Forum Post: Privilege, If it happened it was obviously just a natural action
Posted 11 years ago on July 27, 2013, 9:25 p.m. EST by windyacres
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
an action that resulted in an efficient way to dominate markets ensuring huge amounts of money for the connected. 147 companies where enough of the important positions are controlled by this conglomerate through clever interlocking directors that give them the advantage of a casino over the world.
If this conglomerate exists, OWS should be continuously exposing the actions of these privileged, OWS should be experts on the subject until equality is agreed upon.
This conglomerate controls the MSM. We should discuss this conglomerate daily if it is indeed true, and whether it puts them in position to be the world's casino.
..."OWS should be continuously exposing the actions of these [corrupted] privleged, OWS should be experts on the subject..."
I agree windy whole-heartedly, and I think that is being done both here and on the street
On the latter, there have been many teach-ins in NYC, people holding conversations, and using social media to form alliances with the realization, the epiphany in some cases that our grievances are all connected...and what binds us is far more powerful than what has divided us
To put simply, the connection is that we have a government that answers to corporate and banking interests first and foremost
And on this forum there are many good posters who bring the corruption of our political and financial sytems to light...shadz66 being one of the best
Although I think at one time or another, anyone who has been here a while has been critical of this forum, it has always been a wonderful place to learn
And although I strongly disagree with some of the posters here in how we should progress this movement, i have learned from them as well
Our grievances are all connected, they are what binds us, and it's simply that our government answers to banking and corporate interests, not the rest of us.
The Elite are powerless if we ever join together, (forget divisive issues temporarily), and unite! Could all of OWS unite around even Love? Then Equality, then Justice, then Freedom!
One of the surest ways to keep people from joining together against a corrupt government is to divide the people themselves in such a way that they cannot cooperate and compare notes. This forum has created a path to cross those artificial divides, for it becomes clear which discussions are strictly fear-driven regurgitation of the lies that do not stand up to the light of reason, and which are generally thoughtful ideas about how to do things differently.
It is not clear to me that this forum, "has created a path to cross those artificial divides", because the divides are mentioned again instead of agreeing to unify against the conglomerate.
There are wonderful ideas I have enjoyed reading about future governance models, but the conglomerate is a monster that must be slayed first.
And therein lies the problem. 48 of the top 50 corporations in that list of 147 are financial institutions that have made most of their money thru speculations. In other words, not by direct sales to consumers. So what would be an effective strategy to slay such a beast? Boycotts of corporations like Walmart would only be a very small piece of a strategy. They make money on commodities, but the masses depend on commodities for their survival. They speculate on housing, but the masses will continue to buy houses and pay their mortgages. They have to.
Got any ideas yet?
Make the promotion of cooperatives along with public banking a patriotic issue. Where there's a public demand, there will be a market supply. Cooperatives that already exist will grow while new cooperatives will be formed to meet the consumer demands of the public. People will continue to buy houses and pay their mortgages but they will be paying their mortgages to credit unions. Corporations and financial institutions will still exist but state banks will shelter the public from the ill effects of private speculation while municipal initiatives can be passed to greatly reduce the power of corporations within cities. If cooperatives can be promoted as a patriotic preference for the general public, political sentiment will follow consumer demand.
I like that Leo. I have to say, you're a definite asset to this forum. I need to write some of these ideas down because I've been contemplating what it would take to battle such a large super-entity. It seems quite daunting at first glance.
I'm bookmarking this so I can give it more thought tomorrow.
A list of 5 types of initiatives that can be passed at the municipal level for limiting the ill effects of corporations can be found here
Thanks Leo. I remember that when you first posted it, but this time I've bookmarked it as well.
I'm just going to have break down and buy me a new ink cartridge so I can print some of this out. I like having hard copies.
I've just come across and posted this article.
Imagine something like this catching on throughout the country due to a persistent patriotic campaign to promote public banking.
Two excellent and enlightening articles, LY. And the idea for public banking may take off not so much from a patriotic campaign as much as the need for sheer economic survival. Either way, as the Bank of North Dakota proves, it's a viable and proven concept.
The second article was highly informative. I was unaware of how common 'complementary currencies' were, in fact, aside from Bitcoin, I didn't even know they existed. It seems like it's another proven concept that could help us transition to a sustainable world.
I also bookmarked this comment from you so I could go back thru the links:
We may have a lot of the answers we need, we just have to put all the pieces together.
Without a sustained campaign to increase people's awareness and focus their attention, I doubt that the sheer need for economic survival will have an impact as people will remain either oblivious or apathetic to the situation. Unfortunately, people seem to feel a need to be apart of the latest popularized trend to be publicly motivated. A primary example is the Move Your Money effort that received a lot of popularity in conjunction with the beginning of Occupy but in the past two years hasn't resulted in the masses moving their money out of the big banks. One would think that the masses would do it out of sheer individual self-interest but it has yet to happen. It is mind boggling to observe that individual self-interest actually has to be popularized as a group thing in order to get people to act towards their own greater good. It is a sad reflection upon the words of George Washington when he had said
"Experience has taught us, that men will not adopt and carry into execution measures the best calculated for their own good, without the intervention of a coercive power."
That Washington quote echoes other quotes from various luminaries that pretty much say the same thing. I was trying to find the quote from one of science fiction's big names that says something to the effect that a very small minority will get involved but the masses will generally be complacent with the chains that hold them down. I could've swore it was Asimov but checking quotes of his I couldn't find it.
But I'm in agreement. If left to the local officials to do this, like in the SF case, it almost certainly won't move fast enough to keep the TBTFs from bribing officials to make it illegal. In fact, since it already showed up on TruthOut, they're probably moving to do just that.
They certainly have no intention of giving up their power willingly.
Got that one bookmarked already. But that reminds me, I need to bookmark the one above, I got completely distracted earlier. Thanks LY.
Edit: I see, the one above is a link to the Geo. Washington quote. No need to bookmark it then. :-)
Edit #2: I see, heheheh. The Asimov quote I was looking for earlier. You're good LY. Thanks again.
Nationalize the banks. Any profits would go to the general fund.
That would be a damn good start.
Same as before - dump the mega monster banks and go local. Cut up your credit cards and return to cash and carry. This along with boycotting the mega monster stores and mega monster franchise fast food and and and.
A lot of that could be accomplished with 5 types of municipal initiatives. Stores could be no bigger than the biggest local store. Franchise outlets would be limited to one per 50,000 or more of the local population. Offshore products could only come from native owned retail businesses (obstructing corporations that seek to manufacture offshore for cheap resources and labor). Private companies would be barred from managing public services. And perhaps most important of all, all profits from a business would have to be kept in a local bank account thereby remaining apart of the local economy instead of being transferred to some corporate headquarters where a corporation would then have a disproportionate amount of wealth to concentrate on any situation to dominate at other's expense.
Yep. Plus restore Glass-Steagal, corps aren't people, etc.
Glass steagal kept banks from casino gambling with deposits.....Citizens United made corps people from a political contribution viewpoint. Corps have been people for a century in certain aspects of law
"Corps have been people for a century in certain aspects of law."
That's true. But when that was done a century or so ago, it was done rather underhandedly. I'd have to reread the details but the courts used a rather questionable interpretation of a Constitutional amendment that was supposed to benefit African Americans.
Glass-Steagal - more power to Elizabeth Warren.
Yep, good people in positions of power are few and far between, aren't they? I think you could just about count them on one hand.
Seems like it = " I think you could just about count them on one hand. "
Those are the ones who do a good job of reaching out or trying to reach out to the public with good issues for the public to support.
How many are there really? Admittedly I don't pay enough attention, but I can only think of a couple right off. Her and Bernie are the only ones that come to mind.
It is hard to say - for most of em - but except for that monsatan debacle - al and amy have been trying to support good issues for the people - then there is the guy that introduced the latest attempt at passing OSTA ( repub ) but I don't know anything other then that about his record.
Would make it nice if the people could weigh in on what is important to them and in which direction they want it to go ( Direct Democracy - not Direct Demockery ). Failure to comply by the representatives of those constituents = BOOT - IMMEDIATE - *BOOT from office.
But the people can weigh in. Trans-Partisan Cooperative Voting would enable the people to hold elected officials legally accountable while using this process to pass Amendment 5 would enable the people to overturn any unpopular decisions made by government. If the people should truly desire a more direct democracy after gaining the national initiative, they can then consider the establishment of the Democratic Congress Through cooperation, the people have the ability to overcome the Constitutional restrictions that keep the corporaticians in political power. They have only to desire to cooperate to see it done.
Yes what you speak of is possible - right now - but is made difficult ( near impossible ) to actually do. There is nowhere for an individual to lodge a complaint - voice a remedy - have their input recorded collated added to other such complaints - tabulated - and then acted upon.
It is left to a struggle for finding/building an organization - that then can not plain and cleanly present the issue and remedy - NO - then that organization has to collect petition signatures to present - just to be heard.
All people have to do is use Trans-Partisan Cooperative Voting to make sure that any elected candidate will have a website set up in which the registered voters of that congressional district, regardless of party affiliation, will be able to vote on which way the elected candidate is to vote on any given issue. The website would allow for the voters to discuss the issues in a forum and vote upon ideas offered for the elected candidate to bring forth. The voters can easily unite to do this but doing so would mean an actual democratic process in which issues favored by the elected candidate's party could fail to be supported and many voters would probably prefer the certainty of support of their party issues rather than leaving them to the uncertain support of a democracy.
Everyday people?
Well there are those that have theirs and that is all they care about.
There are those who have theirs and do care about others ( a minority group in their position ).
There are those who have been brain washed ( including individuals of all groups ) into thinking that it is not their place to do anything as they are not smart enough to tackle social issues.
There are the poor and they damn well do care but have little power other than numbers on voting day - very few who organize - very few with access to information - so a lot of their want/intent is wasted.
There are the poor and not so poor who are just plainly beaten down by life.
But if a system could be put in place for the everyday person to plug into and make their voice heard - and have it make a difference - well I think many things would change.
Yes, things would indeed change. The only question is, would people really want it. Trans-Partisan Cooperative Voting is the way to find out because if people are unwilling to come together for even their common interests, they will certainly be unwilling to come together for allowing their specific interests to be democratically at risk. If the people have a trans-partisan interest in setting up a democratic congressional district in which the elected candidate has signed an affidavit to consistently abide by the online polled will of the voters, it is certainly within the power of the people to bring it about.
You wouldn't be meaning those wealthy individuals and non-living that are in charge now? Would You?
I mean everyday people. Everyday people who have biases and concerns that they may rather have supported with certainty upon the election of their party candidate instead of still having those concerns at risk due to the input of an opposing party and independent voters.
When the Republican party engages in actions to legally supress the votes of certain voters, it's not as if they're doing it in opposition to the desires of the everyday people who vote for them. People love to be politically correct in claiming to be all for democracy and equal rights but when it pertains to issues they feel to be of significant importance to them, less democracy for restraining an opposition perspective becomes all so acceptable.
I do not see why not. I mean there are millions ( billions ? ) of on-line monetary transactions on a daily basis. Why not for something as important as DEMOCRACY ?
Because people are not always as favorable towards democracy as they would like to claim to be.
I definitely agree with that last comment. Failure to comply with the wishes of your constituents, out the door you go. Why should that job not have to abide by the rules of any other job? You don't do your job, you're FIRED.
Exactly - responsibility accountability - live up to the oath of office.
Whatever they do?
They don't allow conclusions.
Always insert doubt.
Admittedly windy, I had not read your thread before responding to your last comment
Enough people, but not "all of OWS could unite around...Love...then Equality, then Justice, then Freedom!" Anyone who is here for altruistic reasons, and most are I believe..could unite around those very worthy goals
It should be our job to reach-out to the unaware, or people who feel powerless... through knowledge and I believe that it should be done in our everyday lives as much as possible
For what it's worth from me, you are doing a great job at this with this thread and your thoughtful comments. You are a wonderful addition to this forum
Thanks, I'm glad you're back from Alaska.
Thanks 2 u 2 & y'r welcome...'ceptin 4 missing my granddaughter, it's good to be moose or bear 2 worry about here
New world order conglomerate.
A large percentage could be unconsciously acting on behalf of the NWO. The party could have been created to harbor them.
Oh noZZ!!
Agenda 21 too!
No doubt!!! Glenn Beck!!!
Did I just compromise his trade mark??
What is more significant is whether a handful of people who inhabit a brief space in time can unseat them. Because I don't think we can. And so we cling to those political powers as if they are saviors... You can't win a war with political ideology, you can only win as united force of opposition. And if we are to be those who stand against, those who say we don't like what you're about, well then we're relatively conservative individuals.
I agree that the significance is whether we can ,"unseat them", or not. I believe it will take more than a handful of people to accomplish the Equality desire. I do not suffer from clinging to, those political powers as if they are saviors". If the true story is revealed and proves financial advantages were created, would the world's people allow it to continue? We certainly shouldn't!
I'm not big on America's equality; it's a rather perverse and slanted vision.
America's equality is actually inequality, complete with privilege for a price.
All People are Equal when justice is established and Rule of Law applies to everyone.
Here's the pdf to that study for anyone interested:
Here's a great article;
That's a great article. I just got the opportunity to read it a few nights ago. That's the article that reminded me of the super-conglomerate, because someone had posted the New Scientist article about that study sometime last year, I think. I don't think it got much attention the first time around, so I'm glad you decided to bring it up again. Repetition is a good thing when it comes to important information.
someone should transcribe that to text
Anyone interested in a hard copy can just print it out. But if you mean so the forum can read it, it's 36 pages. So it's way too long for a post, I think.
Journalists should make the 147 companies well known. All big banks, all of the MSM, and the Fed are all part of this conglomerate. It is not just in the US. All hail Democracy or they will take everything. Explaining the bow tie method of controlling more than half the world's earnings appears to be complicated. Some interesting common sense conclusions in the report.
It definitely needs a wider audience. Maybe I should go thru it and find some good excepts to post back here. I had trouble with it loading a while back, though. My computer froze up when I was on page four and I had to reboot.
The recent TruthOut articles that LeoYo has been posting entitled 'The Global Power Project' are a worthy complement to this story since each section names names and the connections they have with various agencies and institutions. Here's part 7, with links to the first six:
I think a widespread understanding of these connections is vital in order for the activists, and the masses in general, to fully understand the scope of the problem and the sheer power the opposition wields. We are, after all, in a full-blown class war. The multitude just doesn't realize it yet:
I believe the MSM not reporting more about this is telling. This should be a interesting story and would make fantastic profits for media to report it, but they don't report it. The multitude may begin to realize we have to handle the truth.
The MSM ignoring stories like this is a no-brainer since they're essentially part of that mega-conglomerate. Alternative news sources need to prosper and proliferate. Technology has been killing newsprint slowly, now the same thing needs to happen with so-called TV news. As television slowly merges with the internet, that may begin to happen, hopefully.
Their most important secret is the MSM. They don't want people to find out about this Santa Claus. People still mistakenly believe they personally can keep up with current events, and their friends and coworkers have all heard the same things. Their conclusions are based on incomplete stories and they are misled.
Absolutely true. What passes for news today is heavily filtered and heavily biased. Check out this bit from the Conan O'Brien show from a couple years ago. You have to fast-forward to 1:10 to get the gist of it. But it's a good indicator that what passes for news today is heavily scripted and comes from very limited sources:
That was funny. I lost count of how many newscasters said exactly the same words. Scripted from limited, controlled sources.
I believe many people get their understanding of an issue by the way the subject is handled by the late night comedians.
Yep, as long as they have a modicum of intelligence, I guess. The dumbed-down masses will just see it as comedy, but the smarter ones will be able to see the truth in the humor. You have to be able to read between the lines.
You can extrapolate from that video link that the news if fed to us in the same way...easily digestible and not meant to challenge us with any need to think
That's true. Critical thinking is definitely not allowed here. Television in general is a good example of that. Channels that used to be filled with documentaries and informative shows are now dominated by "reality TV." The Learning Channel is a good example. Instead of shows that we might actually learn something from, we're subjected to "Long Island Medium," a reality show about a psychic. We get "Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo," "Surviving the In-Laws," and "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant."
No wonder we're the laughing stock of much of the world.
TV is filled with a bunch of crap. I've been back from AK for over a week now, and i have not turned the television on
When i do look at the news, i do so with lots of skepticism
I would like to see some of Bill Moyer's shows again, and other PBS shows that take on contorversial issues, if they still do that and that is a big... IF
I've heard twice now that our government has pressured Al Jazeera on the way they have been reporting the news
I don't watch much TV either. I start the day watching the Weather Channel. I might watch something on the Science Channel or History Channel every now and then. When I'm on the computer I usually have either Turner Classic Movies or a music channel for background noise. I don't watch the news, but have caught The Young Turks at times.
That's an interesting comment about Al Jazeera. I don't doubt it considering how critical they are of us. And rightfully so. Same goes with RT.
i swear the government uses pdf
to slow internet data mining
Well, I have a hell of a time trying to get pdf's to load straight off the internet. I have to download them, then reopen them with Adobe Reader.
we don't all have printers
I can relate. I have one but the color cartridge side is clogged so I can only print in black and white. And my black cartridge is empty and I can't afford one right now. That sucks, 'cause I need a printer.
Excellent points,'G'. Thanks.
I think any support we can give 'windyacres' and 'LeoYo' in highlighting this very game-changing information, exposing the oligarchs at this most critical time, is time & effort well spent.
I agree, Ren. I was going to comment to windy when he brought this up a little while ago in a different thread. But it was late and by the next night I'd forgotten. So, I'm glad he posted this and gave me the opportunity to weigh in. And "exposing the oligarchs" is pretty much your favorite hobby, isn't it? ;-)
It's also a bit of a coincidence that you and I made reference to LeoYo's TruthOut posts on two different threads at close to the same time. Synchronicity again, eh?
And the ICH article (from shadz, of course) explains well the dynamics of the class war we're currently in. Slowly, the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. It's just a damn shame this forum doesn't get the vast audience it really needs. But we try our best, don't we?
Lovin' that synchronicity! And on such an important topic, too!
Heheh...yeah, I have a special little place in my heart reserved for exposing the oligarchs. It's right between the places that hold the 'I want my kids to have a life', and, 'I love all of humanity' sentiments.
Now, if we could make the transition from 'Expose the Oligarchs' to 'Occupy the Oligarchs"...ahhh, that would be a special form of bliss.
'Occupy the Oligarchs.'
I like that.
"Occupy the Oligarchs!" Yep, that definitely has a nice ring to it!
I wonder how the Oligarchs will take to it. Heheheh!
They might experience horrible suffering! Hehe
Hahahahah! One can only hope!
I have a long list of suggestions for such a fate, only too fitting!
But ultimately, a tribunal will suffice.
How are you Renny. I still owe you one or two.....err replies that is ~^. from way back when i was in AK
Don't think I didn't keep up with your well written, thoughtful comments though
Hey you! I'm doin' alright...and I'll be even better tomorrow. I get my 2nd vitamin B12 shot. My first one wore off about a week ago. That one little vitamin works wonders! But, I think even with the energy boost I get from it, I still won't be able to keep up with you. ~.^
You don't owe me a thing, Odin! I'm just happy as anything, that you're back in one piece and posting with us again.
I didn't envy you your having to hug your granddaughter goodbye. My thoughts were with you. But I know someone as action oriented as you will have contact with her, until you're able to see each other again.
You've posted some stellar posts here today, Odin. Truly inspiring!
Cool...shots of B12.. I take B-compex every day to keep on top of things ~.^. It was especially helpful though while taking care of my granddaughter during the day which included our 3 mile walks to town (4-5 times a week)
Then there was gymnastic class i participated in with her on Mondays, Wed & Thurs were pre-school where 2 of her teachers are lovely young Athabascan women. Friday was Friday Fling where the local businesses promoted a neat open air kind of market. Tuesdays were my favorite.... a young woman from Minnesota who handled adversity extrememly well ran the library reading progran which began with let's sing hello..hello...let's clap our hands hello..hello...hello...let's stamp our feet hello...hello...hello...let's wiggle our bodies hello.....hello..hello....let's sing hello to Elliot....and so on. By the time we finished singing hello...hello to everyone, there wasn't much time left... One week i think two of the dads who were there might have been Then came the reading, and some really messy glue & paint... projects. The only other grandpa there ended up with a pile of glue on the visor of his hat one day which he took really well
My daughter took an indelible picture of my granddaughter hugging me at the airport...her piercing dark eyes and the saddened look to the side on my shoulder
I do remember nights falling asleep in AK reading the forum posts
Thanks for the compliment Renny. We all feed off the postives that each of us bring here, and while this comment had little to do with our struggle, it has a lot to do with building the COMMUNITY and friendships that we will need. I value yours
If they exist..................FFS. 25 years behind the times.
Excellent link, GF. There's a different feeling now that the the open instead of the only proof being shadows.
It wasn't in the shadows. In fact, Ben Badikian wrote about the media monopolies in 1983. It was used as a text book. Following career paths/power structures of individuals on boards has been watched extensively for about 25 years.
That's fascinating, I was not aware at all until 2008. Anyway it's not in the shadows now and I'm thrilled! Amazing that someone wrote about this in 1983 and has been continually watched for so long. Not only are there media monopolies, but they control us with organized propaganda together
You're with the dumb shit down crew.
We need you to be our cheer leader. I'm interested in what you know from those extensive studies on corporate boards.
I have taken apart boards of organizations and corporations on the forum.
Is it easy to show the advantages gained by these maneuvers?
You know how.