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Forum Post: "Proof" of Corruption in Both "Parties"

Posted 10 years ago on Aug. 15, 2013, 6:47 a.m. EST by TropicalDepression (-45)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I dont think anyone here in occupy really needs to look much farther than the fact that Dems and Reps both SHUT IT DOWN.

What is a bigger slap in the face to the occupy movement than actually shutting it down?

Sure, theres a ton of issues that continue to happen despite it - banker crime, war, bailouts, etc.

But what more proof does one need than the very people they voted for told them they dont matter?

After the last few on the right and left are done making as much noise as possible and clinging to these shameful and deceitful parties, they will join the other 80% of americans who are sick of it all and we can get 100% unity moving forward.

Its coming, but its not coming quick enough.



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[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 10 years ago

The libertopians will save us..............

The green party will save us.........

You know, J. There are actual people that you need to pay attention to. There is actual legislation that you need to pay attention to. There are actual court decisions that you need to pay attention to.


And not a word from you on the above.

[-] 0 points by TropicalDepression (-45) 10 years ago

I wasnt aware anyone else here knew any of em. Susie has been at it for a very long time. Her best moment was the RNC hearings when she held up that piece of string. But no, I wasnt there for that.

This is something else local thats getting a lot of attention from activists


Then we have the kid who was tased and killed by the cops last week for spray painting. His friends said the cops laughed.

Bradley Manning in general doesnt get too much play here. Someone here asked for some proof that Dems were corrupted, so I thought I'd give it to em.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 10 years ago

Bradly Manning gets hella play here. As does Florida.

[-] 0 points by TropicalDepression (-45) 10 years ago

BM not really. Your post a couple weeks ago on it got like 4 comments. About 4 more than some of mine have on him:




Yes, Florida does get a lot of play here.

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 10 years ago

First of all it's summer. Second of all there is not much to have been said until the protests and the sentencing.