
The purpose of the 9/11 Consensus Panel is to provide the world with a clear statement, based on expert independent opinion, of some of the best evidence opposing the official narrative about 9/11.
The Authority of the 9/11 Consensus Panel
The Consensus Points were derived from a Delphi survey of over 20 expert panelists, who, blind to each other’s identities and responses, ranked each proposed point on a scale of 1-6 through three rounds of review and feedback.
The Delphi Method is a standard consensus tool which uses an established methodology to advance scientific knowledge in fields such as medicine. The ranked Consensus Points have thus achieved at least 90% agreement by over 20 people. (This is considered a high percentage in scientific literature.)
Together with the professional video-clip accompanying each Point, this controlled survey of Panel Members should help to reduce the confusion and controversy concerning the events of 9/11, and to thereby embolden the media to deal with both sides of the issue.
The Consensus Points are also supported by a comprehensive list of documented references in the form of witness testimonies, oral histories of firefighters, early newspaper and television reports, and scholarly books and articles.
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