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Forum Post: profit donation capitalism as a new democratic global economy

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 10:35 p.m. EST by georgeortega (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

i just heard tonight's (11-26) ga in nyc where they reached consensus on seeding a co-op with $6,000 so that it can serve as a low cost printer for occupy information dissemination. I hope we expand this bold move, and replace our entire current capitalism with a new global economy that can empower us, the 99%, to decide where profit from our product purchases goes. check out http://profitdonationcapitalism.org/

we can sell sell anything they, the 1%, can, and ensure that the profits go to the causes of the 100% instead of to the 1%, all within a completely legal and democratic framework. let's fund our global occupy revolution of the 99% through profit-donating businesses, and then ramp our effort up to compete with all products now owned, controlled and marketed by the 1%.



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